Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

2 Chapter 2: The White Emperor


Confirm the host, Lin slowly.

Start docking information.

The information is successfully connected and the system is fully started!

"Hello host, welcome to use system 438!"


Lin slowly woke up.

She rubbed her head, there seemed to be a voice in her head talking to her just now.

The other party seems to be a system...

Baidi's voice suddenly sounded: "You are awake."

Lin slowly recovered.

Only then did she realize that she was lying on the tiger's back!

As soon as he saw it, Lin slowly remembered the scene when the living person had changed into a tiger, and he was still a little afraid.

Baidi asked her as he ran, "How are you feeling? Are you still uncomfortable?"

Lin slowly sat up cautiously.

"No, I'm fine, where are you taking me?"

The speed of Baidi was very fast, and the wind whizzed past him, and the unclothed Lin was slowly shivering from the cold.

"I'll take you to the wolf clan to find a witch doctor." Baidi noticed her changes and immediately stopped.

He slowly put Lin on a big tree, then took off the leather skirt, stuffed the leather skirt and the bone knife into her hand, and exhorted: "Wait for me, I will be back soon."

After speaking, he jumped off the tree and landed lightly on the grass.

Lin slowly sat on the trunk, holding the bone knife in both hands.

She saw a huge white tiger hiding in the bushes. Not far in front of him, there was a wild boar that had just eaten and was dozing off.

The white tiger waited for a while, and when the wild boar completely relaxed his vigilance, the tiger rushed out to cover his ears from the thunder, and bit the wild boar's neck in one bite!

Blood was splashing, and the wild boar screamed in pain.

The wild boar struggled desperately, but in the end he couldn't escape the tiger's fangs and was bitten to death.

Lin slowly was stunned by the hunt that had witnessed the whole process.

Such a big wild boar can knock her out with just a light hit.

But the Baidi killed the opponent in one bite!

Lin Slowly felt that he had to re-evaluate Baidi's force value. Such a powerful man would be able to pinch her to death with two fingers if he really used his hand.

For the sake of her own personal safety, she would try not to provoke him in the future.

Baidi turned into a human form, walked under the tree, stretched out his arms, and looked up at the little female on the tree: "Jump down."

Lin Slowly was very scared.

At a distance of more than four meters, if she didn't jump well, she could break a few bones even if she couldn't fall.

Seeing her fear, Bai Di immediately understood.

It turns out that his little female is afraid of heights.

Since Baidi left his parents after he became an adult, he has never lived with a female again. He basically has a black eye for the female's living habits and doesn't understand anything.

When he got to the tribe of wolves, he had to find out.

There are a large number of wolves and there are females in the tribe. They must know how to take care of females.

Baidi climbed up the tree vigorously, picked up Lin slowly, then jumped down and landed steadily on the ground.

He said, "Give me the knife."

Lin slowly handed the bone knife back to Baidi.

Baidi used a bone knife to completely peel off the skin of the wild boar, and then cut off the meat and bones separately.

Baidi cleans the wild boar skin and wraps it on Lin Slowly: "This way it won't be cold."

That familiar voice suddenly rang in her mind--

"Get a wild boar skin to trigger the novice mission!"

"The host is asked to collect three animal skins. After the task is completed, a newbie gift pack will be given out!"

Lin slowly froze.

Novice missions and novice gift packs?What it is?!

But the system did not respond.

She can only wrap her wild boar skin tightly, thinking about the answer in her heart alone.

The wild boar skin that has not been tanned has a bloody smell, but I have to admit that it is indeed much warmer when wrapped in it, at least there is no need to run around the world naked.

Lin slowly whispered to Baidi, "Thank you."

Baidi looked at her small body hiding in the skin of a wild boar, and couldn't help reaching out and touching her ears: "When I get to the wolf tribe, I will buy you clothes."

Lin Slowly's ears were very sensitive, and when he touched them, they immediately turned red.

She resisted her shyness and asked, "Where is the wolf tribe?"

"It's the place where the wolf clan lives. It's not too far from here. I usually go there to exchange or buy anything I need."

"Sounds like a village."

"Village?" Baidi didn't quite understand the meaning of this term. "I have only heard of tribes and cities. I have never heard of villages."

Lin slowly brightened his eyes: "The city? What is that place? Are there humans in it?"

"Humans? I have never heard that those cities are all built by orcs. They are powerful but also fierce. If you are interested, I can take you there in the future."

Lin Slowly didn't know what the city meant to the orcs, she just treated it as an ordinary trip, nodded and said, "Oh."

Baidi cut off the tenderest part of the wild pork and handed it to Lin Slowly: "Eat it."

Lin slowly looked at the bloody flesh in front of him, and he was directly confused.

"This, this is raw meat!"

Baidi said, "What's wrong with the raw meat? This meat is very fresh and tastes good. You can eat it quickly."

Lin slowly shook his head in horror, "No, no! I don't eat raw meat!"

Bai Di frowned: "You don't eat meat? No wonder you are so thin and small. You can't be like this. Not eating meat is bad for your health. Eat it soon."

But no matter what he said, Lin Slowly refused to touch the bloody raw meat even if he died.

Baidi had no choice but to find some wild fruits for her to eat.

Lin slowly hugged the wild fruits and ate very satisfied.

Baidi stared at her for a moment, and then suddenly asked, "Aren't you a vegetarian orc? For example, rabbits and deer."

Lin slowly felt a little guilty.

She is neither a rabbit nor a deer.

She is human!

But Baidi had never seen a human being. She didn't know the consequences of telling the truth. She thought about it, and then said vaguely: "I am an omnivorous animal."

"Omnivorous? It means that both meat and vegetarian food can be eaten?"

Lin slowly nodded: "Yeah."

"Then why did you refuse to eat meat just now?"

Lin slowly swallowed the wild fruit in his mouth and explained: "I don't eat meat, I just don't eat raw meat. If it is cooked meat, I still like it."

"Cooked meat? How to make it? Tell me, I'll help you make it!"

Baidi is an out-and-out carnivorous animal. In his concept, one must eat meat for three meals a day, otherwise he will get sick!

He must not let the little female get sick.

There are no pots here, so fried meat and stew are definitely not good, so I can barely get a barbecue.

Lin slowly said, "First there must be a fire."


Lin slowly asked carefully: "Have you never seen a fire?"

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