The vastness of Central Continent, large and small forces are as far as the Galaxy Yinsha, countless!

Just like the Yanxingmen destroyed by Zhang Qingyuan in the South Vietnam not long ago,

Such a sect with monks in the realm of myriad transformations may have been the top existence in the Yuzhou cultivation world in the past.

But in Central Continent, forces of a similar scale may even be more than 100,000!

The vast Central Continent comprehension world,

Carrying more than 90% of the power of self-cultivation in the entire Canglan Realm, there is no power in the ranks of the ancestors of the gods and humans, and when they go to the outside world, they are just the overlords of the countryside in the eyes of others.

Might be able to show off one side,

But looking at the entire Central Continent comprehension world, it is inconspicuous at all.

And on top of these countless forces, it can be said that standing in the sky, detaching from the world, overlooking the many forces, is the first-class holy land.

If a power can be called a holy place,

Among them, there is a necessary factor, that is, there must be a giant who escapes the first level!

Only there are giants of Dunyi who are in the town, and there are people who have cultivated to the inheritance of Dao-cutting and Dunyi, and are qualified to be called holy places.

When I was in the Eastern Realm,

Wanleishan spent a lot of money to obtain the nine-turn daohua, just so that the arrogant in his door can one day be promoted to the level of slashing and escape, making Wanleishan a holy place and unifying the entire eastern world.

It's a pity that in the conflict with the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce, they met Zhang Qingyuan, and the preparations for many years were destroyed. The cultivated Tianjiao was also beaten to the point of being broken, and has since fallen into disbelief.

And above this ordinary holy land,

It is the top ten ancient holy places!

those ancient holy places,

It is also truly standing at the pinnacle of the cultivation world.

It even dominates the situation in the entire Central Continent comprehension world!

Compared with ordinary holy places, the ancient holy places have a deeper background, and there have been one or more immortals in the past.

Before these Immortal Venerates ascended, they would more or less leave them with things or means that others could not imagine, with very deep background!

So much so that some ancient holy places have even been passed down for 100,000 years!

It can be said that it is a myth and legend in the entire cultivation world!

But even so,

But the ancient holy places are not static.

From what Murong Yue said, there are only four of the ten ancient holy places that can be passed down to this day.

Others such as the ancient Five Elements Sect, the Taiyi Sect, the Great Wilderness Sacred Dynasty, etc. are all buried in the vast river of time for one reason or another.

It can also be seen from this that

How terrifying are the four remaining ancient holy places that can be passed down to the present in the cruel torrent of time!

"To be able to spend more than 100,000 years of chaos, that ancient holy place is really unfathomable!"

Following Murong Yue's eloquent words, the situation of the Central Continent Cultivation World was slowly revealed in front of him, and Zhang Qingyuan's expression also became a little dignified.


When I was in Yuzhou in the past, I once severely injured a holy son named Daxumi Mountain, and forged a lot of hatred with him.

And Mount Sumeru,

It is one of the ancient holy places that has been inherited for more than 100,000 years!

Having lived for such a long time, standing upright in storms, until today!

You don't have to think about it carefully to see how terrifying the background of Mount Sumeru is!

Form a beam with such a force,

This is not a good thing!

But okay,

Due to his low profile,

These existences that stand at the peak and dominate the direction of the cultivation world have little impact on the current Zhang Qingyuan for the time being.

Even so, Zhang Qingyuan still had a very strong sense of crisis in his heart.

It is necessary to improve the realm strength as soon as possible!

Putting your own safety in the expectation that the enemy will not find you, this kind of luck is not what Zhang Qingyuan would do.

"As one of the top ten ancient holy places in the past, the Great Emperor Huang ascended to immortality 90,000 years ago, and he must have the inheritance of cultivation to escape, maybe there is also the practice experience of the Great Emperor Huang, how about it? Daoyou Zhang wants to Let's explore together?"

After briefly explaining the key points to Zhang Qingyuan, Murong Yue looked at Zhang Qingyuan and asked about the tunnel.

"There is no reason why Zhang should not go with such a big opportunity."

"Speaking of which, this trip still took advantage of Fairy's chance. Fairy doesn't mind if she doesn't mind."

Zhang Qingyuan cupped his hands and laughed.

At this time, because of the matter of the ancient holy land of Mount Sumeru, there was already a sense of oppression in his heart.

If there is an opportunity to gain improvement, it will naturally not be missed.

not to mention,

Great Wilderness Holy Dynasty,

I had heard of it when I was in Qingzhou.

The Great Zhou Divine Emperor, who once had a hard battle with himself, is said to be a prince of the Great Wilderness Sacred Dynasty in the past.

and also,

The virtual mirror that I got,

In the past, the Great Zhou Divine Emperor spent a lot of energy to find it, and there might be some secrets hidden in it!

"Daoist friend is joking. Yue'er's strength is low. If you explore alone, you can't say that you will lose your life in it. If you have Qing New Year's Day Daoist companion by the side, then it would be excellent."

After some exchange,

The two didn't delay much either.

After cleaning up the battlefield, he turned and left, and the two figures disappeared.


After a few days,

Near Yujing, two streamers swept across the void and traced the battlefield where the war broke out.

Two figures came out of the void,

Begin scouting the surrounding area.


The man at the head took out a black mirror. In the dark mirror, there was actually a dim light, covering the fragmented battlefield!

As if turning back time,

On the other side of the mirror, scenes that happened here a few days ago began to appear.

Not long after that,

The two men escaped into the void and disappeared.

a few more days,

In a dark space, in the darkness, there is a stalwart existence who slapped the table after seeing something, and the thunder-like loud sound resounded like the anger of the gods and ~The real anger oppresses the void, making the space sway like a mirror,

The people in black who were kneeling below shuddered and broke into cold sweat.

"A bunch of trash! Get out of this seat!"

A group of men in black immediately retreated like an amnesty.

At this time,

The stalwart existence looked up at the sky and whispered:

"It seems that the kid named Zhang Qingyuan is about to become popular, and that means, even the quasi-dun one who is about to enter the escape one may not be able to kill the fifth and the nine so easily!"

"Yeah, I thought that even if the shots of No. 3 and No. 6 failed, they would at least be severely damaged, so the other party hid and disappeared. Now it seems that this may not be the case!"

Suddenly, in the darkness behind the terrifying figure, another voice appeared.

"That kid himself is extremely talented, and those old monsters like the Holy Land secretly contributed to the flames, pushing him to the position of the first person in the younger generation to attract my attention... The more stable the kid stands, In this era, the more God’s will favors and the stronger the heaven’s luck, I am afraid that Jieshi will become a big problem!”

"Humph! How could I not know about this, such characters must be strangled on the way before they grow up, and they must not be allowed to grow up!"

"If you let it bear the destiny! I will die without a doubt!"

The terrifying voice snorted coldly and said in a low voice.

"Forget it, then let this seat take the shot personally and send him on the road!"

"In the next period of time, the work of preventing those old undead attacks will be handed over to you!"

"Don't worry, if I'm here, the world will be there!"

In the shadows, the deep voice sounded in the void.

Standing with his hands behind his back, the terrifying figure nodded, stepped forward, and disappeared in an instant.

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