Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 406: Fairy and Demon War (2)

"Fortunately, the evacuees have basically been evacuated, and those who are unlucky can't do anything about it."

Ancestor Danyang shook his head slightly and looked up at the sky with a sigh.

At this moment, as far as the line of sight can be, the entire sky has disappeared at this moment, replaced by the chaotic abyss that stretches for thousands of miles!

That is the terrifying sight produced when the two are fighting and breaking the vacuum!

At this time above the sky,

The starry sky shatters,

The sky is falling,

The two afterimages in the sky flickered like lightning,

It seems as if the arc of fire is floating in the void, and it can be divided at a touch, but every collision and confrontation will make the heaven and earth shake, so that the world's Taoism is wiped out at this moment!

Even at a distance of hundreds of miles,

Every impact there, in the perception of the ancestors of Danyang, is like a sound of a bell in the bottom of my heart, which makes people feel a dull feeling!

"Although it was expected, both sides are too terrifying! With the strength of this old man, I can't even capture the traces of their silhouettes... With their strength, if I wait for the match, I'm afraid one You may not be able to react to being killed by him in person."

In the pupils of the ancestors of Danyang, the reflection of the dark abyss in the sky was reflected, with a wry smile on his face.

Whether it's Zhang Qingyuan or the Demon King,

At this moment, their two figures,

Even a cultivator in the realm of myriad transformations, as a few people at the peak of the Yuzhou cultivation world today, could not capture the fleeting shadow.

The speed of one person and one demon,

Already beyond their horizons!

Although I was prepared for this,

But they are not even qualified to see the confrontation between them.

such a difference,

It's really frustrating.

"Junior Brother Zhang is indeed talented, which is unprecedented in history. Before that, I was worried that he would not have enough time to cultivate and improve, and it would be difficult to deal with the demon king, but now it seems that I am overthinking it."

Taoist Xuansu nodded and sighed.

The enchanting level of the talents of his own junior and junior high school teachers,

That is simply unreasonable existence!

it looks like,

In just a few short years, he has basically digested most of the harvest of the Taiyizong site.

The strength has also improved to the point where he can now compete with the demon king without defeat!

Although he couldn't see the two people who were fighting in the sky above, but with the avenue that shattered thousands of miles of vacuum, the impact of tearing chaos can also be seen from the side.

The strength of the confrontation above nine days is basically comparable!

In the events of the Battle of Heiyuan Forbidden Land not long ago,

Zhang Qingyuan will also tell them a little about what happened after sending them away. In the last battle, he fought against the demon kings in the Five Elements Realm.

With all our strength,

After several tricks, he managed to escape.

But the same,

Having exhausted his trump cards, he also returned with an injury.

It can be seen that the gap between Zhang Qingyuan at that time and the Demon King is not small.

But how many years is it now?

It has already risen to the point where it can compete with it!

Although Dao-Zun Xuansu had been beaten all over by Zhang Qingyuan's talent, he couldn't help but feel a shock from his heart at this time.

conversation between the two,

Not avoiding outsiders.

The figures behind him who were rescued by the Danyang ancestor heard the words and looked at each other, but they were all shocked.

at their level,

Originally, I couldn't understand how powerful the figure above the nine heavens was.

I only know that it is very, very strong.

but now,

Along with the conversation between the two giant ancestors standing at the peak of Yuzhou, they now have a concept.

If the gap between them and the two ancestors of the Yunshui Sect in front of them is the gap between the sky and the earth, then the gap between the two ancestors and the figure in the sky is also the gap between the sky and the earth. gap!

This gap is so big that you can't even see the traces of the opponent's shot!

While the hearts of the people were shaking,

I heard the Danyang ancestor sigh, and looked away from the sky,

Look straight at the sky ahead.

"The future of Yuzhou Cultivation World is to be placed on Qingyuan's shoulders today. All we can do is to preserve the seeds of Yuzhou Cultivation World as much as possible."

"Master, you don't have to worry too much. I believe that this trip will be able to win to the end. I just need to delay as much as possible."

Taoist Xuansu's expression remained the same, and on his plain face, he had full confidence in Zhang Qingyuan.

"What's more, it's not a big problem to have the backhand that Junior Brother entrusted to me."

"Ha, that's what I said, but I just said that, when facing Qingyuan, I really felt that I had been empty for three thousand years, and I had to rely on the strength of my younger generation when I came to the end."

"Speaking of which, it's no wonder that although those strange demon generals have appeared on the battlefield in recent years, they basically retreat at a Originally, if they gathered the power of several of their demon generals and united, The sect defense line simply cannot support it.”

"Now it seems that they should have been afraid of the existence of Qingyuan at the beginning, and dared not act rashly."

Ancestor Danyang let out a long sigh.

His face is a little old.

The few people behind them felt a little dazed at the sudden and inexplicable words of Taoist Xuansu and Old Ancestor Danyang.

A gloomy voice resounded through the void,

Let the few people who survived by chance,

A scalp tingling!

Void ahead,

The darkness surging, forming a black hole vortex,

The black fog spreads out, covering the surrounding vacuum, and the light in the void ahead is dimmed!

Four figures of strange demons with terrifying breath appeared,

the surrounding air,

As if there is a heavy mountain-like pressure, sinking down,

At this moment, the few people standing behind Danyang Ancestor and Xuansu Dao Zun felt that they could hardly breathe for a while!

between talking,

The sound rolls like thunder,

The dark breath blocked the vacuum, and it came towards the two of them!

terrifying breath,

Make this world riot!

Although this momentum is similar to Tianyuan compared to the two people fighting in the sky, it is far from what the monks who have never reached the realm of Wanhua can bear!

"You guys, run for your life first!"

The old voice sounded in the ears of several people, and then an invisible force acted on them, and in the blink of an eye, it was sent ten miles away,


Together with Taoist Xuansu,

Facing the four demon generals in front of you!


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