The ancestor Murong naturally had complicated reasons.

Not long ago, the two of them had discussed and exchanged together. With years of accumulation in the legal domain, they were able to give pointers to them, which allowed them to get a lot of benefits.

At that time, he was a veteran Dongzheng who had been in the legal realm for many years, and Zhang Qingyuan had just broken through and was promoted successfully.

In a blink of an eye,

Suddenly, the other party is advancing by leaps and bounds,

From the first entry into the realm of the legal domain, he quickly improved to the later stage of the legal realm, possessing the Destroyed Qianyun Mountain, standing in the position of the largest monk in the northern mountain domain!

In a blink of an eye,

He has a level of strength of half a step, and stands in the same position as the Nanshan Lord of the Nanshan Region!

That's a half-step Wanhua realm!

In the Yunzhou cultivation world today, the giants of the Wanhua realm can't retreat, and it is difficult for the outside world to see the traces of such giants. The Venerables of the half-step Wanhua realm have naturally become living legends walking in the realm of cultivation!

With the kung fu of turning around, the younger generation who had been pointed out by him once reached a level that he could hardly expect and could hardly reach in this life in the blink of an eye!

This complexity,

Does anyone understand? !

When they first met, the ancestor Murong asserted that the other party's future achievements are extremely high.

But that is the future,

It should be a hundred years and hundreds of years later!

Instead of jumping to a height in a blink of an eye!

At the beginning, the ancestor Murong had a thousand words in his heart, and he didn't know where to start!

However, anyway,

What Murong ancestor did not expect is,

This is not over yet!

The development of the next thing made Murong ancestor find that he was still too young, thinking too simple!

At this moment, the one who was in the distance against the giant Wanhua among the three legends was not the little brother who called himself a brother decades ago?

It is worthy of the besieging of the Wanhua giants among the three legends, this explains the problem.

this moment,

The ancestor Murong was completely numb.

The ancestor Murong, who had been inquiring that the wind was wrong, and was about to come to remind Zhang Qingyuan, found that there was no need at all.

The evildoer is the evildoer,

It is simply not what ordinary people can imagine!

Around the edge of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range,

The high-ranking monks who were attracted by the great wars were shocked and speechless. The giants of the three Wanhua realms who saw the dragon and the end joined forces to besiege a half-step miraculous spectacle, which was also shocked by Zhang Qingyuan. The terrifying strength and talent were silent.

In the horrified converging eyes,

Everyone knows,

Regardless of the final outcome of this battle, that name will rise like a radiant sun, overwhelming the light of all Tianjiao in the past thousands of years!


Zhang Qingyuan, who was in the center of the battlefield, felt the eyes gathered around him.

But at this moment,

Regarding the shock and sigh of the high-ranking monks who gathered around, he didn't have the slightest remaining thoughts to pay attention to these!

All his mind,

All condensed on the three people in front of them,

Especially Yuanzhen ancestor and Xuanming Dao Zun two five-element holy sect giants of Wanhua realm!


It's the Tianxin Dao Yin shown by them!

During the fierce battle, no one noticed, and deep in the pupils of Zhang Qingyuan's binoculars, there was a subtle glow!

boom! ! !

The power of horror exploded in the virtual sky, the bright light swept like a tsunami, the shock swept across the sky and the earth, shattering large expanses of space!

Under the fierce bombardment of Zhang Qingyuan,

The figure was blown up,

The golden glaze body was broken by the terrifying power of Taoism,

Blood in the sky,

From the huge wound of blood flowing like gilt lava, the jade-colored bones and the beating internal organs are exposed, and the terrifying power possessed by the Tianxin Dao Yin has allowed Zhang Qingyuan to reach the realm of the glazed golden body, and the vitality of the body is as vast as the sea. , Are unable to heal themselves in a short time!

at this time,

Zhang Qingyuan has completely fallen into a disadvantage!

Under the outbreak of the three giants of Wanhua, they are losing ground steadily!

The flesh and blood of the golden body were smashed, the bright light dimmed, and the whole figure looked like a tattered rag doll, swaying in the wind and rain, as if it would be completely destroyed in the next moment!

"Come on again, give him one last blow!"

Between the chaos and the void, the space storm and the energy storm are sweeping around. The violent aftermath makes the powers of the Wanhua level try their best to stabilize the body. In the storm, the ancestor of the Yuanzheng has a violent blue vein on his forehead and hiss. The roar, the thunderous voice overwhelmed the world.

The pressure this kid puts on them is really too great!

Although due to the lack of the opponent's Liuli golden body and the lack of means just not long after being promoted, the three of them broke out and beat him out of nowhere.

But the golden body of colored glaze is a golden body of colored glaze after all,

It is worthy of being a terrifying existence that used one enemy to five, and with one's own power, the power of the five great tens of thousands of transformations escaped three deaths and three deaths!

After using the Tianxin Dao Yin, and using all kinds of supreme magic and martial arts, he was a little unable to support himself, but the opponent's body was still tough and not completely blown!

This undoubtedly caused endless chill in the heart of the ancestor Yuanzhen!

The lacking glazed golden body that was just promoted is still like this, if he escapes today? !

Even if the opponent does not get promoted to Wanhua, just relying on the supreme realm of the refining body of the colored glaze golden body, taking a period of time to recover after escaping, is enough to cause a fatal threat to them!

The temperature of the surrounding void suddenly dropped to a bone-cold level at this moment.

The ancestor Yuan Zhen had never shown such a cold and extreme killing intent to other lives. At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan, who was the opponent in the siege, enjoyed it!

"This monster!"

On the other side of the void, Emperor Wu gasped, staring at Zhang Qingyuan, who was shining in the clear glass of light in front, gritted his teeth.

At this moment, his forehead was covered with sweat, his complexion was slightly pale, and the golden dragon robe on his body was also wet. He glanced at Xuanming not far away and found that the other party's condition was not much better than his own.

The accumulation of the two at the Wanhua level is worse than that of the original ancestor.

Under successive full-out bursts, the Tianxin Dao Yin was consumed so much that it almost squeezed them all out!

But Zhang Qingyuan in front of him was bombarded with such frequent bursts of force the overall look was fragmented, crumbling, and miserable,

But the other party suffered a series of bombardments of such a terrifying force but still has not been blown up.

Such a terrible performance undoubtedly made Emperor Wu feel chilling!

To know,

If the Wanhua realm great power of the same level was besieged and bombarded by the three of them with such full force, I am afraid it would have fallen here long ago!

At this moment,

There was a feeling of regret in Wu Huang's heart. Regret for incurring such evildoers shouldn't be mixed into such things.

But unfortunately,

There is no regret medicine in this world,

There is only one way to go to the end.


In response to the voice of the ancestor Yuanzhen, Emperor Wu raised all the power remaining in his body, roared and roared, and his body rose into the sky, setting off a huge momentum!

Tiandi Dragon Fist!

With a punch, the endless emperor's majesty swept through,

I saw between the sky and the sky, a five-claw golden dragon with thousands of feet across the endless galaxy, with a roar of sound, descended into the world, turning this mortal world into an endless killing field, towards Zhang Qingyuan Rolling away!

Almost at the same time,

The ancestors of Yuan Zhen and Xuan Ming also burst out of the strongest power. The Tianxin Dao seal formed by the convergence of the five elements of Taoism set off the strongest battle sounds in the void between nine days and ten places, and this world was to be shattered!

"Die to this seat!!!"

The ancestors of Yuanzhen, Emperor Wu, and Taoist Xuanming were angry, as if King Kong Mingwang, the supreme power gathered, to completely blow Zhang Qingyuan, this is the lore!

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