As long as he accumulates prestige in the army and continues to make contributions, I believe that He Chao will never snub him, and when the time comes, it will be just a small matter to be promoted and make a fortune.

With status, buying a car will basically not be difficult for Mahan.

"Very well, let's study this chart. "

Satisfied with the answers of the crowd, he pointed to the map on the table, which he had already depicted in detail the forces of the nearby countries.

In general, this picture is very important, and at the same time, it is very detailed, which can make them walk out of a different way in the vast sea.

Everyone approached, and everyone looked at the chart in front of them, and they all thought for themselves.

This chart in front of them is a lifesaver for them, although this time their purpose is to go west, but there is still a lot of land on the way to the west, if they can be subdued by the way, it will naturally be better.

"Lord Commander, judging from your chart, the territory of the entire West is indeed very huge, much larger than our Great Qin. "

"And how is there still an undiscovered piece of land here, and is there a human presence on it?"

Liu Xuan, the other commander, pointed to the place marked with green by He Chao, and there were two words written on it, could it be that there are still people living in this continent? Not only Liu Xuan, but also the other people looked at He Chao suspiciously.

He Chao smiled slightly when he saw this, he didn't know whether there were people living in this continent in this era, but he knew that this continent was very complicated, all of them were plains, and the entire terrain could be said to be a flat river.

It was called the land of abundance by later generations, and the terrain here is very perfect, and in addition, the entire territory is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it is simply the best map to build the Celestial Empire.

So for this place, He Chao is also bound to win, but judging from the current situation, it is very difficult for them to get here, so they must first go to the West to conquer the West before coming to the Americas, in this case, it is better.

"It's true that there is a continent here, and it's very complex, and the whole terrain is flat, and you can grow a lot of food, which is a great land for us. "

"However, judging from our current situation, it is not realistic to go directly to him, and our ultimate goal is to go to the West first and agree to the West, and then go here. "

Thinking about He Chao explaining all this clearly, although he also pitied this place very much, He Chao knew that it was not so simple to take this place down.

The most important thing is that the road here is long, and it is very dangerous to cross the ocean, if they move forward aimlessly like this, even if they get there, they don't know that it is the year of the monkey.

He Chao naturally didn't want to see such a thing, and now their primary purpose was not to conquer that continent.

"I see, I didn't expect that Master Hou, your vision is so far, even this continent knows, it seems that we are lonely and unheard. "

Meng Tian looked at He Chao with a hint of admiration in his eyes, being able to create this chart is obviously not an ordinary person, and it is estimated that only people like He Chao can easily see the pattern of the world.

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