Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 511: Coming to Shenjing again

ps: Don't subscribe when you see this line of words. This is a repeat of the previous chapter. I haven't finished writing it yet. Please post it first to mix up the whole attendance, and everyone will read it tomorrow.



The rich blood-colored mist enveloped the entire world, and countless people screamed in agony.

The monks were quickly sucked dry, completely lost their vitality, and turned into mummified corpses.

Like a dehydrated mummy, it seems to have been air-dried for thousands of years, and finally fell powerlessly from the air.

When it fell, the withered corpse's mouth still maintained a grown-up posture, and the withered face was full of horror.

to this colleague,

Many mortals on the ground who were fleeing were swallowed up by the **** red light and turned into the nourishment of the **** light!

Almost in just a quarter of an hour, more than half of the population of the entire Qingzhou land died instantly, and their vitality was extracted by the blood-colored light!

At this time, those who can survive are either the vast rural towns and towns with low population, or the great power with the realm of ten thousand transformations.


The death of only more than half of the population is already extremely heavy!

The land of Qingzhou is boundless,

A Shenjing has a population of billions, but this is less than one-tenth of a territory!

Looking at the three hundred and sixty regions of the entire Qingzhou land,

The population can be said to be calculated in trillions!

The number of people killed by this accident can be said to be uncountable!

in an instant,

The monstrous sea of ​​blood rose into the sky, and the sky of the entire Qingzhou land was dyed blood red at this moment!

Boundless blood!

at the same time,

Under the echo of the high mountain altars,

The blood light that devoured countless living beings turned into huge torrents, shuttled through the nine heavens, and gathered in the direction of Shenjing!

If you look down from the Nine Heavens,

At this time, the entire Qingzhou land seemed to be covered and shrouded by a large blood-colored net.

the core,

It is where Shenjing is,

Like a whale swallowing a huge amount of blood vitality!

"Damn! What happened?!"

The people who were lucky enough to survive the huge change looked at the blood-colored visions in the sky, their faces were full of horror, and they couldn't help but scream.

"Altar! Damn, that's the power emanating from the altar! Damn! It must be someone from the court!"

"Crazy! Is the court crazy?! It took thousands of years and a lot of manpower and material resources to build altars around each city, isn't it used to gather the luck of the dynasty? How could it become like this?! The imperial court Have you lost your mind?!"

"The catastrophe, the catastrophe of the ages!!! After this disaster, how many people will be left in the land of Qingzhou?"

"Damn the court, if they survive this time, I must make them pay the price!"

Countless shocking, sluggish, angry, and cursing voices spread in the mouths of the survivors one after another, and a wave of hatred is rapidly spreading across the entire Qingzhou land!

If you can see the Dragon Qi of Emperor Dao at this time,

Then it can be seen that,

The fortune of the Great Zhou Dynasty has completely collapsed!

royal luck,

Completely collapsed at this moment!


For this point, the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign has not cared at all at all.


another interface,

Royal Dragon Court.

The originally splendid Royal Road Dragon Court, at this moment, has been dyed with blood, scarlet rays of light, filling every corner of the void,

thick as blood,

The vast and boundless blood-colored essence is like an endless sea!

In the empty sky of the Dragon Court,

The Great Zhou Divine Sovereign was suspended in mid-air, with a void in front of him. A tens of thousands of feet of blood-colored dragon screamed and wailed in pain, as if he was suffering from extremely terrifying pain.

If someone familiar is here,

will find,

This is the real dragon of luck of the Great Zhou Dynasty!


With the loss of hearts of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, this Luck True Dragon did not die and disintegrate.

On the contrary, under the infusion of the boundless blood energy that gathered almost the entire Qingzhou boundary, the breath became extremely terrifying!

Just the airflow generated by breathing is to tear apart the vacuum, as if swallowing thunder!



The rich blood-colored mist enveloped the whole world, and countless people screamed in agony.

The monks were quickly sucked dry, completely lost their vitality, and turned into mummified corpses.

Like a dehydrated mummy, it seems to have been air-dried for thousands of years, and finally fell powerlessly from the air.

When it fell, the withered corpse's mouth still maintained a grown-up posture, and the withered face was full of horror.

to this colleague,

Numerous mortals on the ground who were fleeing were swallowed up by the blood-colored red light and turned into nourishment for the blood-colored light!

Almost in just a quarter of an hour, more than half of the population of the entire Qingzhou land died instantly, and their vitality was extracted by the blood-colored light!

At this time, those who can survive are either the vast rural towns and towns with low population, or the great power with the realm of ten thousand transformations.


The death of only more than half of the population is already extremely heavy!

The land of is boundless,

A Shenjing has a population of billions, but this is less than one-tenth of a territory!

Looking at the three hundred and sixty regions of the entire Qingzhou land,

The population can be said to be calculated in trillions!

The number of people killed by this accident can be said to be uncountable!

in an instant,

The monstrous sea of ​​blood rose into the sky, and the sky of the entire Qingzhou land was dyed blood red at this moment!

Boundless blood!

at the same time,

Under the echo of the high mountain altars,

The blood light that devoured countless living beings turned into huge torrents, shuttled through the nine heavens, and gathered in the direction of Shenjing!

If you look down from the Nine Heavens,

At this time, the entire Qingzhou land seemed to be covered and shrouded by a large blood-colored net.

the core,

It is where Shenjing is,

Like a whale swallowing a huge amount of blood vitality!

"Damn! What happened?!"

The people who were lucky enough to survive the huge change looked at the blood-colored visions in the sky, their faces were full of horror, and they couldn't help but scream.

"Altar! Damn, that's the power emanating from the altar! Damn! It must be someone from the court!"

"Crazy! Is the court crazy?! It took thousands of years and a lot of manpower and material resources to build altars around each city, isn't it used to gather the luck of the dynasty? How could it become like this?! The imperial court Have you lost your mind?!"

"The catastrophe, the catastrophe of the ages!!! After this disaster, how many people will be left in the land of Qingzhou?"

"Damn the court, if they survive this time, I must make them pay the price!"

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