Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1582 The desperate face under this compromise

In the burning hell, Lilith and Inaris finally waited for the person they wanted to wait for.

When Constantine appeared here with a cigarette in his mouth, both Lilith and Inaris focused their attention on him.

"Looks like you've found new support?"

Lilith said expressionlessly.

Most of the time, there is no emotion on Lilith's face, but she is not emotionless.

"A will of this world, claiming to be the goddess of revenge.

She said she could help me temporarily isolate myself from the breath of the Burning Hell. Of course, this was not the reason why I came here, mainly because I couldn't resist her. "

There was a hint of melancholy in Constantine's voice.

He came here not out of his own thoughts, although he did have the intention to come to the Burning Hell at the beginning.

There is a fundamental difference between simply being prepared to come to the Burning Hell and being forced to come to the Burning Hell.

"There's no way she's here right now and I don't see how she can give you that guarantee."

Inaris said unkindly.

Even if Bulcaisso were here, it would be impossible for him to give such a guarantee.

"She said that when I leave the Burning Hell, she can absorb all the breath of the Burning Hell from my body."

Constantine said noncommittally.

To be honest, he didn't believe what the goddess of revenge said at all, but he really didn't have the right to refuse.

It's not that Constantine didn't try to resist, but he couldn't even pinpoint the opponent's location. He couldn't solve this problem by launching direct attacks on the surroundings for no reason.

Before he understood what the goddess of revenge could do, Constantine would not rashly show oppositional emotions directly.

"It would do her good to have you here."

Lilith smiled strangely.

"I guess she was probably afraid of the power of the Burning Hell, so she asked me to be her intermediary to understand the power of the Burning Hell."

Constantine simply confessed his suspicions.

He didn't have the slightest fondness for the goddess of revenge, so naturally he wouldn't speak for her at such a time.

“She didn’t target us, but the Burning Hell itself.

This is probably a family-changing tactic. We seize the power of this world, and she wants to use the power of our world to face us. "

Inaris also showed a smile, but his smile was somewhat sincere.

"Can I not die?"

Constantine said with melancholy after taking a deep breath from the cigarette.

He understood that if Lilith and Inaris did not want the Fury to gain the power of the Burning Hell, then the easiest way would be to completely leave him in the Burning Hell.

Whether he becomes a demon or a corpse, it is death for Constantine.

"It may not work."

Lilith said still with a smile.

"Then how will I appear in front of you? Or will I stay in the burning hell for a long time?"

Constantine asked.

If he was confined to the Burning Hell, then it could be considered as destroying the plot of the Furies.

But Constantine did not think that Lilith and Inaris in front of him were overly benevolent existences.

He doesn't want to die, nor does he want to become a demon. It seems that the only angel who can do this is Inaris.

"Are you planning to become an angel?"

Inarius said as if he thought this was funny.

"If I could, I'd like to go home and sleep."

Constantine curled his lips, the situation was already terrible for him at this time.

Just a violent vibration directly interrupted their conversation.

That was not a shock within a range, but the entire Burning Hell was trembling!

"Can that goddess of vengeance do this!?"

Constantine was very surprised, even a little panicked.

"Maybe it's just a conflict between Malthael and Bul-Katho."

Lilith lowered her head and said.

She had already projected her spirit to the entire Burning Hell when she spoke, and she had no difficulty in doing so.

"is it possible?"

Constantine couldn't believe it!

“The Nephalem are the children of angels and demons, or to be more precise, our children.

Do you think that when we create miracles when we give birth to children, do we have any extra hand in their birth? "

Inaris spoke very calmly.

As an angel, he is almost used to living in the burning hell, but this peace is definitely not because he is used to it.

"You...you are the core of the high-level heaven? Then who is the core of the burning hell!?"

Constantine suddenly had a terrible suspicion.

He said these probing words with an uncertain tone.

"It's a corpse."

Lilith gave an accurate answer.

"The Burning Hell and the High-level Heaven have the same origin. Although our eternal battle is indeed fighting for dominance, it is only fighting for dominance under the premise of completeness."

Lilith continued.

“If we are the hands of the Creator God, then can you say that the palm is noble but the back is despicable?

Angels and demons...are actually the same.

The demons of the Burning Hells are trying on me, trying to recreate the miracles of the Nephalem.

But what this miracle requires is not my body, but my will to approve this action.

To be honest, you don't think that becoming a Nephalem is a miracle that has nothing to do with the Burning Hell and the High Heaven, right?

If the masters of the angelic power and demonic power in your body deny you, then you will not become a Nephalem, but will die directly. "

Inaris's words were somewhat self-deprecating.

During the years he was trapped in the Burning Hells, many demons tried to father nephalem children with him.

But the end result was no success at all!

"The birth of a miracle is an exception, but the miracle is the product of 'intention'."

There was a bit of contempt in Lilith's voice.

She said this as if she was scorning those who did not see the meaning behind the miracle.

"What will you do to the Furies, and what will you do to me?"

Constantine threw the cigarette butt casually on the ground.

The cigarette butt turned into ashes the moment it touched the fiery ground of the Burning Hell.

Constantine dug into his pockets, but they were empty.

He touched his body again, and there was nothing left in the places where he had hidden cigarettes.

"I really don't want to think that was the last cigarette in my life."

The moment Constantine said these words, he directly pulled the trigger of the hand crossbow!

A large number of energy arrows almost formed a tidal wave, impacting in the direction of Lilith and Inaris!

A puff of smoke also exploded on the ground, and Constantine's figure disappeared directly from the sight of Lilith and Inaris!

This may very well be his battle to the death, but Constantine will not give up easily to create miracles.

Thor and the others have appeared where Hela left traces before.

But they didn't find Hela, but were dispersed in the blink of an eye.

The goddess of revenge is eyeing the power of the gods. To be more precise, she is directly eyeing the power of Odin in Thor!

As a power comparable to the power of the Iron Fist and the power of the Phoenix, the power of Odin is also very important to the goddess of revenge!

So the first god the Nemesis chose to face was Thor!

It is the safest way to obtain this power only when the gods cannot understand her existence at all.

Letting the gods become aware of her existence before taking any action would only increase the variables.

"Who are you?"

Thor surveyed the void around him.

He didn't feel any spatial power, but everything he saw told him that he had been moved to a strange place on the spatial level.

"Give me your power."

The Furies did not answer Thor's question, but directly made her own request.

Thor tightened his grip on the hammer, ready for battle.

Even if the identity of the enemy is still unknown, he cannot directly choose to give up anyway.

Although Thor is the God of Thunder rather than the God of War, the violent God of Thunder is also a powerful warrior!

What's more important is that he is still the God-King who carries the trust of all his relatives!

The thunder completely enveloped Thor's sight in just an instant.

The power of Odin was also activated at this moment, turning into divine light and shining on Thor's body!

It's just a battle, victory or defeat does not mean surrender of will!

Thor has no fear at this time!

The Furies didn't have much time to completely deal with Thor.

After all, Thor was working with his mother and brother before coming here!

Although the Furies disdain the power of Frigga and Loki, she will never deny the power of magic!

She herself represents the switch of authority, but the Nemesis is not the holder of all authority!

Infinity stones are part of the permissions, and magic is also part of the way to use the permissions!

As one of the top magical entities in the world, it is not incomprehensible for Frigga and Loki to master some powerful magic that can change the world!

Nemesis is also limited by the power of time!

While Thor was fighting the Furies, Loki and Frigga also discovered Thor's disappearance!

Loki and Frigg knew they were in big trouble the moment they discovered Thor's disappearance.

Although they have not yet figured out the reason why all this happened, Thor is the most powerful one among them, and even Thor disappeared without giving them any news.

The guy who caused this situation doesn't seem to have good intentions in any way!

This is an ominous sign, although it does not seem to be irreversible.

After Frigga and Loki looked at each other, the two directly mobilized the power of the Crimson Universe to deploy the shield!

Thor disappeared without them noticing, which meant that the opponent's ability could at least affect a being like Thor.

Then it won't be any trouble to split them up!

Loki and Frigga were directly face to face. They had to ensure that each other was always in sight, so as not to miss the opportunity to resist the other party's methods!

"We must seek asylum!"

Loki said very carefully.

Frigga directly used a protective white magic. This not only agreed with Loki's idea, but also gave the time for the next step!

They were going to see Emperor Weishan next to see if Emperor Weishan knew anything.

Although Emperor Weishan cannot guarantee that he can protect them, Emperor Weishan is also their best choice now!

Although the Nephalem are powerful, they may not be able to give appropriate suggestions for some weird methods.

There are also some barriers between the spellcasters among the Nephalem and the magic of this world.

Even after Li Min has understood the magic of this world, it is not something that every Nephalem can understand.

Frigga and Loki had no way to directly lock onto Li Min's aura and go to Li Min's side.

Emperor Weishan is their best choice at this time, but if they can't get the answer from Emperor Weishan, then go to the Nephalem for help!

No matter what, it's impossible for them to abandon Thor directly!

Not only because Thor is the God King, but more importantly, Thor is their family!

"Before you go to teleport, send a message to the Nephalem first."

Frigga said with very cold eyes.

At this point, the situation has deteriorated to a dangerous level, so there is no problem in taking more insurance before taking action.

If they were taken away by unknown enemies on their way to Weishan Island, they would at least be able to leave some hope for themselves.

Frigga is a loving mother, but also a powerful mage!

She knew very well that when using spells, more powerful mages might even directly use already formed spells.

If the method of portal is used by the enemy, it can completely allow them to send themselves directly to danger!

When her child disappeared, Frigga put away her weak shell!

There was another child beside her, and Frigga could not abandon another child for the safety of one child.

It all looked terrible, but at least it didn't make her feel hopeless.

"I understand. I'm sending messages directly to all the Nephalem I can contact."

Loki's mouth was already spewing cold air as he spoke.

The power of the Ice Box has been integrated with him, and the angry Loki can't help but exude an astonishing cold energy!

The moment Loki spoke, a handful of ice flowers with the same message were passed out along the space door.

This matter has developed to the present level and is beyond the scope of what the Gods can solve!

And no matter from which angle you look at it, the guy who attacked the Gods at this juncture doesn't seem to have nothing to ask for!

Loki not only used the space gate to send messages, but also directly turned ice flowers into celestial phenomena, directly affecting the weather in a large area!

Doing this on Earth will inevitably attract a lot of attention. Even if the space gate has been hijacked, his method can still leave some information.

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