Daomen Invasion

Chapter 498: : The Master Group (2)

Middle-aged mage ridiculed and said, "Isn't it a long time since I came?"

"The marquise doesn't rub the sand in your eyes, don't use this as an excuse, and be careful of causing trouble. Anyone who competes with the marquise will end miserably." The old mage warned.

"What about those with more than five thousand gold coins?" The middle-aged mage asked unwillingly. He observed the attitude of the people around him, and the other seven people were a little impatient with him.

Juvenile Master said: "The rules and regulations are all written. If you think it is unreasonable, you can write a post and submit it to Lord Marquis. We submit similar posts every day."

"But I heard that the large-scale treasure hunt found that it belonged to the marquis. Is this reasonable?" The middle-aged mage wondered.

"Where is unreasonable?" The young mage said coldly: "The Marquis sent a large warship to send us here, and also provided professional magic equipment, otherwise everyone may find the shipwreck? Do you know that the large warship comes out and consumes How much energy is there? This is the capital invested by Lord Marquis to cultivate everyone. "

"We have labor, why do we ..."

"Just because you are nothing, people are blood mage." The old mage said impatiently: "After going back this time, I will report your matter to Lord Marquis and let him deal with it. Do you think Marquis House is not good, just Go somewhere else to develop. "

"Why is this necessary, I'm fighting for everyone's interests." The middle-aged mage listened, very angry and authentic.

"Our interests are given by the Marquis. What was our life before joining the Marquis House? You fight for everyone's interests? You are also worthy! You can easily move your mouth and let you come up with these equipments. Your first Unwilling? Mario, you do n’t have to wait to go back, now you take off your equipment and leave me! "

The juvenile mage was not good, pointing at the middle-aged mage.

"What power do you have to let me go, this kayak is not yours." The middle-aged mage said angrily.

"I suspect you are a spy sent by the enemy. Since you refuse to leave, don't leave!" Said the young mage, pulling a scroll in his hand. The middle-aged mage suddenly found out that the magic on his body was not controlled, and the whole Everyone has become soft, and the magic pattern on his tight leather jacket instantly imprisoned him.

The young mage took a fish and stuffed it directly in his mouth, and he was not allowed to speak.

"It's really annoying. It seems that there are many people who want to do right with the marquis, and even sent a magician to be a spy. After this person went back, he gave it to Master Su Qi for interrogation."

The middle-aged mage heard it in his ears, horrified, but the young mage turned him over and faced the deck. He was so distracted that he could not speak. He could only listen to the other seven magicians talking to each other, and he was deeply worried about what might be a spy.

Everyone has a good life, but with a future, someone wants to destroy it!

"Otherwise, let's go back, at least put him on the warship first?" The old magician asked.

The young mage took out the compass and compared the subtle charts. He said: "It's still more than a hundred miles away from exploring. Forget it. For safety, send him to the ship and imprison him, and then take away his magic."

"To tell me, abolish him first." Said a young mage.

The young mage frowned and said, "Only half of him is likely to be a spy, and half is likely to be of poor character. Lord Marquis does not like the following people to use lynching, unless I am 100% sure, I will not allow him The degree of disability. "

He is the leader of the team, and other people have nothing to say when he says so.

Juvenile Master said: "What is the most important point of our Master Group?"

"Loyalty," the old mage said. He wandered all his life, and loyalty was a very precious thing for him.

"Yes, it's not right. We still have the responsibility to promote the idea of ​​the lord. We must not only abide by some of the rules and regulations of Lord Marquis, but also understand how he thinks."

"That's not tiring?" The middle-aged mage asked.

Juvenile Master said: "Not tired at all, Lord Lord ... Many of his ideas are actually very, very advanced. If you learn it, it is good for practice. Many things reflect some basic rules." Juvenile The mage is proud and authentic.

The young mage is very envious, the young mage is really very smart, hardworking, and talented, otherwise it is impossible to become the leader of the team. Marquis House, the requirement for the leader of the Masters is not so high. The juvenile mage is the official leader, not the temporary captain.

So he has the authority to control the magic lines on these magic equipment.

"Let's go back. Old Jack is right. Safety is the most important thing. This guy may have the means to get out. He may be sent to the cell on the battleship. Even if he is a legend, there is no possibility of setting off waves.

The controlled mage wanted to cry without tears. He didn't know why other people were so loyal.

The blood mage did not give much money. Among all the nobles, I am afraid it is the bottom.

The kayak turned and headed southwest. The headed young mage took the magic robe from the ring and put it on his body. The rest of the mage did the same, and all hung a short magic musket around his waist. The handle of the musket is marked with the pattern of the Marquis Palace, and it is also an extremely complex formation, which is equivalent to being equipped with a magic wand that does not need to be held in the hand.

The young mage took another needle of medicine and came out, but he was still not at ease and beat the middle-aged mage. The consciousness of the middle-aged mage gradually lost, and his last fluke also slowly fell asleep.

The old mage sent a weird sound wave to the hesitant sperm whale. The sperm whale understood, arched the kayak with his mouth, pushed the kayak to the southwest and accelerated it for about ten minutes Leaving reluctantly.

"What a wonderful animal." Said a magician.

As he said this, the old mage pointed at the distant sea and said, "What is that!"

The young mage immediately took the alchemy telescope out, and in the alchemy telescope, he saw a beautifully shaped white sailing boat, breaking through the waves and heading towards himself in high speed.

The teenager frowned, but his kayak could not run away from each other. The sailboat was huge, with magic cannons on it, and no flags or badges.

The teenager just hesitated for a few seconds, then took out the magic alarm and released it to the sky.

Huge magical fireworks exploded, and dull sounds spread across the sea. A few dozen miles away, the warship that observed the magic alert immediately became busy.

Not on the wide deck, a flying warship pulled up vertically, and after a dozen seconds, a blue flame was sprayed at the tail, flying in the direction of the release of the magic alarm at high speed.

The flying warship passed by, and the young mage's face looked better. After the flying warship approached, he circled over the white sailboat and made a sound with amplified magic.

"Attention to the ships below, Marquis Asla territorial sea ahead, please stop approaching."

The white sailboat never thought that such a thing would approach from the sky. Ten seconds later, on the sailboat, there were dozens of magic flying towards the sky. In order to transmit the sound, the flying warship was lowered to a height of two hundred meters. After the magic attack broke out, the flying warship immediately accelerated, and in a blink of an eye it was out of the attack range.

On the flying battleship, the commanding magician smiled and said: "This thing is not afraid, but we are not in a fully armed state, so we don't care about him. It is transmitted back to the sea battleship.

Flying warships are different from low-level technological aircraft. The power system does not need to be overhauled frequently. The continuous flight time depends purely on how long the magician can persist. The combat radius is huge.

The sea battleship heard the sound of the flying warship, and immediately summoned the available power nearby, and at the same time passed the message to the Marquis Palace. Xiahe soon got the news that an armed sailing ship appeared in the eastern waters and also attacked the flying warship with magic.

Xiahe issued an attack order, demanding the fleet at sea to destroy the power system of this armed sailing ship, and if the enemy resisted, do not mind whether there was any killing.

The flying warship was constantly circling two miles away, scanning the underwater part of the white sailboat, and the results were quickly obtained. This ship has an independent power system, and it seems that even without sails, it can cross the ocean and walk between two continents.

In addition to the magic artillery on the sailboat, Xiahe no matter why the other party came ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dare to attack his flying warship, then let you float on the sea first.

The armored ship stopped a magic circle and began to drift with the ocean current. Various power systems were turned on. The hull of more than 80 meters turned around and accelerated against the white sailboat.

The distance between the two sides, that is, more than fifty miles, this iron armored ship's speed of two hundred miles per hour can quickly reach the target. The long-range weapons and magical artillery on the ship need to be warmed up, which can reduce the loss, save costs, and increase the attack power.

The three artillery pieces on the front deck entered a warm-up state, and the magician stared nervously at the data in the lower chamber.

On the rear deck, dozens of flying puppets were ejected and spread out on all sides. Under the water, more than 100 puppets that looked like fish were also dropped, increasing the detection power within a few miles of the battleship.

In fact, the warship's magic array has been monitoring a range of twenty miles, including underwater, but in the state of beheading, the ship's early warning methods are all launched, and they do not care about consumption.

After all, if a ship sinks, the biggest loss will be.

In the kayak on the sea, the young mage calculated the time, and there was excitement in his eyes. He said to everyone: "We have underwater equipment, so we don't have to go back in a hurry. There must have been a response from Marquis House. Now we are waiting nearby. If the enemy has fallen into the water, we will catch a few prisoners and go back.

"That's it ..." The old mage thought for a while, but he still didn't object. He saw the mage around him with a look of excitement. 8)

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