Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1450 Clues of Change

Tony seemed a little hesitant when facing Wayne's question, because he really couldn't give an accurate answer to Wayne's question.

He had no chance to conduct experiments on legendary demons, and the Nephalem would never agree to humans imprisoning a legendary demon!

The devil's power to confuse people's hearts is not something that can be faced casually.

Especially those legendary level demons, even though they are considered young among their own tribe, they are definitely old and cunning to humans.

It's not that smart people can definitely ignore the devil's verbal temptations. On the contrary, smart people are more likely to think too much, which puts them at an absolute disadvantage in the confrontation with the devil.

Demons have an instinctive sensitivity to the weaknesses within people's hearts. It is absolutely impossible for the Nephalem to accept the idea of ​​humans imprisoning legendary demons!

There is only one best way to deal with demons from the beginning! Kill them completely!

"I see."

Wayne looked at Tony's embarrassed look and immediately understood that Tony couldn't answer his question.

Thinking of the demonic knowledge he learned from the Nephalem, Wayne naturally knew what Tony was in trouble for.

"It is almost a sure-kill weapon against flesh and blood life. Even if this kind of thing can only be used on elite-level demons, it is a huge gain.

And from your description, this should be an energy weapon, so increasing the energy supply will naturally expand the range of the attack.

But this weapon is still effective for humans. I hope you can keep this technology properly.

The production quantity of this kind of weapon should even be strictly controlled, and it is enough to arm only a few squads. "

Wayne said.

Who the weapon is aimed at depends entirely on the thinking of the person using the weapon.

If weapons of this level were equipped on a large scale to humans, it would be unknown whether such powerful weapons would be aimed at demons.

There will always be some careerists among human beings, even if there are not yet...

"I understand, I will find a suitable reason to create this weapon.

Just say that I repaired the broken weapons I captured when we faced those aliens.

However, I have reservations about whether this kind of weapon can harm the legend. After all, those guys were almost wiped out by the attack of the three ancestors at that time. "

Tony said expressionlessly.

He only had a slight understanding of the three ancestors' cleansing of the Daleks, but he at least knew that those Daleks had been corrupted.

Although their souls and technology allow them to retain some of their own will, they are constantly sinking in pain.

As a race of flesh and blood, the Daleks are unable to exert the effects of their powerful technology even after their flesh and blood bodies are filled with high-tech shells.

Tony was not going to tell others his reasoning, so it was the best choice for everyone to think that Dalek's technology could not even cope with a legend of the level of the three ancestors.

Doing so will at least allow the Burning Hell side to notice the progress that technological development has brought to mankind more slowly.

Wayne seemed to sense something hidden in Tony's words, but he had no intention of questioning.

Although Wayne cannot trust others wholeheartedly, he will not dig deep into his partners to pursue issues that the other party has made it clear that they do not intend to discuss.

He would rather investigate secretly by himself than make others feel embarrassed in terms of face.

"The situation faced by human beings is much worse than imagined. In this case, all we can do is to pursue opportunities for survival and continuation in the face of danger."

Wayne talked about serious topics, but the expression on his face softened a bit.

He said these somewhat vague things, but more simply expressed his intention to Tony that he did not intend to pursue further questions.

Tony felt a lot more relaxed when he heard Wayne say this, obviously he understood the implication of Wayne's words.

"We have to do something for the future of mankind."

Tony followed Wayne's words.

The two just looked at each other for a while, and then left together.

They still have a lot of things to do next. Now that the conversation has reached the point where they can no longer talk about it, they have to do something.

"For the survival and continuation of mankind" they are not just talking about it, they are really contributing their own efforts to this goal.

The situation on General Ross's side suddenly became strange.

The angels represented by Alexander stopped their work one by one at this time, and looked in the same direction very seriously.

Although General Ross didn't know where that direction was, he could at least understand that a place where all the angels would be prepared would definitely not be simple!

He originally planned to ask Alexander, but the strong heat radiating from Alexander's body made General Ross somewhat intimidated.

The temperature has caused the surrounding air to begin to distort.

Even the ground under Alexander's feet began to smell of burning!

This kind of temperature is definitely not something that ordinary people can get close to!

Without knowing anything from Alexander, all General Ross can do is to have all the human soldiers evacuate from the angels!

If a battle were to break out, staying away from those angels would at least prevent the soldiers from being implicated by these angels in the event of an accident.

Regardless of whether these angels want to take the initiative to attack, they will still become the enemy's first target.

Staying around angels is definitely not a wise choice!

"Ross, we are ready for battle at any time.

We have communicated with SHIELD about the direction those angels are facing, and the team exploring in that direction has also set off. "

Dr. Banner said.

In fact, General Ross has never really liked dealing with people from SHIELD. Guys from SHIELD often mean big trouble in General Ross's eyes.

Although there is no direct superior-subordinate relationship between SHIELD and the military, that is only in the past.

At this time, SHIELD has become a very important authority. Apart from the World Security Council, SHIELD is the place with the greatest power.

The members of the World Security Council now also have extra trust in SHIELD.

In this case, everything within humanity cannot avoid being supervised by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even SHIELD's orders can be regarded as orders from high-level humans to a certain extent.

General Ross himself doesn't have many opinions on this situation, but sometimes he can't help but worry that SHIELD will make wrong judgments, causing the human side to pay a heavy price.

The high concentration of power is not an unacceptable bad thing when there are no external enemies.

But at this time, when life and death are closely tied to any decision made by humans, highly concentrated power is full of dangers.

General Ross is not so arrogant that he thinks only his own decision is correct. He has long recognized the fact that he is just a layman when it comes to the war between humans and demons.

He was simply worried.

"Banner, let those responsible for the project begin an orderly evacuation.

Although we haven't seen any traces of the enemy yet, if we wait until the enemies appear, we may not have time to let the engineering teams leave. "

General Ross said with a bitter look on his face.

After giving up the idea of ​​a single country's hegemony, General Ross truly stood on the side of the overall interests of mankind.

In this way, he also made many changes.

At least now he looks more like a general who truly considers humanity.

"I will arrange evacuation right away, and there will be no problem if the construction here is temporarily stopped.

What should we do if there is just the breath of burning hell in the earth? These angels have stopped what they are doing. "

Banner asked.

After these angels arrived on Earth, the aura of the Burning Hell indeed stopped spreading, and was even purified a lot by these angels.

Although he did not know that this was related to the fact that Baal restrained his actions and cut off the passage of the breath of burning hell to invade the earth.

But the actions of the angels are indeed of great help to humans.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Banner is worried about the impact of burning hell's breath on the earth.

"I will continue to lead soldiers here to watch their actions. If they show any signs of harming humans, I will directly attack."

General Ross's voice was somewhat decisive.

Of course he knows what it means to actively attack angels. The only choice humans can make at that time is to put all the mistakes on his head and solve this problem at the cost of his life.

This practice is extremely common.

Of course, it is impossible for the Nephalem to watch the angels hold humans accountable seriously.

Then the matter will end when General Ross takes his own life!

Once it is proven that the angels of high-level heaven have done something unacceptable to humans, then the situation will go in another direction.

General Ross is prepared to sacrifice himself for humanity, although the situation may not be far enough to warrant his sacrifice.

"Those angels may have sensed something. What I'm more worried about is that they sensed the devil's aura."

Dr. Banner's face didn't look good either.

For the angels to show such vigilance and prudence, it is most likely that this matter is related to the Burning Hell!

It's just that no matter what the reasons are for the angels to behave abnormally, it is not good news for humans.

Especially since no one of these angels has told humans what they discovered so far!

“Maybe things are not that bad yet, but now we can only prepare for it.

If nothing else, Dugan has also informed SHIELD headquarters of the situation here.

Maybe it won't be long before we see reinforcements arriving. "

General Ross's expression was not relaxed at all, but he was not panicked either.

"Banner, I'm going to communicate with those angels. If I die, you will be responsible for commanding all the armies.

At least until Nick Fury assigned a new commander to the scene. "

General Ross arranged.

After saying this to Banner, General Ross walked directly in the direction of Alexander.

He was not very familiar with these angels, but at least he knew that Alexander was a real human being before he became an angel.

But General Ross did not regard this as a life-saving straw. Human beings corrupted by the burning hell can only be considered as demons. So after becoming angels, can people still be the same as before?

General Ross is not so blindly optimistic!

"Hulk and I should have been more suitable choices in the past. After all, Hulk is appreciated by the barbarians.

And I had little experience in commanding an army. "

Banner stopped General Ross directly and said.

His words were not just words, he actually took actions.

Although Dr. Banner is a top-notch smart man, he has little interest in intrigues.

Even though he knew that using some little tricks could make his path smoother, Dr. Banner didn't bother to use this method.

"Let me go, Banner!

You know very well that what mankind needs now is not a commander of a large army to fight!

Humanity needs more scientists like you to come up with research results that can change the situation!

And when facing demons, a commander like me doesn’t matter at all!

Because we have never faced fighting with demons on the battlefield! "

General Ross wanted to throw aside Dr. Banner who was blocking him, but as the Red Giant, his physical strength was not something that the weak Dr. Banner could bear.

If Banner and Hulk had not separated, General Ross would not be in such a dilemma.

At this time, Banner restricted General Ross because of his physical weakness, but Banner was not happy at all.

If he could be powerful enough, General Ross wouldn't need to prepare for the worst before the operation even begins!

“You might as well send an adjutant to ask the angels directly!

If the angels really intend to go to war, there is no need to use your life to prove it!

Now show me your cold-blooded ruthlessness as a general! "

Dr. Banner even said it to this extent, and he did not deny his selfishness.

Compared to the sacrifice of a stranger, he did not want to see the sacrifice of his acquaintances.

Especially when this acquaintance is the father of his lover!

General Ross' face stiffened when he heard this. He seemed to have never thought that he would hear such words from Dr. Banner.

"You two are really troublesome. I, an old man, can just handle this kind of thing."

Dugan walked in from outside the room, his expression a little strange.

Apparently, he heard clearly the quarrel between General Ross and Banner.

"What news is coming from SHIELD!"

Dr. Banner asked very anxiously.

General Ross has now turned into a red giant. When Dr. Banner stopped General Ross, he hung it on the opponent's waist. It looked as funny as a child trying to stop an adult.

Although Hulk was also on the side, Hulk didn't say anything from beginning to end, as if he was thinking about something in his heart. (End of chapter)

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