Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Chapter 113: Before the semi-finals (Little Zefu Rudder plus)

Zhang Qingyuan is not clear about Zhang Changyang's shock and hesitation.

In other words, even if you know, don't care.

Just as Zhang Changyang thought, after Zhang Qingyuan entered the outer gate of Yunshui Sect, he had not received much favor from the family at all.

The benefits of a concentrated incense each month are nothing more than the meager blessings of the family to maintain the incense of the children.

This is far from enough for Zhang Qingyuan to contribute to the entire Zhang family. If someone wants to contribute to the family in the name of family blood, then he thinks too much.

For the Zhang family itself, Zhang Qingyuan, who came through it, didn't have much sense of belonging.


If nothing happened, Zhang Qingyuan would not have any conflicts with the family, playing tricks of escaping from the family.

If the leader of the family is smart, Zhang Qingyuan will not hesitate to help each other for mutual benefit. After all, the Huainan Zhang family is still a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are two real people in the true origin realm in the family. Sit down.

Regardless of personal connections, the accumulated wealth is not in the minority.


The family is not only a drag, but also wealth and opportunity.

We can only rely on ourselves to measure the benefits.


After Zhang Qingyuan stepped down, the teams decided the top ten one after another, and the outer gate competition of Yunshuizong came to an end.

Next is the semi-finals.

But before the semi-finals, there is a five-day intermission.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Qingyuan took a trip to Fang City, bought a mask, found a place where no one was there, and then found a place in the Fang City to set up a stall, preparing to kill those who had previously seized the treasure and killed others. All the harvests were dealt with.

At this time, at the time of the Outer Gate of the Yunshui Sect, the flow of people within the Fangshi skyrocketed, and it was a mixed bag.

Zhang Qingyuan didn’t want to cause any more trouble. God knows if the monks who intercepted him that day will have relatives like genius brothers and brothers. Opportunity to sell.

At the same time, in order to clear the market as soon as possible, if the price offered by others was not particularly low, Zhang Qingyuan would basically not bargain and complete the transaction directly.

At this time, most of the monks of Yunshuizong's forces gathered here, and there were people from all walks of life in the city. After clearing these things, even if they were found in the future, they could only helpless in the vast crowd.

This is the best opportunity to sell stolen goods.

Adhering to the concept of fast transaction, Zhang Qingyuan's booth was quickly sold out.

A total of more than two hundred spirit stones were sold for various advanced spiritual materials, monster materials, and so on.

This is the total amount of the materials in the storage bags of the Scared Man and the three late Lingyuan monks who returned to intercept and kill them. It is a bit low, but Zhang Qingyuan can't help it.

Of course, the price of the three-color Ganoderma lucidum is higher, but Zhang Qingyuan will not sell it.

With two hundred spirit stones in his pocket, plus the spirit stone cash in the storage bag before, Zhang Qingyuan's spirit stones have reached more than 900!

Find a place with no one to replace the mask and destroy it, and at the same time change into a new outfit.

Net worth increased!

If all the spirit stones on this body were exchanged for Zongmen contribution points, then it would be enough to buy a low-level yellow-level magic martial art.

It’s just that there’s no need for that now, and you won’t be able to cultivate even if you buy it.

Expenses should also be spent in places that are enough to improve one's strength in a short period of time.

With many spirit stones in his pocket, Zhang Qingyuan, who had changed his face, walked into the Baibao Pavilion and chose to choose. Finally, he spent more than sixty spirit stones from the Baibao Pavilion and bought a bottle of twelve pieces to assist the spiritual yuan eightfold practice. Yiqi Dan.

Pills such as Yiqi Pills for auxiliary cultivation are actually similar in essence to the use of spiritual stones, except that the latter is easier to digest and the speed of auxiliary cultivation is faster.

The practice of using this kind of pill that aids in practice will not cause any harm to the path of the body.

On the contrary, when Zhang Qingyuan received advice from Liu Zhangyuan not long ago, the other party said that if it is not necessary to break through the bottleneck, it is not necessary to use the pill to break through.

Because the elixir used to break through the realm is generally relatively violent, it will cause slight damage to the meridians, which may affect the future path.

As for the auxiliary pill for cultivation, it is almost the same as Lingshi auxiliary cultivation.

As long as you don't take too much, there is no problem.

There is no need to be afraid of the pill like a tiger.

However, the price of this really made him painful, and the price of this bottle of Qi Qi Pill was already comparable to some of the top middle-grade artifacts.

If it hadn't been for the recent fortune, Zhang Qingyuan would not have spent so many spirit stones on it.

After purchasing the pill, Zhang Qingyuan also went around in the Baibao Pavilion, but did not buy anything else.

"The defensive magic weapon has a quasi-high-level Xuanyuan body armor, and the offensive magic weapon has a silver shadow...for the time being, there is no need to buy any magic weapon!"

Shaking his head, Zhang Qingyuan finally left Baibaoge, preparing to return to the house.

But in the middle of the road,

He found a small booth where the stall owner was selling some magic and martial Although he knew that in the short five days before the semi-finals, it was impossible to improve the combat effectiveness of practicing magic and martial arts. But Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward and took a look.

This kind of people who directly sell magic and martial arts is rare. What's more, if you can find some better goods, even if you don't use it for the time being in the outer door comparison, it will be better to increase your own countermeasures in the future.

Unfortunately, Zhang Qingyuan was a little disappointed after searching for it.

There was nothing that Zhang Qingyuan valued at the booth, and basically they were all common techniques and martial arts.

There is no advanced martial art, which is a bit tasteless for Zhang Qingyuan now.

Those who found the fragments of the shocking heritage at random at a booth did not appear.

However, Zhang Qingyuan still purchased one of the spells called Breath Surgery.

That day, ambushing two monks from the late Lingyuan stage by the Luoshui River gave Zhang Qingyuan a taste of the sweetness. In addition, although this technique was not advanced, it might still play a role when he was outside.

So Zhang Qingyuan, who was not bad for money, directly bought this technique.

Subsequently, Zhang Qingyuan no longer stayed in the Fang City, and returned directly to the house of the Seventeenth Courtyard.

During the next five days, Zhang Qingyuan used Yiqi Pills for auxiliary practice while practicing various methods of his own to increase his proficiency in various martial arts and martial arts.

In five days,

With the assistance of Yiqi Pill, Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation base has become more and more refined, which is a layer deeper than before.

at the same time,

After a series of battles, Zhang Qingyuan finally found the trick to integrate the artistic conception of water into the Jiulian Bone Forging Fist of Dacheng limit.

Basic boxing,

Jiulian Bone Forging Fist is complete!

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