ps: The 300 words missing from the previous chapter have been added

this moment,

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor only felt that his heart was trembling!

For their existence, every step forward requires hundreds of years of hard work!

But how long has it been since the kid in front of him was beaten and beaten by him a few years ago, and now he has almost no power to resist? !


Why is this kid's progress so terrifying? !

When my heart trembled,

The tyrannical and terrifying fairy light broke through the void, swept over, bombarded him, and the blood armor fragments flew, leaving a wound on his body again!

Can't go on like this!

As the injuries on his body increased, he was covered with scars and blood flowed for a while, but the Great Zhou Divine Emperor still couldn't find a way to break the situation and was always suppressed by Zhang Qingyuan.

he knows,

go on like this,

I am afraid that before he absorbs and refines that fruit, I am afraid that he has been dragged to death here!

"Damn it! That's all!"

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor showed a ferocious look on his face. He made a ruthless determination and looked at Zhang Qingyuan, who was driving the fairy light and wandering around, his eyes were full of this resentment!

almost at the same time,


In an instant,

Shockingly moving!

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor let out a roar and began to work desperately, exuding a terrifying blood-colored divine light all over his body. At this moment, the blood qi covered the chaotic sky and covered the sun and the moon!

this moment,

This is the accumulation of thousands of years, the splendid brilliance that was born when it bloomed in an instant!


His body exudes a blood-colored divine light, which is dazzling and dazzling. In an instant, even the black hair with the steamed buns turned blood-colored, and the breath skyrocketed, surpassing the heavens!


Under Zhang Qingyuan's vigilant gaze in the distance, he suddenly rose to the sky, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the pill that fused the blood of hundreds of millions of souls!

"What?! What is this for?!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes widened in shock, his face was full of incredulity!

What does he want to do? !

Although the essence of the blood energy contained in that pill pill is not high, with the accumulation of quantity, the terrifying energy is even enough to destroy him hundreds of thousands of times!

The pill containing such terrifying power, the Great Zhou Divine Emperor swallowed it in one bite? !

Is this not fatal? !

Zhang Qingyuan's heart was beating violently, an unprecedented crisis had come, and he was already ready to retreat.

at this time,

A seductive, full of temptation voice suddenly came to my ears.

"The past and the future in the three-phase secret technique are dead, and he is the only one who has obtained the past and future avatars at the same time. Now he is delusional. It is a pity to forcibly swallow and refine the fruit, it is doomed to fail.”

Zhang Qingyuan only felt terrified for a while, and looked back suddenly.

I saw in the void, a beautiful girl in a black dress walked out of the void. The girl looked seventeen or eighteen years old, her hair was like clouds, her skin was as crystal clear as snow, and her eyes were as black as lacquer. It contains infinite magnificence and mystery, enough to evoke the most beautiful fantasy of anyone.

The girl walked out of nothingness and looked at Zhang Qingyuan with a smile, her eyes were full of spring, like a shy girl, she looked shy when she saw the person she liked, her face was crimson, and she was delicate and authentic.

"Then Qi Tiandao can be regarded as a great man. I didn't expect to be forced to fall into such a situation in front of the Zhang family brother. In terms of talent, Zhang family brother is probably not the first among the younger generation in the entire Canglan world. Now, I wonder if the little girl will have the opportunity to accompany her brother in the future?"

All of a sudden, the flowers are blooming, the spring is swaying, and the entire dark world of nothingness seems to light up at this moment.


Everything the girl did was useless.

Zhang Qingyuan looked deeply at the girl who suddenly appeared, with a vigilant figure, only vigilance in his eyes, and he was not attracted by the beauty of the other party at Oh, brother Zhang is really a hard heart, I don't understand the mood at all! "


The girl's grievances were thrown to the blind man.

"Why did the Great Zhou Divine Sovereign fail?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was flat, and he directly asked the doubts in his heart...

The sudden appearance of the girl was strange, and her methods were extremely powerful, and she was able to get close to her without much feeling.

But Zhang Qingyuan didn't detect any killing intent from the other party.

Maybe a way to get information.

The girl rolled her eyes at Zhang Qingyuan, as if he wasn't interested in her delicate beauty, but instead focused on the ugly guy with a bit of resentment, so she said quietly:

"Five thousand years ago, Qi Tiandao started the plan to sacrifice Qingzhou with blood, and now he has really made it half successful."

"But the entire Qingzhou land is huge, and the population is more than hundreds of millions. If the power contained in that single fruit is fully erupted, even the legendary Dun Datong may not be able to survive. Where did he come from? The means and strength Confining such terrifying power into a fist-sized pill?"

"This kind of means is not something that people in the Canglan Realm can do now!"

"All the gifts of fate are already marked with prices. If you feel that there is no price, it is only the price you paid that you don't know."

Seems to feel Zhang Qingyuan's boredom, the girl is no longer looking at him,

Instead, he looked directly at the empty sky in front of him, and looked at the Great Zhou Divine Emperor who fused the power of the three-phase avatar and swallowed up the sun-like pill pill in one fell swoop, with a faint gaze.

"Look, that existence is about to show up!"


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