Daomen Invasion

Chapter 371: : Old man

Medilli studied the sword formation, cultivated the sword slaves, refined the sword box, and lived a fulfilling life.

Macbeth heard that Asra didn't do anything on the small mountain peak, and he was depressed again. He knew that he had taken this task. Who would know that the nobility of the Northland did not form a scale to attack the city of Montenegro.

The information obtained by the floating airship, the rebels of the nobles of the North, only mobilized tens of thousands of people, monitoring the Montenegro city for more than a hundred miles, and there was no intention of sending troops to attack.

Xiahe was not surprised at all, and the undeads were all gone. The matter of evil things made the legendary strongman on the northern nobility shrink back. Not only the royal family, but the upper and lower houses of the entire empire will definitely crack down on the emergence of evil objects.

These legends do not want to die. If it is just the royal family, they are not too scared, but no one can offend the entire empire.

Besides, what is the fight for?

Introducing evil into the north, in the eyes of many legends, this is a very idiot decision. Some legendary strongmen who originally expressed support for the nobles of the Northland simply went to the astral world and refused to come back.

The empire was mobilizing the army, and the north mourned.

At this time, there were actually not too many troops that the nobles in the North could mobilize. Xiahe even suspected that the evil was brought by His Majesty the Emperor, and the nobles of the Northland were just unlucky.

Xiahe was on the top of the mountain until the middle of March.

In February, a person from the imperial capital, a legendary mage, the matter was completely over. The reason why Xiahe stayed in the middle of March was that the person came to piggyback items to him. Medieri brought materials for sword refining.

Medirelli finished refining her main sword, and it was all right on the side of the princess.

Many of the northern nobles surrendered and were escorted into the imperial capital. The rest is only a matter of time. Xiahe was ordered to receive the Tenth Academy of Magic.

Xianhe became the acting principal of the Tenth Academy of Magic because of the rebellion of the nobles in the north.

Many students have been arrested, and they are all lucky stars with no aristocratic background and civilian background.

Xiahe was a little trance, the mighty northern rebellion was easily disintegrated by His Majesty the Emperor, and many of the waiting and watching guys regretted it.

As a representative, Macbeth became a new favorite of the empire.

He and Xiahe were both sealed as third-class marquises.

Xiahe is going to take office, to deal with the matter of the Tenth Magic Academy, Princess Angelina will not keep him, but the army will return. Before that, Xiahe had to go to the Imperial Capital to report and then return to the college.

Xiahe suddenly had an idea in his mind. Is this the purpose of the emperor?

No, the Tenth Academy of Magic has been hollowed out and does not have the value of the remains.

When Xiahe came to see the princess, the princess was so excited that when she saw Xiahe, she couldn't help laughing.

"Congratulations, Lord Marquis."

"Your Highness, don't say that."

"You don't have to be polite anymore. Before you remember, you were not very respectful to me. Use the word you."

"Your Highness, you call me ..."

"That's it, I can't go back to the imperial capital with you for the time being. I have a letter to you. You can go to the father to ask for the fragment of personality."

Xiahe rejoices in his heart, he does not want to stay away with the princess.

"Thank you for carefully training soldiers and mages these days, but you can't take them away, it's all mine."

"It should be."

"Give you a hundred cavalry guards, is that enough?"

"Enough is enough, I will transfer them to Your Majesty when they arrive in the Imperial City."

Angelina thought about it, and Asra should not look down on her cavalry, and nodded.

"His Royal Highness, after I went to the Imperial Capital, I might have to turn back to the storm corner. I still owe you something for a few years. There are some here, which is definitely not enough. Don't worry." Xiahe said, handing over some soul liquid.

"I'm not in a hurry, there is more time." The princess rejoiced, took the soul liquid, and gave Xiahe a prepared letter again.

At this time, Macbeth begged to see Xiahe Road: "His Royal Highness, then I will go first."

The princess gritted her teeth, but there was no reason to keep Xiahe, so let him go first.

Xiahe left the princess, and immediately went to order soldiers. After calling for a hundred cavalry, he had no attachment with Medierli and left Montenegro overnight.

He didn't even need a magic airship. In heaven, it would be dangerous to be stolen by legend.

On the ground, Anduzias's combat power broke the table and could protect himself.

Although Anduzias can fly, it is completely different when it comes to sneak attacks. Xiahe's first consideration is his own safety. Unless he advances to the seventh grade, he can block a few legendary attacks and has the corresponding equipment.

The magicians originally wanted to see Xiahe off, but Xiahe didn't return to his place and went directly, leaving the magicians disappointed. Xiahe didn't care what other people thought. After going to the emperor capital, it was serious to hurry to the storm angle.

On this day, I came to a narrow road, in front of a hilly area, the road winding. Xiahe glanced at the magic map and said, "Let's go around."

Medirelli naturally had no opinion, and even this detour would have to go a few hundred miles longer.

After the hill in front, a reindeer suddenly rushed out, sitting on the reindeer's back a magician, far away said: "Asla, look at who I am."

Xiahe turned and stopped the deer. The man moved forward slowly, only a few tens of meters away from Xiahe.

Xiahe accidentally said, "It's the vice-principal lord, aren't you alien to collaborate with aliens, are you pleading guilty to the law in the imperial capital? Why, you are lost, let me take you to the imperial capital?"

The magician in front is Gudrist, the vice principal of the Tenth School of Magic.

Gudrist said with a smile: "Ahra, don't you care about your students most? I caught some people in the mountains. If you are not afraid of death, just come with me and I will give you a chance to rescue them. "

"I'm sorry, my people have gone to the storm corner, you can't catch it." Xiahe laughed as usual, but she hated it to the extreme. How could there be such a shameless person in the world?

"Asrah, is it your own student who died in the Emerald Province?"

"Goodrist, do you know? I killed Vladimirson." Xia He's face cooled down.

Goodrist was surprised. What does Asla mean?

"Those students, I think they are dead, so you have to die." Xia He said, an endless shadow arrow flew out of the magic robe, hitting Goodrist in the chest.

Shackles of Destiny, Fantasy Ball, Fifth Element Cage!

The magic of Xiahe was released in a flowing stream, and the glory of magic flashed on Gudrist. However, the first endless shadow arrow broke through his defense line. When Xiahe and Medirelli said that they would change course, they began to prepare for magic. , The endless shadow arrow split in the shadow of the magic robe, has reached eight times the lethality.

Thirty levels of magic, eight times the damage, with boundary strength, magister increase.

Gudrist was hit hard in an instant, his life-saving equipment was broken piece by piece, the fate shackles controlled him, and there were fantasy **** floating around, and the fifth element prison completely sealed him inside.

Xia He sneered, a lightning spear appeared in his hand.

Spear of Destruction!

The electric light passed through the cage of the fifth element and fell into Gudrist's chest. Gudrist's eyes, the vitality quickly passed away.

True soul movement!

Xiahe refused to end and directly plundered Goodrist's soul, imprisoned.

Epic Master, although there is no hope of advanced legend, the soul is quite strong. Just inexplicably standing so close to yourself, thinking that there are students in the hands as hostages, you dare not kill?

It's a joke. Those students have no relationship with themselves and no reason. Let them change their lives unless they are stupid.

The other party knows that he can summon the flame demon, and he still does so. There must be a legendary restricted area inside the hilly area. I'm not stupid, and I might die after entering.

Xiahe urged the deer to come to the corpse, collected the loot first, and then hit a corpse charm on Goodris's forehead. Gudrist has lost his soul, and Xiahe simply injects a soul shard, refining him directly into a living corpse.

Xiahe took the magic robe, put on the living corpse, and covered the chest injury. Then I took another bead ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and threw it to the living body. The living body did not hesitate to dig out one of its own eyeballs, and then stuffed the beads into it.

The beads were made with evil eyeballs as materials, carrying the toxins that Xiahe had been refining. It has been unable to transform people into evil things, but its lethality is higher.

"Adult, do you want to follow up?"

"Of course not." Xiahe Road: "We go around this place, beware of legendary restricted areas."

"Isn't it possible to search the soul?"

"Epic Master, the resistance is very high, and will not succeed in a while." Xia He is also regrettable. He is not good at this. If Freya is here, it is estimated that he can still ask clearly.

Xiahe didn't want to leave, not to save the students. Among the students who were taken as hostages, there must be a vice-chancellor. If you kindly go to the rescue, it will hurt when you stab in the back.

Taoist princes never take care of such things.

The normal operation is to kill everyone, and the matter is over. The students can keep it, but they can't stay with them, let the royal family judge the authenticity.

After all, these students should also be censored. If there is a problem, they may be deprived of magic power or executed.

Goodrist never thought that Xiahe would start. Xiahe has always appeared as a teacher who loves students. He has done many stupid things for students. However, this time, he threatened the blood mage with his students. The first reaction of the blood mage was to kill him directly with the most powerful melee magic.

Xiahe didn't move forward in the same place. The soul in the True Soul Movement was sent by him into a crystal ball. The crystal ball was burned in the fire furnace to leave the core of Goodrist.

Gudrist's soul seemed to have fallen into Hell, and the surrounding fire was boiling. Above the fire, a pair of eyes looked at his soul, and his eyes were hard and cold.

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