"Great Khan, the Ming army's Shenji battalion has obviously stopped attacking, and the Ming army's charge has not yet gone into battle, why are our soldiers falling one after another. A tribal leader on the side panicked.

Mahamu's brows were tightly knit, and he was panicking.

After so many years of fighting, I have never found such a strange thing, the Ming Ming army did not make any moves, and the fire guns stopped, but their soldiers fell one after another.

It's so weird.

The fallen soldiers left shocking blood holes in their bodies, constantly impacting the hearts of the Warat army.

Open guns are easy to block, but hidden arrows are difficult to defend.

What's more, the soldiers don't even know how they died, who can stand?

On the other hand, look at the spectator command platform.

Zhu Zhanqi played well.

The bullet is loaded, aimed and shot.

I kept repeating this action, but I didn't miss a shot, and I shot one soldier at a time.

Although Zhu Zhanqi had never shot before, and his marksmanship was not good, he couldn't stand the dense number of people on the other side, so he didn't care about anything anyway, and he shot at the crowd.

Plus it's a long-range sniper rifle with a silencer.

In the era of the Ming Dynasty, the firearm was already the most advanced weapon, let alone this sniper rifle with a silencer.

They don't even know where the bullets came from.

Watching the Warat soldiers fall one by one, Zhu Zhanji next to him was itching.

As long as the firearm in Zhu Zhanqi's hand sounds, there will be Warat soldiers falling, and the feeling of a child with one shot is really not too cool.

"Second brother, are you tired? Why don't you change the eldest brother to help you share the burden?" Zhu Zhanji leaned forward with a dead face while Zhu Zhanqi was changing bullets.

Zhu Zhanqi said disdainfully: "Why are you so hypocritical? If you want to play with this sniper rifle in my hand, you can just say it." "

"Haha....... Second brother, isn't the eldest brother curious? This thing of yours is much more powerful than the fire gun, and this fire gun still needs time to be filled, you can hit it by directly deducting that thing, and this attack is so far away, it is estimated that this Warat people are about to be beaten. "

"Second brother, do you want the eldest brother to give it a try?" Zhu Zhanji asked tentatively.

"It's okay, I'm just thirsty, I'll drink saliva, and this gun will be handed over to you, how will it be operated?"

"Yes, yes. Zhu Zhanji nodded again and again, haven't you ever eaten pork and never seen a pig run? Just now he had been staying by the side, and the specific operation was already known.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. "

Zhu Zhanji couldn't wait to take the sniper rifle, feeling the sturdy feeling in his hand, and his heart suddenly became more excited.

He learned Zhu Zhanqi's operation, loaded the bullet, then looked at the scope, and then moved the trigger.


The first shot did not hit the soldier of Warat, but it hit the body of a warhorse.

With such a powerful sniper rifle, even a war horse can't hold it.

Directly came a person on his back.

"Good stuff, it's amazing. Zhu Zhanji's face was full of surprise and excitement, and then he was loaded again.

Bang bang


After firing several shots in succession, Zhu Zhanji became more and more vigorous.

This feeling of killing the enemy invisibly thousands of miles away is really not too cool.

Once the fight started, Zhu Zhanji felt that he couldn't stop.

When I followed Zhu Di and King Han in the past, I always felt that the behavior of a tough guy like hunting was something that men should play.

Now he realized that this was what men should be playing.


And at the command office of the battlefield.

King Han saw through the telescope that the Warat soldiers fell one after another strangely, and his face was also full of surprise.

The Shenji Battalion didn't start!

Mahamu is a smart man, he was attacked by the fire guns and red-coated cannons just now, and he has already withdrawn from the attack range of the Shenji Battalion.

"His Royal Highness King Zhao, the Warat army is in turmoil, and it is a good opportunity for us to send troops. "

"Although I don't know why, our army must not miss such an opportunity, and take advantage of this time to kill them alone. "

A group of lieutenant generals have proposed.

"Okay, then we will seize the opportunity, the whole army is ready, and the three thousand battalions are ready to charge. "King Zhao has plenty of experience in marching and fighting, and he also knows that it is the best choice to attack the opponent's army.



The cavalry of the 3,000 battalions bore the brunt of the attack, raised their swords high, and galloped their horses unstoppable.

Mahamu was shocked when he saw this, and now the Warat army was in turmoil, and it was not suitable for fighting at all.

The morale of the 3,000 battalions of the Ming army was great, and the cavalry ran up, and the momentum was unstoppable, once they met it head-on, they would definitely lose.

The infantry of the Ming army had already begun to encircle and move to the left and right, preparing to give them a flanking attack on the left and right, and in this case, their cavalry could not be used at all.

"Withdraw!!" Despite his reluctance, Mahamu could only order a retreat.

"Dahan, we only made a round of charge, and our cavalry was forced back before they could get up, and it was not appropriate to retreat at this time. "

"Yes, Dahan, in the first round of cavalry charge, we lost hundreds of brothers, and the Ming army was not injured, so we retreated, which will affect the morale of the army. "

"Is it important to have the morale of the army or is it important that the whole army is annihilated?"


The defeat was like a mountain.

This is how the first impact of Mahamu came to an end.

Zhu Zhanji licked his lips a little unsatisfied: "What's the situation, the old dog Mahamu ran away so quickly, and Lao Tzu hasn't enjoyed it yet." "

The big toy in my hand, playing on this kind of battlefield, is a pleasure.

Just now, he shot more than fifty Vana soldiers.

But Zhu Zhanji didn't feel happy enough, and even blamed King Zhao for attacking too fast, and drove away Warat before he was happy.

Seeing that Mahamu's army escaped in disarray, King Zhao did not chase deeply, but let the troops return to the city to rest.

King Zhao knew very well that the cavalry of Warat was particularly strong and mobile, and the rest of the soldiers could not catch up at all, except for the three thousand battalions that could be comparable.

Warat is very cunning, sticking to it if it can be beaten, and relying on mobility to retreat if it can't be defeated.

Like a piece of kraft candy, if you chase deeply, you may not have an accident.

Don't get carried away by victory.

When he set out on the expedition, the old man had already explained that stability should be the mainstay, and it was impossible for King Zhao to be like Zhu Di, who would intersperse their hinterland at every turn.

Relatively speaking, King Zhao wanted to know what good things his good nephew had taken out this time, which could kill the enemy invisibly.

The battle is over.

Zhu Zhanji took Zhu Zhanqi back to the barracks.

"Big brother, are you having fun this time?".

"That's definitely not it, as soon as the momentum came up, the third uncle led people to charge, I was afraid that I would hurt them by mistake, so I could only collect the gun, and Mahamu, the old dog, ran fast. Zhu Zhanji's face was still unsatisfied.

"My eldest nephew, you blame the third uncle, who is the third uncle?" As soon as the words fell, King Zhao walked in from outside the tent with a smile.

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