In this world, there are one or two unreasonable existences in every age!

They surpassed people's understanding, broke through common sense, and stood on the pinnacle that everyone looked up to in the same era, and no contemporaries could be enemies with them.

One is like Zhang Qingyuan. In just a decade or so, he has surpassed countless ancestors who have been practicing for an unknown number of years, standing in a position that most people can hardly reach in their lifetime.

And Yuwen Shaochuan,

One of such geniuses!

Rumor has it that he was originally a member of a small family in Yuzhou, and he has shown extraordinary strength since he was a child, but at the age of ten, he has raised his cultivation to the late Lingyuan stage, surpassing most of the older generations in the family. , Was regarded as a good story by the people of the time.

After entering the Yunshui School of cultivation, it also continued its undefeated myth. In just three years, it easily passed the selection of the Outer Sect Grand Competition, and with the first invincible capital of the Outer Sect that year, the disciples of the same era were all It's underneath!


Looking at the ten years before and after, there are very few that can compare with it.

Every age,

There is such a genius at the top.

They stand on the pinnacle that all beings look up to, a level that can hardly be surpassed in an exhausted life!

In the confrontation among such top-notch geniuses and evildoers, a little gap will be infinitely enlarged!

Zhang Qingyuan has a profound background. Because of various opportunities and his own reasons, his strength is more than one level higher than that of ordinary people, and it is difficult to be an enemy in the same realm.

After defeating Yan Fanatic, he is also known as the strongest genius and evildoer of the new generation!


After all, his cultivation time has been shorter, and his cultivation level has also been lower.

These disadvantages were of little effect to Zhang Qingyuan for ordinary monks of the same realm.

But on the same genius and evildoer who surpassed an era,

It is enough to become the key to victory!

How can a genius who can overshadow the limelight be an ordinary and simple character?

Can't win,

That is the most normal thing!

Being underwhelmed, it has been wounded in just a few strokes, and the counterattack will return without success. It has been expected.

Even in this big competition, his strength has already increased rapidly, but he can face the strong genius who has stood at the top and has been strong for more than 20 years.

Zhang Qingyuan will not be arrogant and think that he can compete with him and easily defeat the opponent!

"But so what? This time I am in the top three rankings, but I am bound to win!"

The flame in my heart is burning.

That unrelenting aura, the kind of depression that has accumulated over this world for more than ten years,

At this moment, everything is turned into fuel that burns in the flames in the heart!

Like exploding magma,

Burning and devouring everything!

Above the sky, there was originally a huge gathering of energy, and the mighty force that was crushed as if covering the sky and the sun was oppressive, but it became the oxidizer of the flame in Zhang Qingyuan's chest that was so hot that it burned everything!

"Swordsmanship, the green lotus blooms at once!"

Zhang Qingyuan folded his hands and transformed it into a complex seal pattern, which aroused the illusory aura in the dark.

In a trance, the world seems to be divided!

I don't know when,

A round of golden sword wheels rose slowly like the sun, and the air machine communicated with the world, as if it had fallen into a calm lake, causing a shock in the air field of heaven!

An unspeakable charm descended on the world, filling every corner of the surrounding void, and the rippling space was rendered blue at this moment!


Someone’s eyes are astonished,

The round wheel rose slowly, leaving a long trace visible to the naked eye in the void.

The blue rippling light that oscillated at the same time seemed to disturb the aura of the atmosphere, and an unidentifiable Tianyun descended on the world!

"What kind of trick is that? It gave me such an absurd feeling of horror!"

The cultivation base of the late Lingyuan was shocked, and he swallowed hard.


Gives a sense of trembling.

Even the late powerhouses who have begun to embark on the path of legal principles have an extremely solemn expression on their faces.

As for the two weaker ones,

His complexion was even more pale, and his heart was at a loss!

"That was the one used in the previous battle with Yan Fanatic, but why is the power this time so terrifying, it is so different from the power in the battle that day?!"

"It looks like it must have been when the battle was on that day, that Qingyuan had kept his hands, otherwise under this move, even the late-stage cultivators of the Seventh Layer of True Essence will have no bones left!"

People with eyesight speak authentically.

They are all powerful players among the audience, and their reputations are heard throughout Yuzhou.

"The connotation of the universe, it is really interesting to be able to derive such changes..."

On the high platform,

The pupils of Peak Master Xuanshuifeng's binoculars flowed, as if seeing through the void, clearly seeing the inner universe in the rising round of swords.

The power and philosophy contained therein shocked him!


Today's Xuanshui Peak Peak Master has been enlightened for more than two hundred In these two hundred years, I don't know how many geniuses I have seen.

But the means Zhang Qingyuan showed at this moment made him feel amazed by him who thought he was well-informed.

Mind moved slightly,

It seems that some decision has been made.

Not to mention the thoughts of many people in the audience,

At this time on the ring,

Yuwen Shaochuan, who faced this blow, felt the unprecedented pressure.

This kind of crazy warning sign feeling, even in the face of that other person, I have never felt it!

"How is this kind of strength possible?!"

No matter how unbelievable it is,

This is the fact in front of us!

At this moment,

Yuwen Shaochuan has completely extinguished the heart of underestimation, and has already regarded Zhang Qingyuan as the biggest enemy since the Inner Sect Competition!

"Want to beat me? Don't think about it!"

Gritted his teeth,

Holding a long sword in his hand, all the power in his body burst out at this moment!

Rumble! ! !

The sky and the earth shook violently, and the sky was originally blue and white without a trace of clouds. At this moment, heavy white clouds suddenly appeared, covering the entire sky, making the sky and the earth become dark and gloomy, and the light was suppressed at this moment.

at the same time,

Strong and terrifying cyclones were born out of thin air, and violent winds were raised above the sky, shattering the surrounding layers of thick clouds.

The majestic and boundless invisible power was born at this moment, and the white clouds in the sky that covered the sky and the sun gathered together at this moment and turned into a thousand-meter-long white dragon that almost covered the entire sky!

The terrifying white dragon hovered around Yuwen Shaochuan, setting him off as straight as an ant on the mountain!

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