The years of the rivers and lakes urge people to grow old, and a generation of newcomers replaces the old.

When he heard this sentence in his previous life, Zhang Qingyuan sighed for the swords and shadows of the rivers and lakes, but he didn't have personal experience, and he didn't feel much.

But now,

Returning from two hundred years of going out,

Looking at the monks on Yuelian Island throughout the entire month, very few people have known them.

The patriarchs, elders, people of the same generation who had met once, and even some outstanding junior monks under the family, the familiar juniors who worked for Yueliandao were all withered.

familiar person,

All gone,

Occasionally, there are leftovers, and they are also very old.

The entire month of the islands has been renewed,

The original archipelago,

Also the big island that has become now,

Everything has changed,

After all, I can't recall the appearance in the memory.

The passing of Zhang Changyang,

There is no doubt that Zhang Qingyuan has a faint sadness,

It is a sadness that is difficult to describe in words.

Lingering in my heart,

Let Zhang Qingyuan remain silent,

In front of Zhang Changyang's grave, stood for a day and a night!

this world,

There are no more uncle thirteen!

Zhang Qingyuan sighed,

Stand with your hands,

Slightly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"Miss Yang, thanks for these years."

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly said,

In his perception, a figure appeared under the big tree behind him.

Don't watch,

Also know who the person is.

For a while,

Thousands of words, only this sentence is left.

Zhang Qingyuan has already learned that Yuelian Island has been able to continue to this day with the care of many other parties over the years.

if not,

There are no high-ranking monks in town,

After the development of Yuelian Island, let alone the coveting of the big forces, I am afraid that it will be enough for Yuelian Island to suffer from some vicious Xiaojun.

If it weren't for the other side's care for many years,

Maybe I will come back in two hundred years, and the "home" that has my most missed memory is gone!

For Yang Wanying,

Zhang Qingyuan is grateful from the heart.

"It's nothing, anyway, since the Yaowang Valley was destroyed, I have nowhere to go. To show you a good view of Yuelian Island is also a good thing from the beginning, even if it is to repay your life-saving grace. "

Yang Wanying walked out of the big tree behind, raised her white fingers and pulled the fallen bangs behind her, calmly and quietly.

Her voice is very flat,

But Zhang Qingyuan can still perceive keenly,

A kind of uneasiness in the other party's heart,

Seeing myself returning, there is a kind of joy and a feeling of excitement deep in my heart!

This makes Zhang Qingyuan a little complicated.

Although he has been single since coming to this world, Zhang Qingyuan is not a fool who knows nothing, he understands the other's admiration.

They met unexpectedly back then and extended a helping hand, but then the other party also gave him enough in return, already paying off the kindness that year.

But in the last two hundred years,

She sits on Yuelian Island,

Guard the rear for yourself,

That's more than just a life-saving grace.

Feeling the trembling of the other party's mind, Zhang Qingyuan sighed secretly in his heart.

The person in front of you,

Although she is not a human role, her appearance is also a first-class woman.

With long hair hanging down, just looking at his side face, there is a kind of strange charm that is beautiful and not into the mortal dust. The pretty face is as beautiful as jade, without any flaws, just like the elves descending from the celestial scriptures.

Such a woman,

Have been waiting for myself,

Because the original TOEFL I took was to silently guard my "home" for two hundred years.

I'm not touched,

That's fake,


Zhang Qingyuan has no such thoughts yet.

It's not the time,

Nothing more,

Let everything go with the flow.

On such a road, what the future will look like, he himself dare not say to promise.


I'll talk about it later.

"The so-called life-saving kindness was actually enough when you gave me the **** wood seal. Miss Yang, Qingyuan can't repay it, so if you can help the girl to promote Dongzhen in return! "

Zhang Qingyuan sighed and said aloud.

Hearing this, Yang Wanying seemed to have just recovered from some thoughts, her fair and pretty face was slightly reddish, and then she was confused.

"Help me promote Dongzhen?"

Promotion to Dongzhen,

Can it also help?

What's happening here?

With the thoughts that Yang Wanying radiated, Rao couldn't help but have doubts at this moment.

Just after the war, Zhang Qingyuan saw the passing of familiar people, lamenting that time is ruthless, and ready to give Yang Wanying, who has helped him guard the island for many years, a great opportunity.

at this time,

News about the battle on Yuelian Island also began to spread gradually.

Toward the entire South China Sea cultivation world.


When they heard the news, the first reaction of the monks was mostly unbelief.

You said that a few days ago, an alien demon attacked Yuelian Island. The island that has disappeared for many years claimed that Qingyuan appeared, and possessed the strength above the suspected Dongzhen. With one finger, the alien demon was killed and the tide of monsters was suppressed. ?

What a joke!

The name Zhang Qingyuan,

After all, the South China Sea Cultivation World still has memories.

Two hundred years ago, the other party was the number one monk in the South China Sea, and he made a feat that was unprecedented in the ages of reversing the cave with his true The entire Yuzhou cultivation world has set off stormy waves!

This earth-shattering event only happened two hundred years ago.

Even among these,

Several generations have passed since the cultivation world,

But the legendary deeds are still long enough to shock the world!

This is also the reason why someone finally recognized his identity shortly after Zhang Qingyuan appeared that day!

that one,

In the mouth of all the monks in the entire Yuzhou cultivation world, it is recognized that the most outstanding in thousands of years, the record-breaking enchanting existence!


so what? !

That guy is very strong, and his talent is indeed enchanting.

But if you say that in just two hundred years, it is convenient for you to start to have the power above Dongzhen, and to kill the legendary strange monster with one finger in the air.

What a joke!

The monks at the bottom, the bottom who don’t even know what cave really exists, don’t know anything about the realm of the peak above, and perhaps the ignorant will be fearless, saying that there is a genius who can go from Zhenyuan to Dongzhen within two hundred years. Cross the sky again, and achieve the top of the cave!

But those forces who really have a deep understanding of the power level above the peak,

This will only be scornful!

some of,

Take Beixuanmen as the best!

"A joke! A group of mud legs, I'm afraid they don't even know what realm is above Dongzhen, so they dare to brag like this!"

"Huh! I bet that the messy news that has been circulating during this period of time must be the scene that the little **** that Yuelian Island has nowhere to go, and finally made it!"

"Want to scare me away from Beixuanmen, a joke!"

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