Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 300: Organize the harvest (2 in 1)

no way,

My disciple was already a wicked evildoer,

The Dao Eucharist allows him to perceive the power of the heaven and earth Dao Fa at all times, and maintain the harmony between heaven and man. The rare interaction between heaven and earth for ordinary people is just as ordinary as drinking water and eating.

For other people, this is a tenfold and a hundredfold acceleration of practice!

Especially after the cave realm,

Possessing a physique that can perceive the heart of heaven and resonate with the laws of heaven and earth at all times, its advantages are far beyond what ordinary Dongzheng monks can compare!

It takes tens of hundreds of years for the Ordinary Hole Realm to have an understanding of Taoism and take a small step forward.

But his own apprentices can always maintain the relationship between nature and humans, and can travel a distance that others can only travel for dozens of hundreds of years in two or three years!

This is also the most powerful place of the Dadao Eucharist!

Dao heart is bright,

The law of heaven and earth is almost unobstructed in front of him.

The entry is fast.


The evildoer, compared with that guy, is also somewhat inferior!

That guy,

Rising from a weak and small, both the speed of realm improvement and the extent of strength improvement are simply a mythical existence!


If the new generation takes more than a hundred years as a generation,


Tianjiao, who is in the same new generation as him, may have just entered the cave realm, polished the Taoism, and stabilized his realm.

And that person,

But it rose directly into the sky!

Not only left the Tianjiao of the same generation far behind,

It even surpassed those powerful giants who had practiced for thousands of years and reached the pinnacle of Yunzhou!

Was born thousands of years ago,

Those Wanhua giants who have lived empty for thousands of years,

Even the former Tianjiao Chengzu and Mozu, who had been active in Yunzhou cultivation world five or six thousand years ago, were left behind by that person in the blink of an eye!

Who is going to make sense? !

Not convinced!

not long ago,

Lao Dao also went to Qianyun Mountain secretly, trying to use the plum blossom to see that person's luck, but he almost didn't get his eyes burned by the sun-like light!

The trend is over!

The kid who ran out of nowhere has grown up completely.

At the top!

And shipping the number in the future,

It's still rising!

Far from reaching the limit!

That is the new star who can ascend the supreme position of the supreme Taoist ancestor of heaven and man in the future!

Facing such an opponent, for any genius of the same generation, it can be said to be desperate!

"Hmph, although the kid is given the upper hand, it is not so easy to enter the Middle Continent Realm and get ahead in places like that!"

"My disciple has the talent of immortals, and I will never be inferior to him on the road to immortality!"

Although Yu Yunzhou’s plan to rise up was frustrated,

But in the heart of the old Dao, he is still full of confidence in his disciple.

For the time being, let that kid dominate for a while,

When you enter the realm of Central Continent cultivation and the road to contend for immortality opens, it will be the time for your disciple to really exert his strength!

Xiao Jingyun glanced at his uncle.

Smiled and said nothing.

But he suddenly thought,

Zhang Daoyou has achieved such an achievement, maybe he should send a talisman to congratulate him.


In a previous communication exchange, the other party asked himself about Central Continent.

You should sort out some places you should pay attention to when entering Central Continent, and post them together, and you don’t know when the other party will leave. If you don’t have a place to settle in Central Continent, you may be able to invite them to the Plum Blossom Sect.

Xiao Jingyun pondered and pondered in his heart secretly.


"Hey, even the personal biography of Prisoner Tiange was defeated by him?!"

Qingtian Mountain,

The guest sitting opposite to Kong Sheng Dao Zun looked at the message in his hand and almost took a breath.

Because he is from Central Continent, his understanding of the Central Continent cultivation world is not comparable to that of the native monks in Yunzhou.

It is precisely because of this,

In his heart,

Even more shocked!

Prisoner's Pavilion in Zhongzhou is not an unknown second-rate force.

Although it cannot be said to exist as a holy place,

But it is definitely the Central Continent faction!

However, it is this kind of personal biography of a big faction, to succumb to a small Yunzhou,

It is incredible!

"It's really incredible!"

"If before I met Zhang Xiaoyou, someone said that they had never been to Central Continent, and the native monks who rose from the land of Yunzhou could defeat a big faction from Central Continent, I would treat it as nonsense."

"But now, after meeting that kid, I know that there is nothing impossible in this world."

"This kind of thing happened to that little friend, but I think it is very reasonable."

Sitting opposite to the people from Central Continent,

Qingtian patriarch Kong Sheng Dao Zun stroked his chin and beard, and said with a wry smile.

Although I met the evildoer only once, but sitting and talking to each other during that period of time, Kong Sheng Dao Venerable also knew more about the terrible talent of that person!

In addition to the previous events that shocked the entire Yunzhou boundary,

If someone tells him now,

That kid was promoted to the realm of ancestors of heaven and humanity,

I am afraid that apart from sighing, Kong Sheng Dao Zun will not feel too much!

"Oh, that's a pity, my sect is only a small group in Central Continent, and it seems that there is no good fortune to be included in the door."

The guest complexion,

Long sighed authentically.

Although he didn't hold the hope of pulling the other party into the sect gate wall at first, after all, that person's talent was too terrifying, but there was still a ray of luck in his heart after all.

But now,

Along with this event that shook the entire Yunzhou, it spread,

The person who came will give up completely.

after all,

The personal transmission of the prisoner Tiange is not a weak one.

With the strength of the other party's cultivating celestial scriptures,

Within its own sect, it is already top-notch!

With the strength shown by Zhang Qingyuan, I am afraid that it is not already first-class with the head!

There is no room for a big Buddha in the small temple!


"But you still have to trouble your old friends for help. Although you can't get into the sect, if you can make friends with such characters, it's worth the trip!"

"That's fine. It is said that little friend Zhang is also a person of love and righteousness. The last time the sect was almost destroyed, it was still Zhang Xiaoyou who tried to turn the tide. Speaking of such kindness, it will be because I owe that little friend. Please take good care of your old friends to help me repay this kindness."


The disturbance from the outside world is not known to Zhang Qingyuan.

At this time, after capturing the demon lords of the demon ancestor Kanghou and other tens of thousands of realms, he sealed their power and put them in a cell.

I entered the secret room and closed up,

Absorb the gains of this battle.

In fact,

Zhang Qingyuan's appearance was not because the enemy hit the mountain gate, forced to end the retreat and go out of the mountain to deal with the incoming enemy.

When the demon sect outside the territory hits the door,

Zhang Qingyuan's Secret Realm of Cave Sky contained a large number of spirit stones condensed in the spiritual liquid pool, which was about to be exhausted. The original retreat of digesting and absorbing the three-year-old experience of Sanshengshi had also reached a certain bottleneck.

Hard to get an inch,

At exactly this time, the Demon Dao invaded, and the Demon Sect outside the territory gathered a large number of monks to besiege Qianyun Mountain.

Zhang Qingyuan also simply pushed the boat along with the water and left the customs.

Let’s not talk about Qianyun Mountain as his basic plate. The disciples who have a large number of disciples collect all kinds of spiritual stones needed for practice, as well as the insights of heaven, material and earth.

It’s just this Qianyun Mountain as his dojo,

No one is allowed to dare to be presumptuous here!

not to mention,

Experience along the way,

Let Zhang Qingyuan know,

Fight and fight,

This is the best way to improve!

Now that the improvement of strength has reached a limit, the enemy is sent to the door, just to exercise his muscles and bones, maybe in the middle of the battle, absorb the essence of other people's Taoism, and then get a breakthrough?

The final result did not disappoint Zhang Qingyuan.

Fight with Kanghou,

Not much.

At the most, Zhang Qingyuan's proficiency in the use of swordsmanship has been improved, and his experience of swordsmanship has become deeper.

What really made him gain a lot,

It was a battle with Lu Feilong!

Lu Feilong is worthy of being personally passed on by a large faction from the Central Continent cultivation world. His strength is extremely powerful, which made Zhang Qingyuan feel the crisis of death and completely awakened him.

Among them, only the change of xinxing is already a rare opportunity!

At least,

Let him see the vastness of the Middle Continent, which is rumored to be the center of Jiuzhou, so that he won't be able to sit down and watch the sky again, and he will be content with some small achievements!

But for all people, the easiest thing to fall into is knowing and seeing obstacles.

It's hard to know what's wrong, and it's even harder to know that you're wrong!

Lu Feilong's existence has awakened himself and made the self-satisfaction in his heart disappear. This is undoubtedly a great advantage that is difficult to measure by value!



In the previous wars,

The head-on collision with the only immortal,

Among them, the evolution of the power of Chaos Avenue, the annihilation and explosion of the power generated by the collision, the energy that shattered the world, undoubtedly moved Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

Subsequent points in the battle, a little bit of insight, gathered like a trickle, causing Zhang Qingyuan's accumulation in the stagnant three-life stone world to gradually melt and digest, and turn into Zhang Qingyuan's own continuous advancement.

"Reverse the five elements of Yin and Yang and evolve the Avenue of Chaos... This chaotic power is nothing but the force of the Taoism of the Five Elements of Yin and Yang that is forcibly glued to everything. Mistakes and omissions frequently occur. Even the condensed Avenue of Chaos is nothing more than That's it!"

Inside the Dongtian Secret Chamber, Zhang Qingyuan spread out his hand, with a strand of pitch black like ink lingering in his hand, like a black silk thread that swallowed all the light!

This black silk ruler may come to the scene,

As small as a strand of hair,

In the palm of Zhang Qingyuan, he was constantly twisting and rolling, like a living thing, trapped in the space between the square inches of his palm!

at the same time,

The surrounding space trembles,

As if unable to withstand this terrifying power, the space cracks visible to the naked eye, cracked and healed, constantly arising and passing away!

The power of Chaos Dao Fa!

This is the power of Taoism that Zhang Qingyuan finally evolved based on the concept of the previous life, the combination of Yin and Yang and the five elements!

Very powerful!

The seven powers of Taoism are unified,

The power increase generated in it is not an ordinary superposition at all, but an almost multiple increase!

The power of this fused Chaos Avenue,

In the end, he was able to contend with the only immortal way, regardless of top and bottom!

The power of it,

As you can imagine!

But at the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan is also very clear,

The power of this Chaos Dao Fa is just a rudiment!

"Today's power of chaos is nothing more than simply combining the power of yin and yang, five elements, seven avenues, barely blending together like a dough, and finally a qualitative change, deriving the power of chaos in front of you..."

"I am just getting started now."

"At the end of this road, yin and yang, and the five elements should complement each other. Only by truly achieving the only fusion without any flaws can we truly reach that chaotic avenue!"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his palm abruptly.

The power of chaos in the palm of the palm disappears with the power of the Five Elements Rule of Yin and Yang,

At this time, his pupils looked into the void,

The eyes flicker!

Only the chaotic power generated by the forcible fusion can counter the power of the immortal way of practicing immortal law. It is unimaginable that if the yin and yang and the five elements are finally united to form a real chaotic avenue, what kind of situation will the strength reach!

If you complete the final step,

In this way, step into the realm of the ancestors of heaven and humanity,

Joshi might have the strength to stand out on the road of self-contending for immortality and compete with the one who has been hidden behind for thousands of years!

For a while,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel surging.

At least now, I see a glimmer of light for the future!

"Furthermore, if the yin-yang and five-element avenues can be integrated to advance to the chaos, when the power of chaos emerges, who knows that I have practiced the orthodox five-element avenue?"

Thinking of this Zhang Qingyuan also flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, secretly in his heart.

I have a goal in the future,

The fighting spirit in Zhang Qingyuan's heart was also brought up.


He also knows,

It is not easy to truly integrate the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements into a chaotic avenue!

Even with the Dayan technique derived from the proficiency panel, even with the accumulation of Gui Yuanxin for thousands of years, Zhang Qingyuan was only able to reluctantly merge the seven Taoist forces and forcibly merge them together.

Want to truly integrate the power of Yin and Yang and the five elements into a chaotic avenue,

This requires more accumulation!

for example,

The yin and yang celestial scripture and the five elements celestial scripture!

It’s a pity that although Gui Yuanxin came out of the realm of Yin and Yang Immortal Sect, he had also studied the celestial scriptures inherited from Yin and Yang Immortal Sect.

But any sect is extremely strict in protecting its own inheritance.


This requires more accumulation!

for example,

The yin and yang celestial scripture and the five elements celestial scripture!

It’s a pity that although Gui Yuanxin came out of the realm of Yin and Yang Immortal Sect, he had also studied the celestial scriptures inherited from Yin and Yang Immortal Sect.

But any sect is extremely strict in protecting its own inheritance, which requires more accumulation!

for example,

The yin and yang celestial scripture and the five elements celestial scripture!

It’s a pity that although Gui Yuanxin came out of the realm of Yin and Yang Immortal Sect, he had also studied the celestial scriptures inherited from Yin and Yang Immortal Sect.

But any sect is extremely strict in protecting its own inheritance, which requires more accumulation!

for example,

The yin and yang celestial scripture and the five elements celestial scripture!

It’s a pity that although Gui Yuanxin came out of the realm of Yin and Yang Immortal Sect, he had also studied the celestial scriptures inherited from Yin and Yang Immortal Sect.

But any sect is extremely strict in protecting its own inheritance.

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