Before a breath,

Hundreds of miles away,

A black streamer flees towards the distance like a gallop, almost escaping thousands of feet of space in the blink of an eye, as if teleporting.

"Damn! Where did this human come from?! It was so terrible!!!"

The leader of the alien demon yelled out loud, and on his hideous **** face, there was a color of fear visible to the naked eye!

too frightening!

Every time he thinks of that figure, his body can't help but fear from instinct!

Although after the arrival of the other party, from the two perceptions, the other party is a kind of emptiness, a kind of sense of nothingness, like an ordinary person, standing in the gorgeous space shock, as if the next moment is about to die!

But it is very clear,

Can't sense it, that's because the opponent's strength is far beyond his own!

In front of that existence,

The low-level beings don't even have the qualifications to perceive the high-level sub-beings!

The commander of the alien demon is very clear,

That comes from the suppression of the life level,

It is definitely an existence above the level of Demon Lord!

If an opponent of that level is in a match, it will undoubtedly die!

Even if their race is regarded as the vitality that can regenerate infinitely, under the terrifying power of the opponent, it will be easily crushed into ashes, and the ashes will be wiped out!


After seeing that something was wrong, it decisively escaped!

The power of that blow just now was already the peak of his eruption after the disintegration of the demon.

not to mention,

The creatures of the human race will always worry about this and that, if they don't follow that blow, the power will definitely be enough to destroy that island, causing heavy human casualties on it!

That human,

In all likelihood, he will forcibly squeeze all the magic power in his body to explode for this attack. Next,

With this time buffer,

It is enough to escape back into the nest!

"Damn human beings, just wait! This deity must crush you to pieces!"

The leader of the alien demon gritted his teeth, his eyes and pupils were full of crazy scarlet colors!

The existence of the Mozun series,

It is naturally not an opponent,


The demons outside their territories,

It's not that there is no backing,

A single human master of the Demon Sovereign series is enough to make the upper Demon Sovereign covet it!

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind,


At this moment,

call out!

A beam pierced through thousands of miles of space, at a speed that seemed faster than sound and light, and came through in an instant!

The leader of the alien demon could not make any response at all,

That beam of light penetrates it from the back of his head!

The whole body of the alien leader is stiff,

Under that beam of light, his proud vitality was instantly wiped out by an invisible force. Even with his consciousness, he was still unaware that his death was coming, and he was still preparing for revenge. On the occasion, completely wiped out and dissipated!


Boom boom boom! ! !

The immeasurable light broke out in an instant,

Swell instantly,

The dazzling brilliance completely swallowed its entire body!

Even the ashes are gone!

The earth-shattering explosion swept across the earth,

The whole world is shaking!

At this moment, the low-level cultivators on Yuelian Island were all unstable in the violent vibration from the distant sky, and they fell directly to the ground in waves of tsunami-like impact!

And at the same time,

Far away in the sky,

The boundless energy impact caused by the terrifying big explosion set off a torrent of tsunami as high as thousands of meters in the vast sea, like a city wall, rowing towards Yuelian Island!


It seems that everything that is resisting in the front will be submerged by the impact of this terrifying tsunami!

Stormy waves,

The waves roar,

Almost upset!

To sink the entire Yuelian Island into the depths of the abyss!


Zhang Qingyuan above the sky,

How can you allow this wave to act recklessly?

"Get out!"

In the void, Zhang Qingyuan stared at the waves of the vast sea below with a plain gaze.

Speak flatly,

With the sound falling,

But it seems to be verbal in heaven,

The gods of the emperor above the nine heavens descended on the irreversible decrees!

The whole world seems to freeze for a moment at this moment,

Strong winds, huge waves,

It's all frozen,


It seemed that there was some great horror, and it was very unknown, and suddenly retreated to the rear!

That thousand feet high, like an earth-shaking tsunami,

Just a few breaths is to retreat!

Above the sky,

The violent energy impact and the billowing black clouds sweeping across the world, all under the command of that majestic voice, all retreated!

The clouds and mist are lifted away,

Reappear every day!

The sunlight above the nine heavens casts down from above the clouds,

Countless people raised their heads blankly, looking to the sky, and for the first time felt something called the mighty power of the prison, the boundless power!


Bathed in that boundless light,

In everyone's hearts,

Suddenly there was such a thought,

I breathed a sigh of relief.


When Zhang Qingyuan appeared on the battlefield, there was no suspense about all the results.

With one finger, the strange demon will lead the town to kill,

The residual shock wave generated also smashed the beast wave from all around ~ some of the remaining remnants were defeated, even without the monks on the island.

Already under Zhang Qingyuan's terrifying momentum, he fled away in embarrassment.

This sudden battle,

The curtain is already falling,


It is to restore the island protection formation, sort out the casualties and losses, and repair the damaged land, buildings, vegetation, etc.

But these chores,

For Zhang Qingyuan,

It doesn't matter much.

Although he was originally the master of the island this month,

But it is also obvious,

He has never been a guy willing to take care of these trivial things.

Fortunately, Yueliandao itself has its own system, which can be arranged in accordance with various regulations.

Although the damage encountered during this trip was not light,

But fortunately, the overall loss is not big.

The entire Yueliandao system was able to operate smoothly, repairing itself.


In the streets and alleys,

When he was packing his hands and rebuilding the collapsed building, the atmosphere between the monk and the monk was a little weird.

"Hey, that venerable is so terrible that even the legendary monster was killed by one of his fingers, and he spoke with the law. This level of realm is simply incredible. Who is that one? How could it be? Appear here?!"

"I don't know, but it's mostly related to Yuelian Island!"

"Nonsense, do you still need to talk about it?!"

"In the rumors, even in the legendary Dongzhen Wonderland, there is no existence of more than one, and it can't compete with the strange monster. That person can actually kill it with one finger in the air, it is impossible..."

"Hey! You mean, who is the existence of that mythical and legendary realm?!"

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