ps: Don't subscribe yet. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. Kawen is amazing. It is estimated that it will be finished and uploaded at noon tomorrow. Let's read it tomorrow.

A beam of aura ripped through the air, swept across the void with lightning speed, and hit the back of Lin Hao, who was escaping as a flash of aura in midair like a meteor missile.


The true essence exploded in mid-air, and the spiritual energy swept across a radius of 100 meters.

Lin Hao's figure then fell from mid-air with smoke and fell to the mountain forest below, knocking down several sturdy trees, and knocking out a big hole in the ground!

At the same time, a black chain, like a dragon, whistled across the vacuum, tying Lin Hao, who was unconscious in the pothole, and pulled it back into the air.

"Damn it, he can really run!"

The one who spoke was a cultivator with thick eyebrows and big eyes wearing a black-bottomed red eagle attire in midair, and kicked Lin Hao, who was hanging in the air by the chains, with hatred.

This person's breath is already at the level of the real cave, and he is considered a high-ranking place in the vicinity, but because Lin Hao can run too well, it took several days to catch him, which can't help but let him Angry.

However, the latter has already been severely injured and is in a coma. He was kicked and his body swayed a few times, and he didn't feel much.

However, it was obvious that there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of Lin Hao's mouth in a coma, obviously suffering a lot of injuries.

"Okay, Lin Fushi, since it's enough to catch the person, this is the person your Majesty needs, but you can't kick the person, otherwise the number of people will not be enough, then it will be troublesome."

Seeing this scene, the companion on the side frowned slightly, preventing the other party from continuing to vent.

During this time, the task is heavy,

And the type of people that His Majesty needs are few in number, and at the same time they are very difficult to catch.

If you kill someone, you're just asking for trouble.

"Don't worry, I naturally know what to do!"

That Lin Fu Shi lightly snorted, shook and was bound by the chains, making sure that Lin Hao's breath still alive in the air.

"I don't know what's the use of His Majesty arresting these people. I heard that the three top power agencies in Dazhou have been dispatched, and all those who meet the conditions have been arrested and sent to Shenjing. It caused a huge storm."

"This is normal. After all, that kind of people belong to the new generation of Tianjiao, and many of them are the next generation that the big forces are optimistic about cultivating. I don't know what the purpose of His Majesty the Emperor God is. Now the Great Zhou Dynasty has begun. Shaky."

The other was silent, looking up at the gloomy sky with a gloomy expression.

Since this time,

The actions of His Majesty the God Emperor can be said to be backwards.

Since 5,000 years ago, His Majesty the God-Emperor has already begun to retreat and no longer pay attention to foreign affairs. As a result, the nobles of the dynasty do whatever they want, and the country of cholera.

Excessive expropriation, arrogance and lewdness, hunting and killing civilians for fun, all kinds of perverted acts of which led to the rapid corruption of the Zhou Dynasty, the filth in the officialdom, and the hardship of hundreds of millions of people at the bottom to survive.

This is a scene like the end of a dynasty!

The people's livelihood was difficult, the people's hearts were lost, and even your great luck dragon with Shenjing suffered heavy losses at the same time.

Everything is slipping in the wrong direction!

There have been no major disturbances so far.

It's just that because of His Majesty's supreme strength to suppress, those hidden ambitions or ants and farts have to obey obediently and let Da Zhou act.

But now,

Everything has changed!

Accompanied by that God-Emperor, who shocked the entire Qingzhou land as soon as he made his debut, and finally retreated from the whole body to challenge the heaven and the human series with the body of ten thousand transformations!

This makes the world see that His Majesty the Emperor is no longer invincible!

In particular, the series of terrifying battles that followed, completely set off a huge storm. The image of His Majesty the God-Emperor who was invincible on the land of Qingzhou, cultivated in the past thousand years and ten thousand years, was crushed by this rolling dark tide. !

turn out to be,

His Majesty the Emperor is no longer invincible,

turn out to be,

There are more advanced powers in this world!


The cultivator who masters this higher level of power is also in conflict with the Great Zhou Divine Emperor!

There is nothing better than this!

The young cultivator next to Lin Fushi's eyes was full of worry.

It can be seen that a storm that will sweep the entire Qingzhou land is about to blow up. When a great world comes, I am afraid that no one will be able to get involved!

But in such a crisis situation, the young man did not see any rescue measures from His Majesty the Emperor!

The subsequent operations are even more incomprehensible.

First, someone hit the Shenjing, broke through the black prison, and broke it into a mess. The countless people around the Shenjing, the low-level monks, etc. had lost their jobs in large areas because of the war, and the food they planted could not be harvested. The next two were only There are not many people who suffer from starvation and die from exhaustion in engineering.

But that's not over yet, and those who survived by chance were directly forced to rebuild the prison.

There are already a lot of mud-legged people from the bottom who were beaten to death by whip workers in the process of servitude, or they looked like they were on labor Looking at the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, they were full of complaints.


The dragon energy of the dynasty has also been greatly weakened because of this!

Big week now,

Just like a powder keg, just a little spark can cause an extremely violent explosion!

The entire Great Zhou Dynasty was blown to smithereens!

And His Majesty the God-Emperor not only did not slow down and let the people rest for a while, but instead made persistent efforts and issued an order to make the court make every effort to arrest those people with great luck!

The so-called great luck generation includes not limited to the very rapid increase in strength, many times of death without death, but instead auspiciousness and so on.

And among these people,

People like Lin Hao who have no footsteps are only a small part.

Many of them,

They are all geniuses from some great forces in the Great Zhou Realm, or the next generation who focus on training!

The Great Zhou Divine Sovereign issued an order so inexplicably, let alone other people, even the people of the entire court's public sect couldn't understand it.

"Your Majesty naturally has His Majesty's plans. No matter what he does, I just need to be myself."

Lin Fushi shook his head slightly, not paying much attention to this.

"That's right, even if His Majesty wants to do something, it doesn't have much to do with us."

The voice fell,

The figures of the two flew to the sky and disappeared.

At the same time,

The soldiers who were recruited in the mountains and forests also retreated.

Until I don't know how long,

"elder brother!!!"

A mournful cry like a cuckoo weeping blood resounded through the entire mountain. At the same time, a blue ray of light from the sky bloomed. It was icy and biting.

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