"has a problem?"

Hearing this, Lin Penghuai's eyes widened immediately.

He then frowned and said angrily:"Don't talk nonsense, what's wrong with me?"

"Why would I lie to you about such a thing?"

Su Hang said, looking helplessly at his stubborn father-in-law.

His face tightened, Lin Penghuai took back his hand and frowned:"Then tell me, what's my problem?"

"It's a cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problem."Su Hang's expression became serious.

Hearing this, Lin Penghuai's heart skipped a beat.

He felt anxious and became a little angry.

"What cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems? I'm normal!"

He retorted with a pinched neck, and stood up to leave.

But as soon as he lifted up his buttocks, Tang Yimei pushed him back down.

"Sit down and listen to Xiaohang!"

The serious tone made Lin Penghuai's expression freeze.


He looked at his wife's wide eyes, muttered, and sat down depressedly.

"Say it, say it……"

After muttering a few words in a stiff tone, he simply stopped saying anything.

Seeing this, Su Hang said seriously:"Dad, I'm not talking nonsense to you, I'm serious."

"If you have time in the next two days, let mom take you to the hospital for a checkup."

"Judging from some of your symptoms, you are not serious now. Stop drinking and become less angry in the future. This is the best medicine.……"

"Wait a moment! what did you just say?"

When Lin Penghuai heard this, he was suddenly interrupted by Su Hang. He narrowed his eyes and said with an unnatural expression:"Do I want to quit drinking?"

"Well, that’s right, I have to quit."Su Hang nodded solemnly.

Hearing this, Lin Penghuai was startled, and his stubborn temper suddenly rose.

"No, I can’t quit! It has been a habit for decades, how can one just quit it?"

He said and stood up again.

This time, his face was determined.

"You just said that to get me to stop drinking, right? No, I can't stop drinking!"


On the side, Lin Jia looked helpless as her father looked angry and annoyed.

"Su Hang would not say such things just to make you quit drinking."

"Who knows if you have discussed it with your mother."

Muttering with a straight face, Lin Penghuai wandered to the center of the living room and stood with his hands behind his back.

Seeing his stubborn temper, Tang Yimei's face darkened and she walked forward quickly.

"Let me ask you."

She forced her stubborn old man to face her.

Seeing that her wife was avoiding her sight, she gasped in anger and said with a stern face:"Let me ask you, drinking is important, but life is also important?"

"Do you still want to watch your grandchildren grow up? Do you still want to see your great-grandchild?"


After hearing a few questions, Lin Penghuai's face tightened.

He glanced at the little guys lying in the strollers in the living room, and frowned when he thought of Dabao who was still sleeping in the master bedroom.

Compared with wine, the grandchildren are definitely more important.

But... drinking it over the past few decades has become a habit.

Just quit when you say quit, how is that possible?

Seeing his father-in-law's confusion, Su Hang smiled helplessly, stood up and took two steps forward.

"Dad, I don’t want you to quit right away. We can take it slowly step by step."

As he said this, Su Hang looked at his father, Su Cheng.

"When my dad quit drinking, he quit drinking slowly and little by little. It was a step-by-step process."

"Dad, do you think so?"

Su Hang asked while winking at his father.

Seeing this, Su Cheng was stunned and nodded quickly:"That's right, that's it!"

"Lao Lin, he takes his time step by step, and he will definitely not be able to quit immediately!"

Just now he was wondering. He didn't drink much in the first place. When did he stop drinking?

Looking at his son's eyes, he understood instantly.

This was all to enlighten his in-laws.

Sure enough.

After listening to Su Cheng's words After two sentences, Lin Penghuai's expression instantly relaxed a lot.

Looking at his lovely grandchildren again, he said awkwardly:"Then how about... just quit slowly?"


Tang Yimei smiled when she heard this.

If you are willing to quit, that's a good thing.

Seeing that her father-in-law had regained consciousness, Su Hang also smiled.

He then walked to the study and said,"Dad, I will also prepare some Chinese medicine for you. From now on, I will get an acupuncture once every week."

"If you really want to say it, as long as you control it well, this is not a big problem."

"Isn’t it really a big problem?"

When Lin Penghuai heard this, he felt relieved.

After all, what his wife said just now really scared him.

"As I said just now, as long as you can stop drinking and control your temper more in the future, it won't be a big problem."

Su Hang said, opening the door of the study room.

A smell of Chinese medicine hit his face instantly.

"This is?"

Several elders looked at the Chinese medicine cabinet on the wall in the study room and couldn't help but be surprised.

"I bought the medicine cabinet."

With a faint smile, Su Hang walked to the medicine cabinet and started to take medicine according to the prescription he had written down before.

After a while, four sets of medicine had been handed over to the four elders.

"How to drink it, I have already written it on it"

"From now on, every time it comes to a fixed time, I will deliver medicine to you."

"Hey, we can just come and get it ourselves. Lin

Yueqing said, looking at the Chinese medicine in his hand with a smile.

Only Lin Penghuai had a bitter look on his face.

He had never liked bitter things in his life.

Drinking this Chinese medicine would kill him.

"Can’t you take western medicine?"

His face darkened, Lin Penghuai resisted and took away the Chinese medicine.

Seeing this, Su Hang raised his eyebrows:"Dad, Chinese medicine is mainly used for conditioning and has little impact on the body. Western medicine works quickly, but it can also easily have a big impact on the body."


With a depressed response, Lin Penghuai put away the Chinese medicine.

After giving his father-in-law another injection, Su Hang took the elders out of the study.


In the restaurant, Lin Jia has prepared meals.

Due to the health problems of several elders, she made today's meal quite light.

But it tastes good.

Even if it's a little lighter, it still makes you feel satisfied.

One of the dishes made from soybeans tastes and textures very similar to meat.

"Speaking of which, Xiaohang, next Saturday is your birthday, right?"

Lin Yueqing said, picking up Wubao who woke up.

The little guy threw himself into grandma's arms, yawning and gnawing at his little hands.

Hearing this, Tang Yimei and Lin Penghuai also looked at Su Hang.

After thinking about it, Su Hang nodded:"I guess so.""

"What does it look like? that is."

Seeing that her son didn't even remember his birthday, Lin Yueqing smiled helplessly.

After shaking Wubao, she continued:"How are you going to spend your time then?"

"It’s just us as a family, we can live together at home."Su Hang chuckled.

For birthdays, it's enough for the family to get together to celebrate.


After thinking about it, Lin Yueqing narrowed her eyes:"What gift do you want?" Mom prepares it for you in advance"

"Mom, how old am I? Why do I need you to prepare gifts?"

Listening to his mother's teasing, Su Hang was helpless.

Since he went to college, he has never asked his parents for a birthday gift.

If he really wants a gift...

Su Hang thought about it for a moment and smiled. He turned to Lin Jia, who was still thinking about the gift seriously.

It was the"gift" his wife had prepared for him, which made him look forward to it even more.

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