The ban was unraveled by the resonance of the **** wood seal, and the white stone stele appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan.


Zhang Qingyuan had speculation in his mind,

This is inheritance!

Contains the promotion of Dongzhen, the way of stepping into Dongzhen through the five elements to inherit the method!

Without any hesitation, Zhang Qingyuan pressed a palm on it and began to accept the inheritance.

Boom! ! !

At the moment when the palm is pressed,

The sky was spinning, Zhang Qingyuan's soul seemed to be pulled into a white world in an instant, and the sight of the scene in front of him changed drastically!

this is! ! !

In Zhang Qingyuan’s shocked gaze,

But seeing the front, a figure standing on top of the sky, full of the world, can not see its face, as if there is an infinite law of Taoism lingering all over the body!

The stalwart figure did not speak, his eyes looked at the sky,

I waved at him casually,

Between the waving of the palms, there was a loud bang, and the entire white space vibrated violently.


Zhang Qingyuan saw the most memorable scene in his life!

At this moment,

That stalwart figure disappeared!

What appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan's eyes was the big hand that had evolved infinite Taoism!

Between the palms of the palm, Suddenly, it encompassed the entire world of heaven and earth, filling Zhang Qingyuan's vision of the sky, and the whole world was erased by a big hand covering the sky at this moment!

In the chaotic darkness, he couldn't see his fingers.

Total darkness,

Rays of light began to light up,

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth,

The power of the five elements,

Like a chain of laws, it runs through the sky, born out of the boundless darkness and chaos, breaking this deadly dark world!

The Five Elements Rule begins to rotate in staggered cycles,

The five powers blended and merged with each other, and finally turned into a black and white Tai Chi round wheel. The boundless power reflects on the heavens and tears the darkness, as if it has become the source of all world creation!

[Dao has no beginning, Yuan Wuming...]

Zhang Qingyuan stared at all this blankly, his mind was promoted to a certain level of clarity,

At the same time, the ears sounded like the emperor of the gods, and they resonated with the laws of the Great Dao that appeared in front of them, creating a magnificent scene that is difficult to describe in words!

In an instant,

Zhang Qingyuan was already caught in a deep level of sentiment.


at the same time,

Somewhere in the Yuan heaven.

"Hurry up, our young master spared your life, and then it's time for you to give back!"

High in the sky behind him, a golden long whip whizzed, tearing the space apart, making a sharp whistling sound, and beating Shen Hongzhou who was walking a little slower.

Shen Hongzhou screamed at the time, and a wound was torn on his back, dripping with blood.

The footsteps also became staggered.

"Junior Brother Shen, be careful!"

Zhao Yuanyang hurriedly stepped forward to help Shen Hongzhou.

Looking at the dazzling Jin Jizong disciple behind him, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he almost couldn't help stepping forward to fight with him.

"Brother Zhao!"

Shen Hongzhou was a little weak, but the hand holding Zhao Yuanyang suddenly became harder.

Signed and shook his head.

Don't be reckless!

"These guys!"

Not only Zhao Yuanyang, but the anger in the heart of You Xiaosheng, who was walking in front, was also burning up, clenching his fists involuntarily.

He couldn't help not being angry.

After you rescued Zhao Yuanyang and the others, You Xiaosheng found a place to cultivate for a few days, and recovered a little bit of combat power.

Soon after,

When they were looking for a way out, they encountered several dangers and accidentally started a relatively dangerous trial.

Fortunately, with the hard work and collaboration of a few people, the trial was opened up.

And got some precious gains.

But before everyone is happy,

The disciples of the Jinjizong headed by Lu Longcheng suddenly appeared, defeated all of them, and sealed their true essence, and finally fell into the hands of these Jinjizong monks.

Along the way,

These Jinjizong monks did not kill them,

But on the road, he hit or scolded,

From time to time a whip is pulled down,

Early let You Xiaosheng's heart bear raging anger.

"I'll wait for a forbearance first, hurry up to recover, and wait for the opportunity. This Yuantian realm is not the only one of their Jinjizong family. Maybe I will wait for the sect to have a master to come in, and wait for the opportunity to attack again..."

Among the group of people, Liu Zhangyuan was a little calmer, passing the voice to the surrounding people without leaving a trace.

"Now that I wait for my strength to be banned, even if I want to fight for my life, I can't get on them much, so I don't want to lose my life in vain..."

The crowd communicated secretly.

at this time,

High above the sky,

Lu Longcheng's figure was suspended high in the sky, and he glanced down below, not paying much attention at all, looking again at the distant sky.

"Young Master, these Yunshui Sect cultivators have greatly slowed down my waiting, why should I keep them? Isn't it just right to kill them here?"

At this time,

An old figure appeared behind Lu Longcheng, his muddy eyes glanced at everyone below, and then asked with a hoarse voice.

In fact,

Among the people below were not only the cultivators of the Yunshui Sect, but also other casual cultivators. They were all caught by them, blocked their strength, and rushed towards their destination.

The old man didn't understand these talismans that dragged down his deeds.

"The Yuantian Secret Realm disappeared for thousands of years. My grandfather told me before without any power to maintain it for such a long time. Suddenly, the connection to Yuzhou appeared, and I was afraid it was not a sign of collapse."

"Now it seems that this is indeed the case. There are cracks that penetrate the chaotic void in many places."

"This kind of change may lead to changes in certain formations in this Yuantian realm. These people, it is best to use them to find the way later, so that there will be no problems when they are too late to deal with."

Lu Longcheng embraced his chest with his hands and silently glanced at the group of people below, his voice did not fluctuate in the slightest.

This is indeed Lu Longcheng’s idea,

It was also the fundamental reason why Zhao Yuanyang and his party were able to survive.

After entering this Yuantian realm and seizing the inheritance of the Equatorial Daoist, Lu Longcheng cared very much about the entire Yuantian realm's environment, and inferred that this Yuantian realm had changed and was about to collapse soon.

In this context,

The next extremely important thing that they will acquire next is also the biggest goal of their trip, and it is itself guarded by many formations.

Those bans might have changed during the changes in the Yuantian realm.

these people,

It's just used to try out the battle.

Compared with the honest calculation of breaking the formation, the use of human lives to test a safe road is obviously faster than that!

"The young master is really clever, considerate in his work, and act without leaks. It's the old servant who wants to go wrong!"

The old man behind him suddenly,

Familiar with Lu Longcheng arched his hands and exclaimed.

Lu Longcheng waved his hand proudly, not paying much attention.

"Elder Wu is polite, and then I will say that we must rely on Elder Wu's strength to win such a thing for my grandfather."

"It is an honor for the old servant to work for the real man and the young master!"

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