The figure of the huge bat monster almost obscured the sky, and the floating clouds rose straight up, flapping its wings, setting off a terrifying and boundless torrent of chaos!


In the face of Zhang Qingyuan's head-on bombardment attack, the giant bat monster that covered the sky and the sun did not evade in the slightest.

boom! ! !

The void trembled, the sky curtain shattered one after another, and the earth-shattering explosion exploded!

The whole world fell into a dead silence at this moment,

The light and sound seemed to have turned into nothingness at this moment!


In this horrific collision,

The monstrous tide of black power was directly torn apart by the more tenacious and condensed chaotic power, piercing a huge hole!


The giant bat monster with a staggering height let out a scream,

At the moment of contact,

He just felt something was wrong,

that power,

How can this be so?

Totally impossible! ! !


It has no chance to adjust, the terrifying Chaos Divine Fist penetrated his huge black energy, blasting half of its body!

It's like a huge mountain with a big hole blasted in the middle!

The power of chaos that erupted, vented in all directions, leaving an unhealable wound on its body!

just for a moment,

The giant bat was hit hard!

Not far from the void swept by the chaotic storm, a cold look flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

The Taiyi Immortal Sutra he got from Yuzhou in the past was really good. Although he didn't focus on his cultivation because the soul was not his foundation, he could easily digest and absorb it with the deduction of the proficiency panel.

And just now, when he observed the heaven and earth, and got the blessing of heaven and earth to enter the state of greatly increased understanding, he has already reached the level of perfection in his understanding of the Taiyi Immortal Sutra!

At this level, his consciousness further evolved.

If other celestial consciousness at the virtual level is cotton, then his consciousness has already reached the toughness of steel wire!

Now, his spiritual thoughts have been transformed into essence!

Even if Zhang Qingyuan suffers an unstoppable attack and his body is destroyed, he can still live another life with his soul!

It's not about robbing one's home and living another life,

Instead, it exists in the world by virtue of the soul, absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and finally embarks on the road of detachment from the sun god!

This kind of spiritual awareness is already a peerless power comparable to the first level of escape.

This allows Zhang Qingyuan to completely master the mana that has skyrocketed in the past 50 years, and is more able to block other people's perception of himself!

"Relying on the power of powerful spiritual sense to hide and restrain one's own power, the attack that was originally ordinary and did not seem to have much threat, at the moment of contact, the enemy will know that it is not a mouse that can be pinched to death, but It's a galloping dragon!"

"This kind of method, unexpectedly, even if the strength is far superior to me, even if you are not careful, you will have to be tricked!"

In the chaotic storm, a thought flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

This Chaos Divine Fist is created by using its own proficiency panel combined with the Great Evolution Technique after 50 years of retreat. It not only integrates its own Chaos Dao, but also integrates its accumulation of cultivation over the years. A means created by the inheritance of cultivation books and other huge wealth!

It can be said that it is the crystallization of Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation to the present day!

even though,

This trick is far less than the matching fairy arts in the fairy tales. After all, fairy arts were created by immortals, and they are condescending in the realm of immortals. Naturally, they are far higher and farther than what Zhang Qingyuan can see now.

But it is also precisely because of the relationship with his own Dao, the power that can be exerted is not inferior to any immortal art!

Such a powerful ultimate move, even for a perfect existence of the virtual sky level, is a means that may seriously damage the fallen!

But unfortunately,

What the giant bat monster doesn't know is that Zhang Qingyuan is too good at hiding!

The Taiyi Immortal Sutra, which has been comprehended to perfection, almost has the ability to turn corruption into magic, and restrain the aura of the Chaos Divine Fist to the extent that it even blocks the opponent's perception of danger!


Before the giant bat monster slammed into it with confidence, he thought it was just tofu.

As a result, when it hit,

Only to find that it is a sharp iron nail!

Hit the head directly and bleed!

"Looks like it's you who died!"

Zhang Qingyuan's indifferent voice sounded in the chaotic vacuum.

At the moment of breaking the giant bat monster, Zhang Qingyuan hardly stopped, the whole person stepped across the void, stepping on thousands of feet, and appeared almost like a teleportation above the severely injured giant bat monster.

A sword reincarnation!

Zhang Qingyuan, who stepped on the sky, did not see any movement, and behind him, a giant sword phantom appeared in the void!

With the drop of two fingers,

boom! ! !

The sword light ripped apart the sky, like a river pouring down three thousand miles, killing the corpse of the giant bat!

at the same time,

Under the vast sword light, thousands of long swords burst out, covering the sky and covering the sky. Around the ray of the giant sword, it strangled every inch of vowed to annihilate that giant bat!

At the same time as he cut out this blow, Zhang Qingyuan did not forget to glance at the tall and thin black-robed figure who had been motionless not far away.

There was a faint energy left, and it became more and more vigorous.

"Number three save me!"

In contrast, the giant bat monster only felt that the countdown to death had come at this moment, and there was no way to escape this sword, let alone any spare energy!

It tried its best to flip the other remaining wing, setting off a torrent of chaos, and the figure staggered towards the tall, thin black-robed figure and fled, while shouting for help, on its terrified head, the face was extremely embarrassed!

Zhang Qingyuan's sharp eyes pierced through the void, and he was faintly prepared.


What surprised Zhang Qingyuan was that,

Boom boom boom! ! !

The sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth disintegrates everything, and the giant bat body that is thousands of feet disintegrates and dissipates in front of the sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth, and completely falls into the boundless sword light!

From this to the end,

Until the screams of the giant bat monster disappeared,

Not far away, the tall and thin figure called No. 3 did not move at all!

"Isn't that Your Companion, is Your Excellency just watching death without help?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the figure not far away,

Some surprised aloud and asked,


The sword light in the void shrank, the sword pill turned into a full moon, and flew back into Zhang Qingyuan's dantian automatically.

Sit back and watch your comrade die,

see death without help,

Somewhat strange.

Anyway, in his perception, if the tall and thin figure in front of him shot, most of them could be saved.

This is how he feels!

In front of this tall and thin figure,

A very terrifying powerhouse!

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