The four big caves of Beixuanmen really joined forces to attack, and the momentum can be described as earth-shaking, as if the earth-shaking tsunami would drown the entire Moon Island!


To everyone’s surprise, what almost stunned people was,

The four big holes that have struck are true,

The final result was silently on Yuelian Island.

Especially the Taishang ancestors of Beixuanmen, the first and second Taishang elders,

While the Third Supreme Elder was dragging Yang Wanying, who had just been promoted to the realm of the cave, he joined forces and searched every inch of the earth with a powerful aura, hoping to find Zhang Qingyuan, who was "hiding" on Yuelian Island.

That unscrupulous aura radiates,

As a result, the tens of millions of people who had never seen such a power in the entire Moon Island were shivering, and there was an indescribable fear in their hearts!

It seems that a natural disaster is about to come, bringing death and destruction to the world!


There's no after that,

No one knows what happened.

They only know,

A moment ago, the three great men who were still above the sky and exuding horror as if the sky collapsed, suddenly disappeared!

Suddenly disappeared into the sky,

Like being by an invisible big hand,

Erased from the world!

The sky was clear, and even the celestial phenomena that were changed by the Dongzhen Qi machine, and the black and heavy clouds that repeatedly pressed the entire sky, disappeared!

It's like a picture, erased and disappeared by a ball of eraser,

Revealing the original appearance between heaven and earth,

If it weren't for the kind of fear that lingered in my heart, I'm afraid it wasn't that I thought everything before was just an illusion!

Cave realm,

For every monk on Yuelian Island,

Absolutely high above, the vast majority of people may not be able to see monks of this level in their entire lives, only living in a mythical and legendary existence!


This is how three myths and legends descended,

But in full view, in a way that everyone can't understand, suddenly disappeared!

this moment,

Even stupid people can realize something wrong!

The legend not long ago may be right!

According to the legend, he left Yuelian Island for nearly two hundred years. It was born out of the last era. For thousands of years, no one has been able to beat him. I am afraid that it has not only broken the fairy gate, and entered the Dongzhen fairyland. Now I am afraid that I have reached a higher level, reaching the level of mythology in the mythology above Dongzhen!

Thinking of this layer,

All the monks were silent,

Deathly silence,

Until a long time, there was a lot of discussion, like a volcanic eruption, a mountain whistling and a tsunami!

Countless voices are surprised, shocked, unbelievable!

Especially when the battle above the sky comes to an end,

The scene where Yang Wanying was holding a long sword and beheading the third elder of Beixuanmen was seen by countless eyes on Yuelian Island.

At the same time, when the other three caves in Beixuanmen weren’t really powerful,

I originally wondered whether the three major caves of the North Xuanmen really "disappeared" in the eyes of the monks because they found Zhang Qingyuan's traces and went to kill them. To the extent that the naked eye can reach, it is just that they are not qualified to catch the traces of those mythological figures. It must be the three monks who can go to hunt down the Qingyuan movement and justify it.

Many monks who didn’t think Zhang Qingyuan might have reached Dongzhen.

There is no more words at this moment.

If the three really caught Zhang Qingyuan instead of being suppressed by Zhang Qingyuan instantly,

So when the master of Yangdai Island on the Nine Heavens slashed the third elder of the North Xuanmen with the sword, he would certainly not sit idly by and would definitely help!

But they didn't,

Then there is only one answer,

That is the three Dongzhen of Beixuanmen, one of the great ancestors of the late Dongzhen, the middle of the Dongzhen realm, and the great elders of the early Dongzhen. They failed to even resist and were suppressed by Zhang Qingyuan!

When this is confirmed,

With regard to the news that Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation level has reached above Dongzhen, he immediately swept in all directions like a volcanic eruption!

Even Yang Wanying stepped into the realm of the cave. With the cultivation level of less than ten and a half months after entering the realm of the cave, she fought head-on in the battle to defeat the third wife of Beixuanmen who had entered the realm of the cave for two to three hundred years. The elder Jin Xuan Taoist, that brilliant battle, only caused a little ripple in the crowd, and it was drowned out by the whistling and tsunami-like discussion of the mountains afterwards!

It’s because,

Zhang Qingyuan's realm strength is too terrifying!

Not enough time for two hundred years,

Back then, the evil spirits who had done great things that have never happened before in Yuzhou for thousands of years returned to the cave with their true essence.

It has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine!

And this time,

With the true power of the four caves of Beixuanmen as a stepping stone,

No one doubts the truth of the news anymore!

Perhaps some monks at the top felt that Zhang Qingyuan might not necessarily be promoted to the legendary realm of Wanhua giants, but at least the half-step Wanhua level was involved, otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the three holes so easily!

But even so such a level of cultivation is definitely refreshing the horror of the monks' three views!

Not enough time for two hundred years,

What can you do?

Well, it's probably just a longer retreat in a cave realm!

Many Dongzheng monks have been in retreat for one or two hundred years, not to mention whether they can break through from the early stage to the middle stage of the cave realm. Even from the early stage of the cave realm to the peak of the initial stage, it is already choking enough. !

Not to mention, the further the cultivation base is, the harder it is to break through.

Especially from the peak of the cave realm to the half-step Wanhua, from the half-step Wanhua to the real Wanhua giant realm!

Among the levels,

How many tianjiao heroes have been locked forever?

Otherwise, the entire Yuzhou area,

There won't be only four giants in the realm of Wanhua!

But that person,

However, in a short period of less than two hundred years, he directly crossed the realm of Dongzhen from the real yuan realm, reached the sky in one step, and stepped into the realm of Yuzhou's real peak of Wanhua giants!

How can this make people not shocked? !

If you say that when Zhang Qingyuan showed up for the first time, he showed supreme strength and pointed out that he would kill the strange monster town in the future. Many people did not believe it very much. They felt that the power of the formation was used to make it bigger. Things, so the news spread slowly, without rapid spread.

So this time,

With the four big caves of Beixuanmen as stepping stones and touchstones of strength, the news can be said to be correct.


The news about Zhang Qingyuan's suspected breakthrough above the realm of the cave is like a violent wind passing through the border, sweeping from the South China Sea, sweeping across all directions, it can be said that it spread to every corner of the Yuzhou land overnight!

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