【After reading the Department of Rivers and Rivers and suggesting planting lotus roots and water chestnuts on the fish ponds, King Qin Yingzheng, Prince Fusu and others also continued to the Textile Department, one of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture.】

【However, compared with the Agriculture Department, Forestry Department, Animal Husbandry Department, and Rivers Department, which had many people and vast areas in front of them, the number of people in the Textile Department was not large.】

【There are only five or six people who are truly children of farmers, and five or six children of Mohism. As for the remaining ten or so people, they are all ordinary peasant women recruited.】

【Moreover, the site of the Textile Department is not very large. Overall, it is only a few acres in size.】

【There are racks of textile machines inside the Textile Department, and more than ten ordinary spinners are working on the textile machines.】

【The five or six farm boys stood aside and watched the spinners weaving, holding bamboo slips and pens, as if recording something.】

【Behind them, there were racks of textile looms that had been dismantled into parts. Five or six Mohist disciples were tinkering with something on the dismantled textile looms.】

【Xu Zi, who was leading the way, also introduced:"This is the Textile Department, which is mainly responsible for researching and optimizing the current spinning methods of silk and linen, and improving the current spinning efficiency of silk and linen."】

【"And looking for other clothes that can be used for weaving like silk and linen"】

【After seeing Xu Zi walking in with Prince Fusu, King Qin Yingzheng and others, a group of farmers' and Mohists' children also stopped what they were doing, stepped forward and bowed and saluted:"I see you, Your Majesty. Your Highness!"】

【Although the children of the peasant family and the Mohist family had only met Prince Fusu before,"three"three one seven" one seven" had not really met King Qin Yingzheng.】

【But there was no one else except the King of Qin Ying Zheng who they had never seen before.】

【But the dozen or so spinners behind the peasants and Mohists looked panicked and at a loss, not knowing how to react.】

【Seeing this, Prince Fusu first stretched out his hand toward the peasants and Mohist disciples from the Textile Department and said:"Without courtesy,"】

【Later, Prince Fusu looked at the spinning women again and said in a warm voice:"You don't need to be polite, just act as usual. No one will blame you for this.""】

【Hearing the words of Prince Fusu, the spinners were relieved, but they did not dare to talk nonsense, so they stood aside silently with their heads lowered.】

【After a brief salute and greeting, a group of farm boys also said excitedly:"Your Highness, Master Xu, you are here just in time!"】

【"We have been studying the improvement of textile machines for several months and finally have achieved results!"】

【As the saying goes, it’s better to come early than to come by chance.】

【Xu Zi, Prince Fusu, King Qin Yingzheng and others also did not expect that just after they came to the Textile Department, the farmers' children in the Textile Department would come out with research results, and they were immediately interested.】

【Xu Zi even said directly:"Is there any improvement?"】

【A group of farm boys led everyone to the racks of textile machines behind them and said,"After the Textile Department was established, we thought about improving the textile machines first."】

【"But as for how to improve the textile machine, I had no idea at the beginning."】

【"So we thought about it and recruited a group of spinning women who were usually responsible for weaving at home."】

【"Let them spin while they are spinning, and then think about the changes they hope the textile machine can make, or what they think is inconvenient to use with the textile machine they are currently using."】

【"Then we recorded all their opinions, and then based on their opinions, we waited for a group of farm children to think of ways to improve"】

【"After coming up with a rough improvement plan, we asked the Mohists to help us manufacture the improved and designed new textile machine."】

【"After the new textile machine is manufactured, we will continue to provide the new textile machine to the spinners for textile use to see if the new textile machine has any shortcomings and disadvantages that we have not noticed."】

【"If there is any, we will record it, and then try to improve it, and then find Mohist disciples to help make new textile machines."】

【"This cycle goes on and on, and finally a few days ago, we created a new textile machine that is different from the current one!"】

【"And during the trial process over the past few days, all the spinning women said that the new spinning machine is very easy to use and meets their needs."】

【Having said this, a group of farm boys from the Textile Department also stood in front of a row of textile machines, pointed to the first and second textile machines on the left, and introduced:"This is currently mainly used by the people in the capital of Guizhou. Textile machine, we call it handloom"】

【"The hand-operated textile machine mainly consists of four parts: wooden frame, spindle, rope pulley and handle."】

【"The hand-operated spinning machine is divided into two types: one is the horizontal hand-operated spinning machine. This kind of hand-operated spinning machine has the spindle on the left, the sheave and handle on the right, and the rope string is used in the middle to drive it."】

【"The other type is the vertical hand-operated spinning machine. This kind of hand-operated spinning machine has the spindle installed on the rope pulley and is also driven by rope strings."】

【"Among them, the horizontal handloom can be operated by one person, while the vertical handloom requires two people to operate at the same time. Therefore, people in Guizhou still use horizontal handloom more"】

【"But there is a disadvantage of hand-cranked looms, that is, the spinning woman needs to crank the loom with one hand and do the spinning work with the other hand."】

【"In this way, it is difficult to control the wadding or short yarns well, and it is also easy to kink each other during spinning, causing problems such as uneven yarn thickness."】

【At this point, the farmer's boy who explained also picked up a piece of spinning yarn placed in front of the handloom and handed it to Xu Zi, Prince Fusu and King Qin Yingzheng with both hands.】

【Xu Zi, Prince Fusu, and King Qin Yingzheng looked at the piece of spinning yarn in their hands. Indeed, they could see at a glance that it was kinked and uneven in thickness.】

【After Xu Zi, Prince Fusu, and King Qin Yingzheng all had a brief understanding of the current spinning situation, the farmer's boy who had just explained walked sideways and walked to another textile machine and said proudly:"This is what we have improved." Later textile machines"】

【"We call it a foot-operated loom!"】

【"The structure of a foot-operated textile machine is mainly composed of a spinning mechanism and a foot-operated part."】

【"The spinning mechanism is similar to a hand spinning wheel, while the pedal mechanism is composed of cranks, pedals, convex nails and other parts."】

【"The step rod drives the sheave and spindle to rotate through the crank to complete the work of twisting, pulling and stretching. At the same time, the connecting rod and crank are used to convert the reciprocating motion of the foot into circular motion to replace the rotation of the hand-cranked sheave."】

【"This frees the spinner's right hand, which was originally used to shake the spinning wheel, and she can use both hands to spin or join threads."】

【"This not only makes up for the disadvantages of the original hand-operated spinning wheel because it can only use one hand for spinning, and it is difficult to control the filaments or short filaments well, but also makes up for the shortcomings of the yarns being easily twisted with each other during spinning, resulting in uneven yarn thickness."】

【"At the same time, it also greatly improves the efficiency of spinning."】

【"After our verification, the working efficiency of the same pedal-operated textile machine is at least three to five times that of the hand-operated textile machine!"】

【As soon as these words came out, whether it was Xu Zi, King Qin Yingzheng, or Prince Fusu were all stunned.】

【Such textile efficiency is not too low, but too high!】

【It was so high that they had never thought of it before!】

【What does it mean to improve textile efficiency by three to five times?】

【This means that in the same amount of time, three to five times more yarn can be spun!】

【This means that in the past it was only possible to weave clothes for one person, but now it is possible to weave clothes for three to five people!】

【This means that the time cost has been greatly reduced, and the day when everyone can wear common clothes is just around the corner!】

【Thinking of this, King Qin Yingzheng also immediately turned his head, looked at the more than ten spinning women beside him and asked:"Pedal-operated loom, how do you feel after using it?"】

【"Has textile efficiency increased three to five times?"】

【If King Qin Yingzheng asks about other things, they may not dare to answer, and they don’t know how to answer.】

【But when asked about textile machines, they were no longer sleepy and started talking one by one.】

【"The foot-operated loom is very easy to use, much easier to use than the hand-operated loom!"】

【"We have to keep pushing the splint on the hand-operated textile machine. After pushing for a long time, our whole arm will be sore and numb."】

【"From time to time you have to stop and rest, relax your arms before you can continue."】

【"Yes, you are right, and the handloom loom not only has to push the plywood on one side, but also has to be busy turning various yarns on the other side.........."】

【"If you can't multitask, you can only finish one side and then work on the other side. The efficiency is too slow.........."】

【"Dear adults, the adults who came to us before said that we are paid for helping, can we exchange the payment for a pedal-operated loom?"】

【"Yes, yes, we don’t want remuneration, we want a foot-operated loom like this!"】

【"Please allow me to do so! Please allow me to do so!"】

【After saying that, all the spinning women knelt down and begged to King Qin Ying Zheng, Prince Fu Su and others.】

【Seeing this, Prince Fusu also quickly stretched out his hand and said:"Get up, everyone, get up"】

【"You can continue to take the remuneration they promised you before. In addition, Gu will also ask them to each give you a pedal-operated textile machine."】

【"Now, please show me the difference between a foot-operated loom and a hand-operated loom!"】

【After receiving Prince Fusu's promise, all the spinning women stood up with smiles on their faces.】

【Then some of the spinners used hand-operated looms, while others used foot-operated looms.】

【Then everyone could clearly see that the spinner who used the foot-operated loom could spin easily with both hands and feet.】

【On the other side, the spinner who uses a hand-operated loom has to stop from time to time, shake her arms, or turn over various yarns.】

【After a while, the spinner using a foot-operated spinning machine had spun three to five feet of yarn.】

【The spinner who uses a hand-operated loom has just spun about a foot of yarn.】

【The efficiency between the two is clearly visible】

【Xu Zi then stopped the spinning women, took the yarn spun by these spinning women, and compared it carefully.】

【It can also be clearly seen that the yarn spun using a foot-operated textile machine is more even and less prone to kinks.】

【It was finally confirmed that the foot-operated looms improved by a group of farmers and Mohists were indeed far superior to the hand-operated looms currently mainly used by people in Guizhou.】

【King Qin Yingzheng was immediately in a happy mood. He looked at the five farmers' children and six Mohists' children in the Textile Department in front of him and said:"The foot-operated textile machine was improved and developed by eleven people like you?"】

【The eleven farm boys and Mohist boys all nodded in unison and said,"Your Majesty, we jointly developed this"】

【King Qin Yingzheng nodded slightly and ordered:"For your merits in developing the pedal-operated loom, each of you will be awarded the title of Duke of the First Class!"】

【Different from the previous aspects such as the columbine and the curved shaft plow, which were mainly conceived by Prince Fusu, the foot-operated loom in front of us was independently researched by these farmers and Mohists, and it was of great use.】

【After the pedal-operated looms are promoted in the future, the overall textile efficiency of the Qin State can be increased by three to five times, and the number of clothes and quilts that the people of the Qin State can wear can also be further increased.】

【Under such circumstances, it is very reasonable to reward the farmers' sons and Mohists' sons who participated in the research and development of the pedal-operated textile machine with a knighthood.】

【If the number of people participating in the research and improvement of pedal-operated looms was doubled, then King Qin Yingzheng could even give them a second-level title.】

【If only one person independently researches and improves the pedal-operated loom, then King Qin Yingzheng can even give him a third-level hairpin title.】

【However, if there are as many as eleven people, then Qin King Ying Zheng will have to reduce the title level and can only give the lowest first-class Duke title.】

【But even a first-class knighthood is enough to excite the farmers' children in the Textile Department, as well as the Mohist children who assist the Textile Department's research.】

【After all, no matter how low-level the title is, it is a title with serious salary and special treatment.】

【A group of children from the peasant family and the Mohist family who had been awarded titles thanked them one after another:"Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty!"】

【King Qin Yingzheng nodded slightly and said:"I hope you, gentlemen, will continue to further improve textile machines for the Qin State and the people of Guizhou, so that the day when everyone in the world will have no shortage of clothes will come soon."】

【A group of peasants and Mohists who had been awarded titles raised their heads and responded enthusiastically:"I will live up to your majesty's trust!"】.

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