Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 226: 5 lines of chaos of the holy ancestors (4 in 1 big

Central Yunzhou,

   Five Elements Mountains,

   The Five Elements Saint Zong Mountain Gate is located.

   The five-color light of red, golden, green and blue each rises from the majestic mountains crisscrossing thousands of miles on the earth, and they intersect with each other to form a complex array of heaven and earth!

  The five-color rays of light surging one after another, changing and entangled according to a certain law, reflect the earth and mountains like a reckless ancient dragon entrenched on the earth,

   Give people a terrible pressure!

   External rumors,

The Five Elements Mountain, which converges to form a great array of heaven and earth, is the great magical power used by the Supreme Powers of the Five Elements Saint Sect to move mountains and reclaim the sea in the past. The large ground veins of water travel, fire travel, and earth travel were transported back and gathered here, finally creating this contiguous mystery of sacred mountains!

   Under the action of the great array of heaven and earth where the Five Elements Mountain Range converges, the aura of the region within a radius of millions of miles is absorbed and gathered, making the heaven and earth space in the array extremely rich, and the aura is condensed and enveloped in layers of mist.

   And in this vast area, there is almost no end to the Five Elements Mountain Range,

   Five huge fairy mountains rise in the air,

   Reflected on the five vast five-element mountains below, and the auras blended together in the void, covering the sky and giving the heaven and earth a very powerful spiritual oppression!

   Anyone who sees such a wonder, whether he is a monk or not, will be shocked from the heart!

   This is the gate of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements,

   is also where the Zongmen Mountain Gate is the only holy land standing on the top of Yunzhou!

  The endless majesty accumulated by the ten thousand years of the sect's heritage has swept Uuchi all over!

when! when! when!

   this day,

   High above the top of the floating island, a rapid ringing of bells suddenly rang through the entire Five Elements Mountain Range.

   This is the signal of the Zongmen's emergency alert!

   For thousands of years, since the fall of the enemy Blood Demon Sect, the stability and peace maintained at this moment was torn to pieces by the bell!

   "Enemy attack!"

   Someone yelled.

   In the Five Elements Mountains, in the cave houses, buildings, and college squares located in various parts of the mountain range, streams of light soar up and gather quickly.

However, the Holy Sect of the Five Elements has been on the land of Yunzhou for tens of thousands of years. Except for being beaten to the mountain gate by the blood demon sect, which was at that time 5,000 years ago, no monks or forces have dared to be in the Sage of the Five Elements for thousands of years. In front of Zong's mountain gate, you are presumptuous!

   It took a long time and the defense seemed to be tight, but in fact, it had already slackened secretly.

   Emergency drill,

   even broke very early.

  The new entry monk could not find the elder master, and the elder master could not contact it. More people ran around like headless flies, and the entire Five Elements Saint Sect became confused at this moment.

   Seen from high above, in the Five Elements Mountain Range below, it looks like a group of ants that have fried a pot.

   "Hahaha! The Holy Sect of the Five Elements is so famous in Yunzhou, Yin and Yang Shuangzun specially came to worship the mountain!"

The sky on the east side of the Five Elements Mountain Range suddenly dimmed, and a kind of depression of the rain and the wind filled the building instantly swept towards the Five Elements Saint Sect, followed by two thunderous rays of light resounding through the sky and the earth. The two voices sounded at the same time, superimposed on each other in resonance, giving people an extremely strange feeling, at the same time, the pressure of the rolling sound brought to a higher level!

   This voice came extremely fast from far to near, before the words fell, when the monks in the Five Elements Mountains were still in chaos, the two silhouettes were like lightning shots, instantly reaching the high sky in front of them!

   Boom! ! !

   The void exploded, a beam of thousands of meters of terrifying light from above the nine heavens tore through the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth, covering all the brilliance of the heavens and the earth, and the boundless force that shattered the vacuum blasted towards the direction of the five-element holy sect mountain gate!

   The law was broken, the space was shattered, and the earth collapsed in a sudden crash along the way, as if it could not bear the vast power of God!

   Just when that beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth was about to blast down the five-element holy sect mountain gate,

   The power of the earth veins of the Five Elements Mountains seems to have come alive,

   A dazzling light curtain suddenly rose up at the gate of the mountain, like a transparent giant bowl, enveloping the entire five-element Saint Zong gate into it!

   Boom! ! !

  The attack bombarded the light curtain, and immediately produced an earth-shattering explosion!

A dazzling round of light like the sun rises, sweeping everything over the sky, and at the same time a terrifying earthquake of magnitude 18 swept away. Under the impact of the terror, the vast and heavy soil of the earth was lifted up and cracked like a sea tide. Opening a huge abyss of pitch-black cracks, there are fierce storms sweeping in all directions, impacting the world!

   Under the horrible vibration, even the entire five-element holy sect's mountain gate shrouded by the guardian sect, at this time, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of earth shaking and mountain shaking.

   Many low-level doormen monks, even directly under this shocking impact, involuntarily fell to the ground!

   "Essential Magneto Sacred Pole Breaking Array Talisman?!"

With one blow, the light curtain of the Huzong Formation was seen to rise. At this moment, a huge gap was broken. At the same time, a kind of invisible and quality primordial magnet light shone out and enveloped the entire Five Elements Mountain Range. As a result, the power of the earth veins was blocked, and the entire guardian formation actually came to a halt!

  The Great Guardian Formation has stopped working!

   In this scene, the monks in the Saint Sect of the Five Elements have their eyes widened, and their eyes are full of disbelief!

   Then there was a thunderous voice that spread from the main island of the floating island of the Saint Zong gate of the Five Elements, resounding throughout the world:

   "Yin and Yang monsters, you are looking for death!"

In the roar, several bright rays of light cut through the sky, engulfed in majestic power, swept past like a torrent of tsunami, and finally hovered over the mountain gate, confronting the strange and terrifying figures of the two auras on the opposite side. !

The person headed by    is a middle-aged monk in his fifties, with a national character face, a long beard fluttering under the chin, a crown of feathers and a high crown, and his face is full of majesty without anger and self-esteem.

This person,

   is Yang Tianlan, the head of the Five Elements Sacred Sect!

   and behind him,

   There are eight majestic elders of the same family who are scattered and suspended. The terrible aura trembles the void, and they are all half-step powerful!

   Everyone glared at the yin and yang twins,

  The magnificent Qi machine makes the space of a hundred li tremble for it!

Below   , the countless five-element holy sect's True Element Realm disciples and cultivators raised their heads and looked at the dimming sky, only feeling that an unprecedented depression was coming.

   "The yin and yang monsters, if you offend my sect, you should withdraw immediately, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

   Palm-holder Yang Tianlan suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice toward the two figures in front, his complexion at this moment was so gloomy that he could almost squeeze out the water.

   As early as the news of the battle that took place in a remote corner came, Yang Tianlan already felt that it was not good.

   Within a short time,

   three successive Wanhua ancestors died,

   Next, as the five-element holy sect that occupies the greatest interest of the Yunzhou cultivation world, it will surely usher in a fierce storm!

   It’s just that he didn’t expect it to come so fast!

   Someone called the door before they had discussed the countermeasures!

   A bunch of **** guys who see the wind!

   If all the ancestors were still there, who would have eaten the wolf heart and leopard recklessly and dare to come? !

   Now the wind has just picked up,

   I can’t wait, all kinds of ghosts and monsters have appeared.

   I knew long ago that we should let the ancestors clean them up first, and unify the entire Yunzhou cultivation world, so as to avoid future troubles!

   In the gloomy gaze,

   There was a fierce color flashing in Yang Tianlan's heart.

   is just for Yang Tianlan's words, the person here doesn't care much at all, let alone the thoughts in his heart.

  Perhaps in the past, it was necessary to look at the changes in his eyes and consider his attitude, so that his next actions would at least not offend the majesty of the only holy place in Yunzhou, and rely on his breath to survive.

but now,

   Today is different!

"Hehe, brother, it seems that the rumors are pretty good. After the so-called Five Elements Sect has died of three Wanhuas in succession, there will no longer be any old guys in the Wanhua realm. Otherwise, we will just step on our faces, no As for only a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates came up."

   Yin and Yang Shuang Zun is a man wearing a black and white robe, one fat and one thin.

   The color of the fat man in white with a smile on his face is like the same Maitreya Buddha, which makes people unintentionally produce an inexplicable sense of joy. He ignored Yang Tianlan and others in front of him and said with a smile.

   "Jie Jie Jie... I can't say that, my brother, these Five Elements Sect can occupy Yunzhou Peak Holy Land for ten thousand years. Who knows if they have any hole cards in their hands, they still have to be careful when they act."

   The tall thin man in black clothes aside his voice indifferent, his eyes faint.

   Both his eyes are pitch black, and the pupils are not visible, which gives people a very uncomfortable and strange feeling. Even the surrounding space has an inexplicable air force that escapes, and the light seems to be infested.

   Those hollow pupils stared at Yang Tianlan, using his goosebumps voice to speak authentically:

"Yang Tianlan, you and other Five Elements Sects monopolize such a huge resource. They have sucked Yunzhou's vitality for many years. They have seized other people's resources to supply themselves, but they have never repaid Yunzhou. Today, my brothers came to you to ask you. The sect once deprived all the monks in Yunzhou of the debts they owed!"

   "Hand over one hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, two spiritual weapons, three heavenly magic and martial arts, five heavenly elixir and magical objects, and the path inheritance of the sect on the future of Wanhua realm!"

   "Otherwise, if I wait for the two brothers today, I will definitely step through the gate of the Five Elements Sect!"

   The voice fell,

The yin and yang twins, one black and the white, are linked together at this moment, making the surrounding void, and a huge pattern of yin and yang fish appears in the void, faintly swallowing the space, spreading the boundless mystery of the Dao Yun Qi. !

   a terrifying momentum, followed by sweeping away!

  Ming Ming Yin and Yang Shuang Zun two persons are only half-step tens of thousands of levels, but when the two Qi mechanisms of Yin and Yang merge together, the power that bursts out is no longer in the realm of Wanhua!

this moment,

   Yang Tianlan, the head of the Five Elements Sacred Sect, and the eight powerful elders of the Zongmen behind him, their aura was suffocated, and they were completely suppressed!

   "You guys don't think about it!"

   "The **** yin and yang doubles, the two of you are just half-steps, and you want to step through my five-element holy sect. You are dreaming!"

   "Senior brothers, do it together, as long as you interrupt their connected Qi machine, they are just two ordinary half-steps!"

   Yang Tianlan laughed in anger,

   How many years did the Holy Sect of the Five Elements stand on the top of Yunzhou? Now that he has been wounded, what kind of monsters, ghosts, and snakes have hit the gate of the mountain with inexplicable reasons? !

   must be the toughest to kill him in order to suppress the prying eyes of those secretly!

   Boom! !

   Yang Tianlan took the lead in one fell swoop, a bright light of Taoism runes lit up between his palms, the light penetrated the void, set off a vast storm of mana, shattered the vacuum, and swept towards the Yin and Yang double sages ahead!

The elders of the Five Elements Saint Sect of the Five Elements Saint Sect behind him saw this, and they broke out with powerful means, and bright rays of light rose up, as if to overturn that piece of heaven and earth. upside down!

this moment,

   Among the countless Five Elements Mountain Range below, countless Five Element Saint Sect monks raised their heads and stared at the sky in amazement.

   But seeing that the vast brilliance of Taoism almost obscured the large sky, the space shattered, revealing a series of shocking horror space cracks, and the tide of aura swept in all directions, setting off a series of terrifying storms over the nine heavens!

   There were a lot of five-element holy sect deacons and elders who were in the realm of the Hollow Realm, and they rose up to support them.

   But under this terrifying aftermath, they had to fly by and retreat one after another.

   can only hover in the distant sky and watch.

   This involves the battle of Wanhua level forces, it is no longer something they can participate in!

   "As expected of my ancestor of the Saint Sect of the Five Elements, this kind of momentum is far more powerful than other half-step Wanhua realm powers from the outside world!"

"Hmph, my Five Elements Saint Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is passed down in the door. How can it be compared to the monks of the casual or small sect outside! This yin and yang double monster is one, and it is known to have the power of the Wanhua Dao Zun level. That's actually the half-step Wanhua ancestor who has never encountered my Five Elements Saint Sect!"

   "Yes, with the means mastered by your ancestors, this battle will definitely be the masters and they will win the final!"

   "Hmph! Those two old ghosts dared to offend my five-element holy sect, they must be thwarted and ashes!"

   Nearly ten half-step Wanhua ancestors such as Yang Tianlan set off a momentum that almost shattered half of the sky, all in the eyes of the five-element holy sect cultivators around.

   looked at the high-level magic and martial arts passed down by the sects through the sky, and felt that it was just a ray of energy, which was enough to severely injure the monks in the realm of law.

   Countless monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements sighed, shocked!

  Many low-level monks,

   had both eyes gleaming, as if seeing the sect leader showing his mighty power to kill the fierce people on the spot one by one by the enemy!

   "Hehe, stubbornly stubborn!"

   Facing the nine-and-a-half-step joint siege, Hei Tianzun not only didn't have the slightest nervousness, but showed a strange smile.

   The voices of the black and white double masters sounded at the same time, overlapping each other, vain and vague, which made people feel a kind of despicable!

   "Since you want to find death, then it will satisfy you!"

   Boom! ! !

   As soon as the voice fell, the qi-mechanisms of the yin and yang two statues merged and merged, as if an incomparably harmonious circle was formed between the sky and the sky.

   The power of the laws of the world around it seems to be mobilized at this moment, revolving around the black and white qi, thinking of it as a flawless Tai Chi round wheel!

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   All of this happened between the electric light and flint. When the yin and yang dual qi machine merged and the yin and yang round wheel appeared, the attacks of Yang Tianlan and others also arrived!

   That each path is enough to destroy the world of emptiness by thousands of feet, and the attacks of the world and the law of the world come together, with the power that makes the world tremble, and hit the yin and yang Taiji wheel!

   It seems that the two yin and yang double honours will be shattered with the sky!

   But the next moment,

   When the collision really happened,

   Something shocking happened!

   There is no earth-shattering explosion, and there is no dazzling light, but the half-step full-strength attacks that can shatter the world are strangled and shattered in front of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi round wheel like tofu!

   The black and white Tai Chi wheel that blends and blends, reflecting the sky, is like an indestructible grinding disc, easily crushing any Dao Fa power that comes from the bombardment!

   A heavy and earth-shaking attack, under the yin and yang grinding wheel, no resistance was crushed, crushed and dissipated!


   Seeing this scene,

   is not only Yang Tianlan and other half-changing ancestors,

   At this moment, all the monks of the Saint Sect of the Five Elements who watched this battle, their complexions changed drastically, and more human faces were filled with unbelievable looks!

   Nearly ten half-step almighty powers shot with all their strength, so they were easily disintegrated?

How can this be? !

this moment,

Yang Tianlan, headed by   , only felt cold sweat, as if his heart had fallen into an ice cave!

   can achieve this level, I am afraid that only the power of the real multi-level level!

   "Hehe, what's impossible, you think my brothers are called double masters, and the outside world rumours that my two are no less powerful than Wanhua Taoist, just talk about it?"

  The faint voice resounded like a ghost in Yang Tianlan's ears.


  The eyes of the two yin and yang double statues suddenly bloomed with dazzling divine light,

One black and one white, through the virtual sky, creates a mysterious and unpredictable connection in mid-air. It seems that there is a series of arcs between the two, forming a strange magnetic field. Under the impetus of the magnetic field, black and white The two colors merged and turned into a light that penetrates the void, coming in a flash!

   This light came too fast,

   Yang Tianlan just came back to his senses, the attack has already reached him, and he immediately bombarded him!

   Seeing Yang Tianlan was pierced by this horrible busyness,

   At the moment of the moment,

   At the moment of the moment,

   In its chest, a mysterious and unfathomable light bursts out, the invisible and intangible power of Taoism is intertwined, forming a space barrier in front,

at the same time,

   Yang Tianlan's body was directly swallowed by an unstoppable force, his figure disappeared, and he appeared thousands of feet away behind him in an instant!

   But it was the backhand power that the ancestor of Zongmen Wanhua left on him that was automatically inspired, and saved him in a crisis!

   Boom! ! !

  The earth-shattering explosion exploded, and the power of Taoism annihilated each other, creating a terrifying force that shattered the vacuum!

   The light in that area seems to lose its color and become black and white!

   The devastating impact swept,

   The laws of heaven and earth are all broken!

   Following Yang Tianlan, the first three half-step Wanhua elders who rushed were swept by this unpredictable impact, and the whole figure was directly blown up, spitting out a big mouth of blood, bleeding into the sky.

   The three of them were hit hard in an instant, and flew out like rag dolls!

   The other people behind him were slightly blocked by the three in front, and they barely reacted, bursting out of strength, lightning violently retreated, and violently retreated hundreds of meters of space.

   But it is still affected one after another, more or less suffered a lot of injuries!

   With one blow,

   Nearly ten powerful elders of the half-step Wanhua realm of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements were instantly defeated!

   at this moment,

   Heaven and earth,

   A dead silence!

   Not far away, Yang Tianlan saw this terrifying scene, his heart also fell to the bottom.

If he is not the head of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, Wanhua Dao Zun of the sect has specially refined a protective Taoist talisman for him, so as not to kill him in some cases and fall into the prestige of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements. ,

   I'm afraid he would be dead at that moment!

   This yin and yang double statue is not a monk from the native Yunzhou.

   It is said that the two are twins, practicing the way of yin and yang.

   One is the yin in the yin, the other is the yang in the yang, the yin and yang are bipolar, the power generated by the fusion is no less than the realm of Wanhua!

   Originally, Yang Tianlan thought this rumor was just a reputation from the outside world.

   But at this moment he doesn't know where, the power of the yin and yang of the two people in front of him has truly reached the level of Wanhua Dao Zun!

   "Put the five elements in a big circle, delay the time!"

   Seeing that Zongmen is facing an unprecedented crisis,

   Yang Tianlan's face flashed with sorrow, and he yelled at the five and a half-step elders who survived not far away.

   Immediately, the whole person turned into a light and soared into the sky, flying quickly in the direction of the floating five islands, leaving only a series of lights and shadows in the air in a flash.

   The five people looked at each other and seemed to understand something, one of them gritted his teeth:


   Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the five people were scattered to various specific locations in the void, and at this moment the Qi machine was transformed into the power of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

Five people,

   each represents one of the five elements,

   The aura of gold, wood, water, fire and earth converge at this moment,

   Between the void,

   even showed a complex and mysterious formation, connecting their auras together, and the powerful and complex aura rushed into the sky, barely reaching the level of the realm of Wanhua!

   "Jie Jie Jie, your palm Yang Tianlan has run away, so you are left here to die. Is it really worth it?"

   Jiejie’s sneer shook the sky, and the yin and yang Shuangzun tried to shake the minds of the five and a half-step Wanhua ancestors with words.

at the same time,

   stepped out one step, causing the sky to tremble!

   The actions of the two are different from each other, but they are full of a weird harmony, driving the terrifying yin and yang grinding wheel, and directly hit the direction of the front five elements!

   The earth-shattering battle broke out instantly!

   In the Five Elements Mountains below,

   Numerous five-element holy cultivators shivered, the original self-confidence was full of defeats accompanied by the five ancestors in the sky, and they have gradually fallen to the bottom of the valley, feeling at a loss.

   At this moment, facing the terrifying war erupting in the sky,

   Even if it is a monk in the legal domain,

   also produced a feeling of powerlessness, not knowing what to do.

   Some monks from the Holy Sect of the Five Elements are still secretly cheering up the ancestors in the sky,

   But as they quickly fell into the wind, they could only barely support and faltered!


  Is there any way to deal with Wanhuajing Dao Zun?

   In the forbidden area of ​​that sect, is there still a hidden power of Wanhua Dao Zun?

   The Holy Sect of the Five Elements,

   Is there any hope?

   Boom! ! !

   at this moment,

   A greater roar from the sky exploded, setting off a boundless torrent of energy, amidst the twinkling of light, the five figures flew upside down like cannonballs!

   The Five Elements Rotation Array was broken,

   The five ancestors have lost!

   "Hahaha, it seems that the so-called Holy Sect of the Five Elements is really dysfunctional!"

   Above the sky, laughter echoed through the sky.

   The sound roared and echoed,

   is like heaven and earth resonating,

   Clearly respond to the world in a thousand miles!

The yin and yang twins step on the profound light, and the energy impact of the fusion of the qi machine of the yin and yang qi torn and explode, descends on the sky, the immense qi machine is overwhelming the sky, almost covering the entire sky, making the entire five-element mountain range. The sky above is dimmed, giving endless terrifying oppression to the many remaining monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements!

   The thunder and lightning flashed, and countless five-element holy cultivators were desperate!

   But at this moment,


   An incomparably bright light rose from the main island of the floating island, pierced through the void of heaven and earth, and shook the sky.

   The majestic pressure that made everyone involuntarily shift their eyes to the past swept across the world!

You can see that Yang Tianlan, the palm of the Five Elements Sacred Sect who fled back, is already standing high on the sky at this moment, his hands are sealed, the floating island is shaken, and a bright stream of light soars into the sky, rippling freely with shocking power, falling In front of Yang Tianlan!

   It’s a stone monument about ten feet in size,

   The stone stele is inscribed with an incomprehensible trail of mysterious runes,

   seems to absorb the power of the void of heaven and earth, and shed light that makes people feel terrified!

   Five Elements Town Tianbei!

   A sacred sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, facing the attack of Wanhua level power, naturally it will not be helpless after the protection of the sect has a problem!

   Even though the Five Elements Town Sky Stele suspended in the void in front of Yang Tianlan can’t see the origin,

   But the momentum that it escapes,

   is impressively Wanhua series!

   Underneath the yin and yang dual masters who are sweeping the terrifying qi machine, the aura at this moment is faintly suppressed. At the same time, looking up at the sky, the two people vaguely feel the dangerous qi from the stone monument!

   "Yin and Yang old ghost, you and others broke through our gate and killed our people. Today, no matter how high the price is, we will kill you on the spot!"

   Yang Tianlan's thunderous voice fell,

   Both palms quickly formed seals, and fingers fluttered like butterflies.

   In an instant,

   The Five Elements Town Tianbei shined brightly, and crashed down in the direction of Yin and Yang Shuangzun!

In the process of    falling, the mysterious runes on that obelisk shone brightly, seeming to draw boundless power from the world of heaven and earth, and it suddenly expanded ten times a hundred times, thousands of times!

   In a short while, a terrifying mountain appeared on the sky above the sky, emitting the brilliance of the five elements, to cover the momentum of the sky, and smashing down toward the yin and yang!

   At that moment,

   Even if it is the yin and yang twins who have the power of Wanhua level, they feel the unprecedented pressure at this moment.

   Every inch of space in the world seems to be blocked!

   can't move,

   can't avoid it!

"Good means. The rumor has it that the blood demon sect powerhouse broke into your mountain gate five thousand years ago. You still don’t have such means. I’m afraid it wasn’t the result of your Five Elements Sect’s refining ancestor. hand!"

  Under the pressure of horror,

   Hei Tianzun's face was somber as water, Yang Tianzun still smiled.

   "Then let me wait for the two brothers to come and learn about the method of Zhongxing Chengzuo, who is known as the most enchanting talent in the Yunzhou cultivation world for five thousand years!"

   Yin and Yang voices are one, superimposed and roaring.

   Then the two of them wrapped the yin and yang qi, turned into the yin and yang divine wheel that tore the sky, bombarded the sky, and ran into it head-on!

   Boom! ! !

   The earth-shattering collision is like Mars hitting the earth. For a long time, the sky is shattered in the collision, and countless **** streamers burst and fall, like weeping blood in the sky!

   Under the shock of terror,

   No one can hang in the air,

   The Five Elements Heavenly Stele covering the sky was knocked into the air and flew upside down for hundreds of meters. Yang Tianlan was also completely blank at this moment.

   But his face leaked an unprecedented joy,

   because of the bottom,

   Yin and Yang Shuang Zun under the mighty power of the Five Elements Town Tianbei, both spit out a mouthful of blood, the figure retreated, the Qi machine was also disordered at this moment, and the flawless Yin and Yang Qi machine also appeared flaws at this moment!

"good chance!"

   Seeing this scene, where did Yang Tianlan not know that this is the best time to take advantage of the victory to kill the Yin and Yang Shuang Zun Zhen on the spot?

   The boiling mana fluctuations in the body immediately under strong pressure,

   once again used the magic trick to mobilize the power of the five elements to suppress the heavenly monument, turning it into a terrifying monument that overwhelms the world, and completely suppress the yin and yang dual sages!

   Seeing the sky darken again,

   was obscured by the huge swelling Five Elements Town Monument, and at this moment, the faces of the Yin and Yang Sovereigns also showed a look of horror.

   Now that the Qi machine is stimulated, the yin and yang blending aura has been disordered, and their strength has also been reduced to two and a half steps. If this blow is smashed, they will definitely not survive!

   "Old Magneto, how long do you have to see!"

   Hei Tianzun suddenly moved in a certain direction to the side and roared, his voice resounding through the world!


   Hei Tianzun's voice just fell, and a long sigh rose in the void.


   An overwhelming light blue aurora suddenly swept across the imaginary clouds, and when everyone couldn't react, it instantly covered the Five Elements Town Heavenly Stele!

   At the moment Hei Tianzun roared, Yang Tianlan felt something was wrong, and wanted to take back the Five Elements Town Tianzhu.

   But he is only in a mere half-step world, and he leapfrogged to control a level of power higher than his own. How can he achieve a state of mind control like the command of an arm?

   My hands haven’t been printed yet,

   The soul of the head is a sudden It seems that part of the soul is torn apart.


   Yang Tianlan screamed,

   The figure fell directly from the sky.

  At the same time above the sky,

   The five-element town monument covered by light cyan laser light suddenly dimmed, and the tall and tens of thousands of feet shrank rapidly, and finally it was gathered by the light cyan aurora like the substance and fell into the palm of one hand.

   "Things are good, but unfortunately the people who use them are too weak."

   The indifferent voice resounded through the world.

   I saw the sky full of lightning and lightning bursting on the horizon, surrounded by the magnetic pole light, making the space seem to have set off layers of ripples, and a majestic figure slowly appeared, as if walking out of the void between different degrees.

   The five-element town monument is suspended above his palm by the winding polar beam,

   came out holding the Five Elements Town Tianbei.

   That figure is burly and majestic, with long hair like a lion behind him, with a masculine face, brilliant eyes, and a sharp edge that no one dares to look directly at!

  In an instant,

   The terrifying Qi machine swept the whole world!

   The sky above the Five Elements Mountains,

   The light dimmed completely!

This is,

   A Taoist in the realm of Wanhua!

   There is dead silence between heaven and earth!

   The error-free chapter of "I Have a Proficiency Panel" will continue to be updated,

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