ps: This chapter is a repeat chapter,


   Chengzu surpassed the nine heavens, with a thunderous blast, and between his five fingers, there was a five-element avenue that pierced through the sky. The majestic and vast river covered the entire sky, pouring down!

   That palm is so vast and long, the five-color avenue runs through the sky, turning the sky into a vast five-color sea!

   The boundless power is endless like a river of heaven, pouring down,

   Master the Five Elements, possess the boundless power to lift the sun and the moon and suppress the mountains and rivers!

  All the creatures in the sky and the earth,

  Under this palm,

   seems to be covered,

   The terrifying and boundless pressure has caused every creature to have a big fear of death, a big unknown feeling deep in the heart!

   "The law of heaven and earth, this palm is already a demeanor of heaven and humanity!"

   "I'm about to learn one or two!"

   Zhang Qingyuan gave a long scream,

   lifted his palm to the sky,

  The five elements are round and round, the power of yin and yang seems to be flowing in vaguely, and the only fusion is the power that makes the entire world and the chaos tremble!

   was in the previous fierce battle,

  With the growth of the battle, Zhang Qingyuan has become more comfortable in mastering his own power. He has already digested the yin and yang avenues quickly, and has begun to condense gradually!

  In a short half-day,

   Yin Yang Dao is already walking from outside the door to the beginning, and it has gone through hundreds of thousands of years of hard work by others!

   Boom! ! !


  In an instant,

   The gorgeous collision beyond what the words of the world can describe has begun!

   The entire world loses its color at this moment, the radius of the world is transformed into the most primitive chaos at this moment, and the concept of time and space has blurred the boundaries!

   The entire inheritance secret realm,

   seems to be turned into a black and white photo at this moment!

   Time seems to freeze at this moment!


   The scorching light exploded!

   That is the brilliance and magnificence that can be described by all words in the world, as if the sun can only be produced by the explosion of the sun, and it has incredible penetrating power!

   Thousands of miles away at the entrance of the bronze gate, the passers-by who originally wanted to hide from a distance to watch the battle, their eyes were burned by the hot light!

   That light,

   even penetrated the secret world of inheritance,

   shines to the outside world!

   Accompanied by the violent vibration caused by the earth-shattering collision, it penetrated the extremely strong boundary and passed to the distance!


  The bronze door shines,

   violent vibration,

   The monks who had gathered around the bronze gate immediately woke up twelve minutes of energy, and they flew up one after another, staring scorchingly in the direction of the bronze gate.

   "What's wrong, why are so many people gathered here?"

   There is a monk who is late, very confused, asking the people around him for authenticity.

   "That gate, previously entered more than ten legends of Wanhua giants! And, the one of the Five Elements Saint Sect that exists in the myths and legends, is also here!"

   Someone answered,

   makes the former face horrified.

   "It looks like a war broke out!"

   "Almost all the Wanhua Dao Zun giants from the entire Yunzhou Comprehension Realm have gathered. There is a battle of existence at this level, but I don't know what they are fighting for..."

   "I'm afraid it's not a higher level, the legendary ancestor of heaven, humanity and Taoism is passed down!"

   "With such a big movement, I wonder if the battle has produced results?"

   Someone's eyes flickered,

   There are some thoughts in my heart.

   "Yes, you can't say that you can't lose both sides...Even if you can't grab the inheritance of the humane ancestor that day, you will not lose much of the rest of the scraps!"


   spread in the hearts of everyone.

   There were several cultivators in the law realm, their eyes flickering, and their figures flew up and plunged into the bronze gate!

   More people watched indifferently, without moving.

   But after all, someone was driven,

   couldn't help but follow in behind,

   Some people hesitated for a long time,

   showed a dilemma, and finally thought about it, gritted his teeth and plunged into it together!

   Seeking wealth and wealth.


   When everyone broke into the bronze door,

   The world has changed before my eyes!

   I can see the sky above the sky, the space here is bursting endlessly, the entire sky is thundering, and the dazzling thunder light tore the vacuum, and the entire sky has been cracked with thousands and hundreds of scars!

   The chaotic abyss where five fingers can't be seen,

   the air of chaos escapes,

   set off a terrifying storm that ruined the world!

   If it is the extinction of the world, the natural disaster has come to the world!

There is another splendid sun-like light bursting one after another. Dao Fa is cracked in that piece of heaven and earth. All the monks who broke into here, at this moment, produced a flat boat that was as if strayed into a storm. Feel!


   Chengzu surpassed the nine heavens, with a thunderous blast, and between his five fingers, there was a five-element avenue that pierced through the sky. The majestic and vast river covered the entire sky, pouring down!

   That palm is so vast and long, the five-color avenue runs through the sky, turning the sky into a vast five-color sea!

   The boundless power is endless like a river of heaven, pouring down,

   Master the Five Elements, possess the boundless power to lift the sun and the moon and suppress the mountains and rivers!

  All the creatures in the sky and the earth,

  Under this palm,

   seems to be covered,

   The terrifying and boundless pressure has caused every creature to have a big fear of death, a big unknown feeling deep in the heart!

   "The law of heaven and earth, this palm is already a demeanor of heaven and humanity!"

   "I'm about to learn one or two!"

   Zhang Qingyuan gave a long scream,

   lifted his palm to the sky,

  The five elements are round and round, the power of yin and yang seems to be flowing in vaguely, and the only fusion is the power that makes the entire world and the chaos tremble!

   was in the previous fierce battle,

  With the growth of the battle, Zhang Qingyuan has become more and more comfortable in mastering his own has quickly digested the Yin-Yang Avenue, and began to condense it gradually!

  In a short half-day,

   Yin Yang Dao is already walking from outside the door to the beginning, and it has gone through hundreds of thousands of years of hard work by others!

   Boom! ! !


  In an instant,

   The gorgeous collision beyond what the words of the world can describe has begun!

   The entire world loses its color at this moment, the radius of the world is transformed into the most primitive chaos at this moment, and the concept of time and space has blurred the boundaries!

   The entire inheritance secret realm,

   seems to be turned into a black and white photo at this moment!

   Time seems to freeze at this moment!


   The scorching light exploded!

   That is the brilliance and magnificence that can be described by all words in the world, as if the sun can only be produced by the explosion of the sun, and it has incredible penetrating power!

   Thousands of miles away at the entrance of the bronze gate, the passers-by who originally wanted to hide from a distance to watch the battle, their eyes were burned by the hot light!

   That light,

   even penetrated the secret world of inheritance,

   shines to the outside world!

   Accompanied by the violent vibration caused by the earth-shattering collision, it penetrated the extremely strong boundary and passed to the distance!

   The error-free chapter of "I Have a Proficiency Panel" will continue to be updated,

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