
Between the heavens and the earth, a huge aftermath roared and swept through, slamming and shaking in all directions!

Zhang Qingyuan's figure fell from the sky,

Clear and mysterious air lingers,

Divide the virtual sky,

The surrounding storm impacts are automatically repelled.

If it is a fairy **** who came into the world!

Not many deliberately revealing qi, at this moment, it became the center of all visions in the sky and the ground, causing the sky to hang down.

There is an invisible heaviness in the air.

"How? Does Zhang have the qualifications to enter the Heaven's Gate?"

The indifferent voice spread, and Zhang Qingyuan looked at another middle-aged man in brocade clothing in the field.

There was silence all around,

Countless eyes gather,

"Ha ha!"

"Fellow Daoist is strong and powerful, and there are few people in the eight continents outside who can match. How could such talent be unqualified to enter Tianmen?"

The middle-aged brocade-clothed man let out a loud laugh and walked towards Zhang Qing Yuangong to keep his way.

"Daoist friend Lei Yingzi made a reckless move, please don't take offense!"

"this way please!"

The atmosphere was relaxed for a while.

At the same time, after Zhang Qingyuan showed his extremely powerful strength and great potential, the middle-aged man in brocade no longer stayed out of the way. With great enthusiasm in his words, he personally led Zhang Qingyuan in front of him. .


Zhang Qingyuan's performance moved the other party and made them want to make friends.

to this,

Zhang Qingyuan did not coldly reject people thousands of miles away.

After all, it was only the white-haired celestial who shot against him, and the other party, as an outsider, didn't end up.

And from the mouth of the middle-aged brocade cultivator,

Zhang Qingyuan also knew the source of this trouble.

It turned out that the white-haired celestial came from a sect called Wanlei Mountain in Central Continent. Not long ago, a junior he valued in Wanlei Mountain passed the Qianmen to Yunzhou and died in Qianyun Mountain.

This can't help but remind Zhang Qingyuan,

It seems that a hundred years ago, Yue Wenhe, his cheap disciple, obtained three immortal stones from a ruin, which attracted the covet of the enemy and came to sneak a sneak attack, only to be taken away by Xiaohuo and the puppets at the foot of Qianyun Mountain.

At that time, Xiao Huo only knew that the enemies of the Wanhua Realm were from other continents.

I didn't expect it to come from the land of Middle-earth,

And it has something to do with the gatekeeper of Tianmen!

As a result, I was being bullied by others this time.

to this,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart that it was such a coincidence.


Along with the display of his powerful strength, these twists and turns actually didn't have much impact.

Strength is his most powerful strength!

The middle-aged cultivator in Jinyi did not delay. After talking with Zhang Qingyuan and leaving a message for each other, he opened the door to Zhang Qingyuan.

In the silent gaze of all the monks in Tianmen,

The fleet sailed into the huge door of light with a bang!

At the moment when he entered the gate of light, Zhang Qingyuan finally looked back at him. After all, all kinds of feelings were hidden deep in his heart.

Central Continent,

I'm coming!


Boom! ! !

When the spaceship passed through the light curtain of Tianmen, it immediately entered a channel of brilliant colors, and the unimaginable splendid light flowed in the channel!


Zhang Qingyuan on the flying boat stared, and a faint white light appeared in his eyes, as if he wanted to see through the essence of Ambilight in the passage.

But these passage barriers seem to be shrouded in an unfathomable mystery, and there is no way to perceive it!


Zhang Qingyuan murmured in a low voice.

this channel,

It seems to be a tunnel bridge!

Communicate between two places,

He suddenly remembered that the entire blue world, the continents and the continents, are not the whole.

Needless to say, the boundary between Yuzhou, Qingzhou and Yunzhou was formed by the war many years ago. That is the boundary sea area that can only be safely crossed by the strong in the heaven and human series!

But other borders, such as Jiuzhou Dadizhou and Dadizhou, are by no means smooth!

As far as he knows,

Even on the land of Jiuzhou, there is a clear dividing line between each continent.

Among the dividing lines, there is either a long land of death filled with lack of spiritual energy and chaotic storms, or a sea of ​​chaotic realms that cannot be leaped, a chaotic abyss!

There is a limit, even a cultivator in the real cave has to spend a lot of effort and a lot of time to get through it.

"Continents are isolated. Is this a natural formation, or is there some ancient power to divide it?"

In Zhang Qingyuan's mind, such a thought suddenly flashed.


He also remembered one thing,

That is the degree of spatial stability between continents and continents, and there seems to be a difference.

The spatial difference between Yuzhou and Yunzhou is not big. The latter is more stable, but it is not too obvious.

But there is a big difference in the spatial stability between Qingzhou and the two continents!

This also seems to be reflected in the accommodating degree of the upper limit of power!

Both Yuzhou and Yunzhou contain one or two celestials, while Qingzhou directly raised their power to the level of heaven and man!

"Being in the same blue world, why is there such a difference?"

The experiences of the past flashed through his mind one by one, and Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Just as Zhang Qingyuan was thinking about it,


The whole ship shook violently,

The surrounding space channel seems to be shaking violently at this moment!

"what happened?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's complexion changed slightly, and he asked Dao Zun Yi An aside.

"It's okay, it's normal..."

Daozun Yi An originally wanted to say don't worry, he walked through this passage many times, this is the turbulence caused by the normal chaotic space storm impact.

At this moment,


A ferocious tentacle with a length of hundreds of meters suddenly penetrated from outside the passage, and swept across the spaceship with a powerful force!

Terrifying power, destroying the void, setting off a violent shock that rips everything apart!

The divine power contained in it was just the breath that swept in, which caused the spacecraft to vibrate violently, and the pale white protective light curtain on the ship shattered like glass one after another!

"not good!!!"

Dao Zun Yi'an's eyes widened in shock. The sudden accident made him unable to even react.

The passage was invaded by inexplicable creatures,

The terrifying chaotic storm is pouring in like a tsunami!

In an instant,

The passage in this section shook violently for a while,

The spaceship was like a small boat in a storm and tsunami, rushing up and down, as if it would be overturned by the impact in the next moment!

And the tentacles of the unknown creatures in front also came,

In the blink of an eye,

It is already in a crisis of life and death!


At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan made his move!


Between the virtual sky, black ripples appeared, and the illusory sword light suddenly burst into the space and swept across in an instant!

I don't know when, a golden long sword appeared in Zhang Qingyuan's palm. Above the blade, a black and terrifying Chaos Dao power flashed, and it cut out a sword that pierced through the sky!

The sword light passed silently,

The ferocious tentacles that swept across the front were split open in an instant and were chopped into eighteen pieces. Green viscous blood sprayed out, as if carrying some kind of twisted and ominous light, in the violently vibrating chaotic storm, Swept up by the storm, fell into the void and disappeared!


The Chaos Avenue runs through the universe, and the tyrannical mana covers the entire fleet like a tsunami.

Resist the impact of the terrifying Chaos Storm from the outside world!

The spaceship accelerated immediately,

move fast,

The broken space channel quickly retreated,

A sharp roar loomed behind him, as if the unknown creature was roaring.

However, Zhang Qingyuan did not go back to investigate.

Lingjue told him,

If you "fall" in this passage and get lost in the boundless chaos, it will be very troublesome!

Zhang Qingyuan sensed some familiar aura from the chaotic storm that poured in from the gap in the passage.

that feeling,

It's like appearing in the outer sky, facing the feeling of the endless chaotic sea!

Zhang Qingyuan turned back,

Taking a deep look at the gap that disappeared in the distance,

He pressed some kind of speculation in his heart to the bottom of his heart.

"Many thanks to fellow daoists for helping out. If fellow daoists weren't here this time, let alone the supplies of these ten ships, I'm afraid that even if they were to die, they would have to explain it here!"

Until the fleet moved away, the spacecraft stabilized.

Dao Zun Yi An, who had calmed down, thanked Zhang Qingyuan, with the heart palpitations of the rest of his life on his face.

"A trivial matter is nothing to be concerned about."

"I don't know what the tentacle creature is. Does this happen often in this passage?"

"I don't know about it. Speaking of which, this is the first time I have encountered such changes, but according to the news from the monks who guard the Tianmen, the changes in the passage have become more frequent over the years. It’s violent, and those people warn that it’s best not to fall outside the passage, rumors say that once you leave the passage and fall into the outside world, even heaven and man will have little chance of survival!”

Dao Zun Yi'an's complexion was a little pale, and it was obvious that he had not recovered from the previous accident.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded thoughtfully,

He didn't continue to ask questions.

time flies,

After three days,

The fleet shuttled through the space passage, and finally came to the end of the passage.

At the end of that,

It is a huge space vortex, reflecting a faint white light curtain.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the spatial vortex.

without the slightest hesitation,

The fleet plunged headlong into the vortex of space,


In an instant,

Entered a new world!


Its daybreak!

In an instant,

It seems that there is boundless auspicious energy coming from outside the nine heavens, pouring out like a river of heaven, pouring into Zhang Qingyuan's body, giving him a feeling of transformation and sublimation!

The surrounding void vibrated violently, and the light waves rippled into tidal shocks.

And all the monks on the spaceship, just after heaved a sigh of relief, saw such a grand scene, all of them stared blankly at all this, with shocked expressions on their faces!

"This is!!!"

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils shrank.

In an instant,

He seemed to have a feeling that a dragon entered the sea and the sky was vast!

If a continent is a house, when he was in Yuzhou, he was about to reach the top, and the narrow house became a cage that bound him.

Then now,

The moment he stepped into the land of Central Continent, all the cages bound around him disappeared!

At the top of the sky, there is no way forward!


He could clearly feel it,

His own mana is also active at this moment!

With the influx of auspicious energy from the sky, the mana in the body seems to have received a kind of baptism from heaven and earth, becoming more solid and powerful!

without much hesitation,

Zhang Qingyuan sat directly in the void, absorbing the gifts of this world to improve his own strength!

During this process,

The terrifying breath dissipated,

It caused fearful fluctuations in the void!

"It looks like a newcomer is here, but who is on that boat? It caused such a vision of heaven and earth. I'm afraid this heaven and earth auspiciousness is 3,000 miles long!"

At the exit of Tianmen, an old man with a smoking gun looked at the heavy visions in the sky, took a breath of cold air, and said authentically.

Any cultivator who enters Central Continent from other continents will be baptized by the spirit of the Central Continent, causing some visions.

But even if it is the existence of the realm of myriad transformations, the vision generated by the infusion of the spiritual machine that day is only a mile or two around, and it is still the best among them!

But what is going on in such a scene now?

Three thousand miles of purple air rises,

Is there a character of peerless power level coming?

The old man opened his mouth blankly, his face full of incredulity, and he forgot to smoke the pipe beside his mouth.

"That entrance is the direction that connects the remote continents such as Yunzhou. I remember that hundreds of years ago, there were also people crossing the door. As soon as they entered the Central Continent, it caused a scene of purple energy rushing three thousand miles away. , It is said that it was a scene caused by the arrival of the Innate Holy Body, which finally disturbed the Northern Plains Holy Land, and was directly admitted to the door, becoming the Holy Son of the Northern Plains Holy Land!"

"Tianjiao demons are coming out in large numbers, it seems that the next great world has arrived!"

"Yeah, the Gorefiend, the Innate Holy Body, the Emperor Yan, the King of the Sun and the Moon, the Goddess... These are all peerless geniuses and monsters that have risen in a new generation within this period of time. Cultivation has already reached the accumulation of many ancient giants that can only be completed in ten thousand years!"

" the world of comprehension is about to enter another dragon crossing the river!"

Around the Tianmen exit, many people were talking about it.

At the same time,

Dao Zun Yi An on the spaceship looked at the bow of the ship, full of envy.

Which cultivator did not think that he would one day break through the realm and become an immortal, and reach the end of the cultivation path?

But unfortunately,

It was only after I really stepped into the path of self-cultivation that I discovered that more people were just an inconspicuous one among the vast crowd, one of the many anonymous background boards in the novel standing behind the brilliant protagonist in front of them.

The world is like a tide, people are like water, more will only be unknown for a lifetime, buried in the crowd and can no longer make a wave.

To this day, Dao Zun Yi An has long recognized himself, and he has no chance to climb higher mountains.

But the person in front of me,

In the future, he is likely to become a contender on the road to immortality, a peerless figure who can leave an enduring legend in the long history of self-cultivation!

to itself,

How to make Yi An Daoxin not feel a lot of envy in his heart.


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