Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 475: Hedao, Xutian, escape 1

This Yin-Yang Division has been researching and planning for thousands of years, and it is one of the trump card methods that has gathered almost the entire dynasty's power for the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At this moment, in order to deal with Zhang Qingyuan, who suddenly entered and may cause great obstacles to a certain plan of the Great Zhou Divine Emperor, he completely opened this hole card!

No wonder!

That strange when he learned that Zhang Qingyuan had the information to contend with the power of the heaven and the human series, the Great Zhou court still suddenly dispatched a million troops from the capital to attack the Feixian League, making such a futile move that was almost a death sentence!

It is indeed a death sentence.

It's just that there's a huge difference!

At this moment,

the sky is falling,

The ground is sinking!

Under the blood light that penetrated the sky and the earth, the whole world was shrouded in a vast and terrifying pressure, as if the whole world was about to come to an end!

The harsh winds above the 30,000-mile Hanhai Cliff, in which the environment is so bad that even the cultivators of the cave realm must be cautious.

At this moment, under the pressure of the boundless sea of ​​blood, it completely solidified and calmed down!

as if the whole world,

It was also suppressed by this vast and boundless force!

Countless people looked up at the sea of ​​blood that covered the entire sky, their mouths opened, and their eyes showed an unprecedented look of astonishment. Every bit of blood on their bodies seemed to be solidified, unable to move at all, and boundless fear shrouded them. in everyone's heart!

Even the Xiaoyao Laodao, who is a strong person in the sky, feels the vast feeling like an ant facing the heaven and earth!

"what is this?!!"

"Is it a special army formation for those **** in the Zhou Dynasty?"

"No! This kind of power even surpasses the level of heaven and man, how can it be achieved by a mere military formation!"

"Almost all the soldiers under Wanhua died, and millions of the capital army... Blood sacrifice, this is more like a blood sacrifice, in exchange for the sacrifice of millions of the elite army of the capital, in exchange for this sky-high The power above man!"

Xiaoyao Laodao's hands and feet were stiff, frozen in mid-air, and thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

At this moment,

It is estimated that he is the only one who can barely maintain consciousness and reason.

In the face of this vast and boundless stalwart power, the cultivator under the rank of heaven, I am afraid that even the consciousness has been overwhelmed by the fear generated by the instinct of life, and the consciousness has fallen into the vast chaos!


Why do those **** in the imperial court master such terrifying means?

The unspeakable terrifying oppression is like a tsunami, one after another hitting Xiaoyao Laodao's mind, making him almost unbearable!

At the same time, at this moment, a despair like falling into the abyss of **** surged into my heart!

such a terrifying force,

When will they be able to overthrow Zhou Ting? !

In an instant, Xiaoyao's eyes were split, and many thoughts flashed in his mind, and at this moment, another thought that burst into it grew like wild grass!

What about that person?

What will that person do?

How will he react? !

Xiaoyao Laodao, who was almost oppressed by the vast blood and solidified in the air, turned his neck with difficulty, only to see that Zhang Qingyuan still seemed to be able to maintain free movement in front of this sea of ​​blood that turned the world upside down.

But at this moment,

On his face, Xiaoyao Laodao saw it, it had never been seen before, and it was unprecedentedly solemn!

"Void level!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes and pupils shrunk to the size of pinpoints, staring at the front and constantly surging, gradually converging into a sea of ​​blood that covered the sky and **** hands, and involuntarily took a breath.

This level of power is the most terrifying power that Zhang Qingyuan has faced since he crossed into this world!

In those days, when Yuzhou repelled the Holy Buddha, the opponent played his trump card and used a piece of Buddha's bone finger to summon the supreme power to come and block it. Zhang Qingyuan had sensed such an endless and terrifying crisis!

The virtual sky level is a stage in which practitioners transform into immortals after they reach the peak of heaven and man!

Back then, I learned from the memory of Gui Yuanxin, a reincarnated person from the upper realm, that

The realm of heaven and man is the pinnacle of cultivation in the world, and the road ahead is to become an immortal.

But in the stage from heaven to immortality, there is still an extremely long distance, and it needs to go through three levels and three stages of transformation.

The three levels are-

Hedao, Xutian, escape!

The so-called Hedao is the universal realm of heaven and man in the eyes of the monks under the vast number of heaven and man.

From Wanhua Breaking Realm to Heaven and Man, the most important thing is to join the Tao, follow the way of oneself, and the way of heaven and earth, in order to be the heaven and man!

When Jie Shi holds the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the universe in his hand, I am the Dao of Heaven, possessing incredible power!

The virtual sky is the next level after the union.

With the Dao of Heaven and Earth as the core, smash the chaos, open up the world of caves, nurture a world, turn it into a terrifying existence that can't be wiped out by eternity, and initially detach from the world!

And according to rumors, the secret realm of the cave between the heavens and the earth in Jiuzhou is basically the legacy of the celestial beings of the virtual sky level that perished before the ancient years!

As for the last that is the truth of slashing the Tao, escape and go!

The existence of that level has already cut off the "self", cut off the cause and effect between itself and the heaven and earth, and can transcend the outer world, roam the chaos, initially detached, and go to the outer world!

That is the level that is endlessly close to immortals, and it is also the end of heaven and man, and the starting point of ascending immortals in one step!

At that point, the cultivator has already reached the end of the world in the true sense, and the next step is to become an immortal!

"Xuantian Mirror!"

Zhang Qingyuan roared and summoned a round of white jade round mirrors. Under the strong oppression, the layers of space reflected ripples visible to the naked eye, and the profound light reflected the heavens, countering the terrifying power of the virtual sky obtained by the blood sacrifice of millions of capitals. !

Ka Ka Ka ......

It's just the competition of momentum, which makes the sky shatter like glass one after another, and large areas collapse!

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan can no longer care about other things, and burst out with all his strength. At this moment, the power of a senior Hedao Heavenly Man has been sublimated. The vast and boundless mana is poured into the Xuantian Mirror, making the mirror as white as jade. At this moment, a vast divine light that distorts the heavens and the earth and penetrates the nine heavens and ten earths blooms!

At the same time,

Above the nine heavens, the mighty sea of ​​blood that covered the sky for thousands of miles, roared and roared, setting off a terrifying wave in the sea of ​​​​blood, wrapped in the power of shattering the heavens and the earth, towards Zhang Qingyuan's direction, banging down!

This palm not only includes Zhang Qingyuan, but also the entire Mountain League of the Feixian League!

Even the entire Hanhai Cliff will be destroyed together!

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, a shocking collision broke out!

for a moment,

The whole world,

Into silence!

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