Daomen Invasion

Chapter 374: : Exclusive storm angle

Xiahe nodded and walked into the ruins through the metal gate.

Inside the ruins, it really changed a lot, because the original goblin building was completely demolished, the underground facilities have been completed, and the ground looks like a ruin.

Xiahe felt the lines of the Daomen formation. If the academy was built here, it would have to set up a fire furnace under the ground to provide power for the formation of the entire academy.

At this point, the Daomen world is similar to the magic world, and it will not use human power to drive the formation.

"Feel the air is different?"

"The large chambers in the depths of the ruins have ceased to operate, and there are dense spaces that can be entered. They are completely open, so as long as the air flow is simply arranged in the underground, it will feel the same as outside."

"Is the small secret room still there?"

"Still, it is a different structure from the large secret room. It was not together. When the goblin was designed, it was estimated to be the small secret room that was first manufactured to train newcomers."

Xiahe carefully inspected the inside of the ruins. The space here was originally quite huge. Now it has been cleaned up, and vegetation has been cultivated in the distance to catalyze growth.

"Adults, there will be artificial lakes, woods, farmland and the like near the entrance in the future. The college intends to build it deep, leaning on the small secret room, or simply including the small secret room."

"The project is too large and there is no money to invest in now." Xiahe Road.

"Then I will seal off the small back room area, when will I have money, and when will I deal with it."

"Yes, let's go back." Xiahe looked at the ruins and was already satisfied. Because the underground layout is very laborious, the two goddesses did a good job.

Freya said: "Master, during this time, I have done a lot of things. I have arranged for your students. All the costumed warriors have been recovered. God also called me back, Rhode Island. A shell is left. Even if the emperor has any thoughts on you, he can't hurt his bones. "

"The emperor let Ovilia pass by and preside over the Marquis' palace." Xiahe was a little depressed.

"What is he going to do?"

"It is estimated that I am not assured. I will only be back for three months. In May, I will go to the northern land of Bingfeng Continent to rebuild the Tenth Academy of Magic."

Three of Xiahe left the goblin ruins, and Xiahe also counted. Freya invested a lot. The surrounding buildings of the ruins have an area similar to Stormwind City. Adding a city wall is a city. The underground ruins are actually used for selecting the Taoist priests of the Immortal Mansion in Taiyin.

Only the core disciple can enter Taiyin Xianfu.

There is nothing wrong with the three-layer design. The storm angle itself should be used as a strategic core. If you want to build an empire in the future, you must focus on the storm angle.

When the entire world has unrestricted means of transmitting information, rule no longer has to be strategically important.

Storm Point is good here, Xiahe likes it very much.

Back in Stormwind City, Xiahe found that the important people around him had already come to the magic tower. Twenty-four students are here, and they no longer need to go back. The entire Tenth Magic Academy was punished, except Xiahe and the headmaster.

Ovilla, Cotton Jack, Martin, Jani, etc.

Xiahe greeted everyone and called his name. He said: "This time it will take three months to come back. I hope that the pattern of the storm angle will be completely settled and the rules will be established. After three months, I will go Taxi School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ... "

"Teacher, what about us?" Ye Linna asked.

"You can only stay here and work as a teaching assistant for my college. I didn't make it clear what happened to the northern land. The northern nobles colluded not only with the undead, but also attracted powerful evils. The royal family declared the northern nobles guilty Many magicians and students in the Ten Magic Academy are involved in the rebellion. It is meaningless for you to go back, and you will be subject to censorship. Should I be framed, do I want to save you? "

"Then we won't say anything back," Mila said with a tongue out.

Suarez, a nobleman, also felt the same way. If you go back, it is not a problem for the teacher. Anyway, as long as you can continue to study with the teacher, there is a lot of information here. They lived in the magic tower during this time, learning and training every day, and living a very fulfilling life.

Together with them, Cotton Jack complemented the foundation and progressed quickly.

"Adult, I have also searched for more than three thousand children. They are all suitable for warriors. They have ordinary magic talents. They have been training for several months. Each of them has the qualification to become a knight."

Xiahe is not surprising. This world is a caster, and the knighthood is never taken seriously.

Even if a knight can become very powerful, a legend can be achieved.

"Where did the child find it?" Xiahe asked casually.

"It is announced to the outside world that we are going to establish a cavalier academy. These are bought in the name of training cavaliers. The main reason is that others are afraid of seeing what is bad for them."

"Is my family settled down?"

"A lot of them are orphans. Under normal circumstances, they will be sent to the magic academy to learn magic, but they can also learn other skills. When they grow up, they will become the academy mercenaries. The prices are the ordinary prices. How much to give. "

"How many magicians?"

"For magic students, I only collected more than two hundred, and they all live in magic towers."

Xia He sighed, looking for a knight, looking for three thousand at a time, still afraid to find too much, he can't use it, there are only more than two hundred children suitable for being casters, Freya estimates that it cost a lot of money.

"I have permission. I will choose more points when I go back this time."

After Freya talked about the general situation of the current Storm Point, Xiahe began to allocate positions, and these people had to arrange everything.

Ovilla heard that she was going to the imperial capital, but she was reluctant, but she also knew that it was not appropriate to go against the emperor's will. If the emperor is angry, everything in the storm horn is over.

But the emperor asked Asla to take charge of the Academy of Magic, which is much higher than being a marquis.

Going to the imperial capital by yourself should be considered a hostage.

If you don't want to go, then you have to leave Asla and leave Storm Point. The most suitable place to go is Leo. Even going to Green Forest cannot guarantee your own safety.

God knows how many people Juno III has planted in the Green Forest Society, only the distant Leo continent, and apparently does not have much intersection with the other two continents.

However, if you go to the Imperial Capital, as long as Asra does not die, she will not have any risk. There is a good place for spiritual practice, and I have met many friends.

Thinking of this, Ovilla agreed to come down.

"Now, the people of the Empire have no power here, the only thing that prevents us from monopolizing the storm angle ..."

The people in the magic tower are all Xiahe close friends, he said so, everyone understands.

Only the Temple of Wealth remains.

But the Goddess of Wealth personally came, showing signs. Before there is no way to deal with the gods, everyone can only endure.

"Goddess side, I'm in charge of communication. The ruins must be blocked." Xiahe set the tone and was not ready to give in.

Anyway, the goddess cares about faith, and the blockade of this relic is to increase the value of Storm Point and become a place that can be used as a fortress.

Yes, Xiahe wants to build a sea fortress, even if the legend comes, I have to kneel.

After the task is arranged, everyone is in their own places, busy with the things in their hands, Xiahe's Storm Point, there are too many things to do now, and training knights is a big problem.

Freya has transformed more than 500 evil unicorns to perfect this costumed war figure, and there are also more than 500 pale unicorns, which will basically only be used by mages in the future.

The three thousand children Freya cultivated are for someone to ride on an evil unicorn in the future.

This knight is the deadliest threat to the magician.

There is also the construction of the ground at Storm Point. In addition to the college part, Xiahe also needs to make an idea outside, what kind of structure should the entire island be, what space can be used, and so on. Although the climate in this southern sea area is getting better and better, it is still not suitable for farming.

The only place suitable for farming in Stormwind is the goblin ruins.

It is not safe to leave the factory outside, but it should still be placed in underground ruins. In this case, what can the ground do?

Xiahe rolled out huge magic paper and began to draw a map. The entire southern tip of the storm was in his heart, and every inch of land was poured into his efforts.

Now, it is time for planning to take shape.

Stormwind is in the northwest of the port, actually closer to the angle of the Temple of Wealth. The temple of wealth is on the west of the port, and the temple of doom is on the east of the port. This pattern cannot be changed. Unless let the goddess of wealth move.

In the north of the Temple of Doom, northeast of the port, there are now many factories, leaning on the coast and going east, the Goddess of Doom drives the believers, builds a dock, and prepares to build their own ships.

Xiahe wants to build a floating battleship, certainly not on the seaside, but in the ruins, and finally transferred out with the space gate. But Xiahe could not build too many floating battleships, and he could not afford them. Xiahe knew that there would be raw coal in the sea, but mining was difficult.

When he was in the imperial capital ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He was so overwhelmed by the emperor that he couldn't say anything, such as the fragments of the ocean god.

It is estimated that it is okay to go back this time.

Xiahe's uneasiness is also related to this. The emperor seems to be able to peep into what others think, and you can't even say what you want to say when facing Juno III.

"Teacher, the Temple of Wealth is here, and I want to see you." A student came in and told us.

Xiahe raised his head and said, "Is it Abigail?"

"No, she is wearing a golden robe and should be a more important cleric."

"No, tell her and let her go back."

After hesitating for a while, the student was ready to listen to the teacher and send the guy in the Temple of Fortune away.

Xiahe suddenly said in the back: "Right, tell her, except for Abigail, the man of the Temple of Wealth, I will see no one, and she will not tell me anything about her, so just say that."

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