Chapter 143 Electric Vehicle Optimization, Paper Making.

The next day, Li Kei got up as usual.

Luo Die was walking in with a basin, and Li Kei was already dressed at this time. Luo Die was stunned and asked, “Husband, how are you?” ”

Li Kei was also surprised.

Rubbed my butt and didn’t find any pain points.

“Hey, it doesn’t hurt anymore! I didn’t think that Xiaoman’s ointment really worked! ”

Luo Die sighed: “I also said that if I serve you for a few more days, this night will be fine, but it’s a pity!” ”

Li Ke: “Oh, it starts to hurt again…”

“Okay, don’t pretend, quickly wash your face and eat!”

After a while, Li Kei finished cleaning up and walked out the door.

The whole house greeted Li Ke, and pretended to look at his ass casually.

“Your Highness, is your ass better?”

“Your Highness, you just fell yesterday, why don’t you rest more today.”

“Your Highness, I heard that the muscles and bones have been broken for a hundred days, and you will come out for activities the next day, right?”

Li Kei coughed lightly and said, “You should be busy, don’t worry about it.” This little injury, this king is not in the way, one night is good. ”

Not long after, Li Kei walked to the front yard.

I saw that the electric tricycle was disassembled into parts. Several people are working on parts.

Seeing Li Kei coming over, everyone turned their eyes to Li Ke’s butt. Li Kei was speechless.

It’s not a good thing to be good too fast!

“How about it, this electric car, do you have any improvements?”

“Your Highness, the prototype of this electric car is really ingenious, three wheels do not fall, it is easier to control the direction than a horse-drawn carriage or a steam engine, Your Highness is simply a wizard!”

“Yes, with this battery, you can walk without boiling water, and you can start quickly, which is simply a good thing.”

“No, but this car is so fast, the brakes should be optimized, otherwise it will break if it can’t stop.”

“Yes, I bumped into it several times yesterday!”

“If one person crashes, it’s a human problem, but several people crash, which is obviously a car problem. This structure has to be changed to I! ”

“Why don’t you add a double brake, one for the left wheel and one for the right wheel?”

“Makes sense, I recommend setting up a manual brake so that it doesn’t slip away when parking.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea, I’ll write it down.”

“Also, this car is quiet, the movement is too small, and a bell must be installed.”

“Yes, yes, this right, hang a bell, you will know that a car is coming, and you will naturally avoid it.” Make a note of this. ”

“I recommend adding two more sets of spare batteries so that you can run for six hours, and both sets can be fully charged at once.”

“Ah, yes, yes, this battery life problem should also be improved. If half of the road runs out of power, then it will be troublesome! ”

“Heck, I suggest adding a device driven by personal force, and you can make do with manpower when you run out of electricity.”

“Forget this, you can find someone to push it when there is no electricity?”

“I think I should design a reverse gear, so that you can adjust the angle when you can’t turn a corner.”

“I think I can attach a mirror to the handlebar so that I can see directly behind.”


“Your Highness, what do you think of our proposals?”

Li Kei nodded: “What you said is right, change it casually, don’t leave your hands, it’s best to get the car seamless at one time.” ”

Hearing that these people are so attentive to transforming electric vehicles, Li Kei is deeply gratified. Science, as it should be.

It’s good to keep exploring and trying and copying it yourself.

But some things have no materials, and if they can’t be made temporarily, they are all ignored. In fact, every small design is of great use.

Since they can make up for it all, then they don’t have to worry about it.

Li Kei just felt at this time that clothing, food, housing, and travel in this era are much more important than those soaps, drinks, cosmetics and so on, but his own path is not crooked.

Building roads is also an aspect of travel.

In addition, water transport is still very important in this era. Therefore, shipbuilding is not a crooked path.

The next direction to continue our efforts should be to live in kimono.

Weaving and spinning was solved, and having heard about the depreciation of grain in Chang’an, Li Shimin gathered a group to plant cotton. So in the future, the basic problem of clothes will be solved slowly.

With the advent of down jackets, it must also set off a wave of craze. It’s not a trend to follow the trend or anything.

It is that cheap and warm clothes are more liked and favored by everyone. Warm and comfortable, much more practical than those fashions.

However, while solving the warmth problem, it is better to be able to add some fashion elements. People in this era put things in their sleeves or in their arms.

The cuffs are too wide and too complex.

For women, it is not yet possible to put the storage place on the chest.

It’s so unreasonable.

Therefore, the design of the down jacket should design the two pockets and the inner pocket to free the sleeves. Otherwise, the cuffs are too wide and will not keep warm.

As for summer dresses!

You can design shorts, skirts, tank tops and T-shirts. After all, cloth is quite expensive.

Moreover, Li Kei found that the female acceptance ability of the Great Tang is still very strong. There is no idea of fidelity.

If a dead husband remarries, there is no discrimination. Even Li Shimin didn’t mind marrying two widows to fill the harem. These are undoubtedly positive energies.

Although men and women are not equal, they are similar.

After all, men need to fight and join the army, heavy physical labor, obviously less than women. Polygamy is reasonable in this day and age.

The direction of these customs and habits is currently in the hands of the readers.

Li Kei realized that in the future, he must not let those decadent feudal ideas imprison people. Their own forces should be enough.

In terms of wealth, status, and power, except for the current emperor, no one should be worthless. It’s time to move out of papermaking.

By the way, the movable type printing and hard pen calligraphy are all out.

It greatly reduces the cost of reading and greatly improves the chances of ordinary people to read and read. With paper, Arabic numerals should also come out.

Thinking of this, Li Kei once again flipped through the knowledge of papermaking.

This matter is definitely beneficial to the Great Tang, and at the same time it is against the five surnames and seven wangs and the major bureaucratic families. So Li Shimin will definitely support it, and others are against.

But those people have little power to stop themselves.

As long as Li Shimin does not stop himself, then who other people love and who will make trouble. Or that phrase, I have artillery, who am I afraid of?.

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