Chapter 0073 – Fighting Alone… So what!!!!!

“I want her to know that she is only worthy to crawl on the ground!!! “】

[Although it only appeared for half a minute, this huge monster showed unprecedented domineering in this short half minute!!! 】

[“I know, then I will give it to you here!”] Although there were some doubts, the current situation did not allow Fujimaru Tachika to think more, nodded and said. 】



“, the big figure was shrouded in light at this moment, the golden wings shone in the sun, and the purple eyes showed indescribable tenderness.”

“You don’t need to ask me for this at all…”

The hair-haired girl looked at the figure in front of her, her eyes trembled a little, she already knew…

[“Hurry up! “, gaze shifted, Gorgon no longer looked at Matthew and Fujimaru Rika, and said indifferently. 】

“Thank you…”

, Fujimaru Tachika stood on the body of the pterosaur, his eyes were a little dim, looked at the last figure, and began to say goodbye,… Good bye.

[The pterosaur began to spread its wings and fly, and Matthew next to him seemed to remember something at this time, and there was a trace of disbelief in his purple eyes, eagerly looking at Fujimaru Tachika, senior! ] Wait a minute! That Miss Gorgon is Anna! ”

[“Matthew! A tough voice interrupted the girl. 】


I can’t see clearly under the hidden face…………[The girl’s body trembled slightly.


“I know…”


The tears shone in the sun, and the purple-haired girl’s body trembled slightly. Recognized and how. 】


Seeing the introduction in the video, everyone couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seems to be supporting one side, but… Everyone’s eyes immediately darkened again…

Left alone… It’s a painful feeling to fight………

Death World Void Palace.


“Move half a point.”

There was no half a wave in his calm eyes, Lan Ran quietly looked at everything in front of him, and there was nothing in his heart that attracted him because of the video touch, only the power of the other world………

[Golden wings cover the sky, even if you are in the scarlet dark and dirty sludge, you can’t hide the holy light! ] The sun shines, the huge snake god in the sun is so holy, the brilliant demon eyes are shining with brilliant light, at this moment, like an angel…………]

“To die, to die, to die! Yes!!! ”

, From time to time there was a roar like a beast in the sky, and countless Rahem servants rushed up one after another, Anna did not care, and gently closed her eyes.

“I didn’t say goodbye to them officially, but for me, that was actually enough?”

“I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to see me like this.”

, this time the voice changed…

[Not as mature and dull as before…]

【Immature. Reluctantly… It’s like she can’t leave, but she has to leave the little girl…]

“This will only hurt them! “】

[His fate has long been predetermined! ] I can get along with everyone for so long…】

[Already satisfied…]

[While Anna muttered. Tiamat moved, and with each step forward, the hair bound by Anna began to tear, Tiamat looked at Anna in front of him with those purple-red eyes, his face was hideous, and he let out a roar of unknown meaning, Aaaa “】

[As if in the next moment it will break free]

[“But! God Tiamat! I’m going to give you a real taste! With a sharp roar, Anna’s eyes became extremely firm and serious! 】

[The brilliant demon eyes flashed with a strange light, and a light red mysterious, holy huge magic array appeared out of thin air in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, the magic array instantly expanded tens of meters]

[“As a giant snake god, shoot down the dragon of the earth! “】

[The purple hair is windless, and moving, Anna sings loudly, six huge angelic red wings slowly move forward, wrapping Anna’s figure, like waterfall hair dancing with the wind in an instant, purple long hair slowly wrapped around Anna’s side, and derived countless hair strands in the tide of chaos constantly stirring. ] 】


[A sharp and piercing roar sounded, and countless Rahems vibrated their pitch-black wings in mid-air and frantically rushed towards Anna’s side! ] 】

[“Melt everything! “】

[Suddenly, the golden wings wrapped around Anna were completely unfolded, and her bright eyes flashed with a breathtakingly beautiful light! ] 】

[“Forcibly seal the Temple of All Devils! “】

[Looking at the god Tiamat in front of her, there was no fear in Anna’s eyes, and her bright eyes flashed with a more dazzling light again! ] The beauty is breathtaking…】

[“Boom boom!!!!!! “】

[The circulating purple crystal light magic array converged in a moment, and a huge pillar of energy light hundreds of meters appeared out of thin air, slamming into the body of the Tiamat God! ] 】

[“Shhh!!!h “It is enough to tear apart the mountains and rivers, and the earth magic torrent pours out, right in front of the god Tiamat in front of him! 】

[But I don’t know why… This time there was no defensive shield in front of the god Tiamat, perhaps… It is because the consumption is too great when resisting Quezar Coyalt, and there is no strength to defend at this time]


The terrifying torrent of energy was completely submerged by the god of Tiamat, accompanied by a clear shattering [sound, everyone can see that in the video, a deep crack appeared on the horn of the god of Tiamat! Apparently caused by the attack of Quezar Koyar just now, and Anna’s goal is to completely cut it off!!! 】

[“Shh!!!!h “The violent friction sound resounded in the sky, and under the torrent of mana, the cracks on the Divine Horn of Tiamat continued to intensify, and even began to crack! 】

[“Boom!!! The magic output was added again, looking at the god Amat in front of her, and an unclear meaning appeared in Anna’s eyes… That’s death…]

【”Peng ——…”】

[Cape Tiamat… Broken…].


Everyone in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but start cheering when they saw it, this was the terrifying goddess of Warcraft in front of them injured 0, it was the first time they saw the hope of winning!

Although it doesn’t matter to themselves, what happens in the video has inadvertently made them lift their hearts. Now seeing the hope of winning appear, how can everyone not be happy!


Before everyone finished cheering… Eyes wide…

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone couldn’t help but fall silent…

[In the picture, the huge terrifying special horn crashed to the ground, and the existence called the wings was completely destroyed, which also announced the release of the huge snake god treasure…]

[The brilliant light in the eyes appeared again, and the golden red wings slowly spread out in the sunlight, greeting the bright purple eyes of this warm huge snake god and finally looking in the direction of Uruk. ] There is no flatness on the face. 】

There is no indifference, there is just endless tenderness [destined for the mission, Anna already knows her fate, but…]

【I didn’t expect it】

[Not really. Arrive. In the recognition…]


“Thank you all. Give me flowers.”


[Out of nowhere, there is a clear sound…]

[Golden dots of light floating in the sky…]

[Bright eyes gently closed, the corners of the eyes are shining with crystal tears…]

【. Original 0.1 that huge figure……… The golden point of light disappeared. 】


[The camera flashed, and the orange-haired girl on the other side seemed to feel something…]

[Tears keep pouring out. Hands clenched tightly…]

[The cute girl who likes to cover her body under a huge trench coat…]

[That. Receiving flowers will be shy girls…】

[That……… Seeing the avocado cake, the eyes can’t help but sparkle girl…】

[That… They are the same…]

[But. No need to be sad! 】

[Because whether it’s her or she…]

[Never forget each other!!! 】


I’m really sorry, everyone, because some weiin words appeared, fix it many times ps:, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes today 10,000 words, thank you!

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