Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 928: Cooperation Caused by Accident

The communication between Wayne and Arthur was actually quite smooth.

After all, Arthur is not as irritable as Namor.

Even if you have to say it, this guy Namor can be regarded as a member of the anti-hero.

Arthur, on the other hand, was much simpler.

"Burning Hell and High Heaven?

You mean that the devil crisis we are encountering now is all because of the burning hell? "

Arthur only asked a question after hearing a few words from Wayne.

Obviously he still lacks patience.

But this is also human nature, and Atlantis has been plagued by demon problems for a while.

If there is no solution, then Atlantis may have to face the situation of having to relocate.

Namor obviously would not agree to this matter.

Arthur was understandably anxious.

"Yes, there is no need to repeat the power of the Burning Hell, and we don't need to think about those issues.

At least not now.

For humans and Atlantis, corruption is the most important thing at the moment.

Although humans seem to have achieved some results in the subject of anti-corruption,

But I suggest not to get your hopes up too much.

After becoming a demon, that is something that will change the soul.

You should know what the power of the soul is. "

Wayne was seriously telling Arthur what he knew.

He doesn't need to carry an oxygen tank now.

Although Arthur is not as skilled as Namor in controlling water,

But just creating a waterless environment in the water can still be done.

Though being a half-breed made no difference to him in the water or on the shore,

But given a choice, Arthur still prefers a drier environment.

After getting along with humans for a long time, Arthur is more used to the human way of life.

"Then you came to me purely to confirm the situation in Atlantis?

If that's your plan, maybe you should be looking for Namor instead of me.

I think you should have some purpose that you haven't stated clearly, right? "

Arthur is just blunt, but he's not stupid.

Maybe his character can make a lot of friends on the holy mountain of Harrogath.

"Also, I hope you can help us.

To be precise, it should be cooperation.

The Burning Hell is the same threat to all life.

In this case, Atlantis has no possibility of staying out of the matter.

And I hope to form a team to face those possible problems together.

At least right now, neither humans nor Atlantis are likely to solve the problem of Burning Hell alone. "

Wayne was extremely serious at this moment.

He was hiding some information, but he didn't intend to speak out if Arthur didn't ask.

If things about the nephalem were spoken out, it would be putting pressure on an Atlantean.

"I can't agree to that directly.

After all, as Aquaman, I need to be responsible for my country.

Even if Namor alone can manage the country well,

But I'm not going to leave everything to him.

It's not that I doubt what he will do, it's just that I have to do it as Neptune. "

Arthur was quite candid.

This answer was also what Namor wanted to hear.

How is it possible for a king to hand over his responsibilities to others?

Even if two people have equal status in Atlantis, they shouldn't give up their own part of the power!

"No problem, my coming is not an official visit in itself.

This time, I just wanted to express my intentions.

And if I have to say it, I can't represent all mankind. "

Wayne didn't mean to lie either.

Wayne had grown accustomed to straightforwardness during his time on the sacred hill of Harrogath.

Having the strength to do what you say and having the will to do what you say are two different things.

Wayne is still very clear about his position this time.

Regarding the cooperation between humans and Atlanteans, he was just a matchmaker.

It is enough that the message and intent are delivered.

If all goes well, those who can make decisions on behalf of humanity will soon be purged.

At that time, cooperation will only be a matter of course.

As for cooperation-related negotiations, there are also dedicated people in charge.

What Wayne himself must achieve is to persuade Arthur to join.

It wasn't that he couldn't perceive Namor's strength.

It's that he doesn't know much about Namor.

Instead of rashly contacting someone you don't know, you also need to take the risk of offending the other party.

It would be better to just do the things you were prepared for in the first place.

He has already learned about Arthur's situation with those people on the coast.

This is a better guy to deal with.

Convincing the other party is not so difficult in Wayne's view.

"Although I really hope to get your answer now.

But unfortunately, there are still many things that I need to do on land.

I am very happy to meet you this time.

If you need help with anything, especially with supplies.

I think I can still help. "

Wayne is already planning to say goodbye.

He was one last step away from meeting Arthur.

Although diving into the deep sea with physical strength has already shown his strength.

But it's still a bit of a show of force.

A powerful individual cannot make the other party value the overall force.

So Wayne still has a plan behind him.

His plan was to directly open a portal to the holy mountain of Harrogath.

What Arthur could see through the portal were those barbarian ancestors.

Even if they cannot accurately know how powerful the barbarian ancestors are,

But realizing that the opponent is strong is not difficult at all.

"I will seriously consider this matter.

Namor had allowed me to go ashore to have a look.

But at least I have to arrange things in the sea first before going over.

If nothing else, we may soon be teammates.

By the way, you should be the strongest among human beings, right?

So what do you know about Captain America? "

Arthur asked in passing.

Wayne's thoughts changed when he heard the words.

Speaking of Captain America, most people will directly think of Steve.

But now it is the red tank Bucky Barnes who bears the title of Captain America...

Wayne is considering whether to tell the other party that Bucky became Captain America.

"If there is any hidden meaning in this matter, then just pretend that I didn't ask.

Anyway, I will understand when I go up.

I'm just asking this question on behalf of an elder of mine.

He was teammates with Captain America for a while. "

At this time, Arthur became more considerate.

"I'm just trying to figure out where to start.

Is Steve's comrade in arms?

Now Steve is also my comrade in arms.

He has been frozen for many years.

Fortunately, after he recovered, he was as young as before.

And now he is very strong. "

Wayne had received a clear signal that all he wanted to know was about Steve.

As for Bucky's affairs, they should not be interested.

"Strong? How is it better than you?

Your physical strength is already pretty good.

Namor said before that your physical strength may still be higher than mine.

So Steve, as Namordu's respected teammate, he should be much better than me, right? "

Arthur's words made Wayne a little puzzled.

After all, according to the information he collected, Arthur is often active in the human world.

There's no reason not to know what Steve was like before.

But looking at Arthur's hearty smile, Wayne felt that the other party didn't seem like a guy with any scheming.

"Steve is stronger than me right now.

But you may have a little understanding of the previous Steve. "

Wayne said it anyway.

In fact, it's not that Arthur doesn't know Steve's basic situation.

It's just that I can't judge Steve's strength.

He can only know that Steve was a human being injected with super soldier serum.

As for the extent to which this serum can strengthen people, of course he has no idea.

What Arthur knew about Steve was based on Namor's strength.

Those whom Namor respects are certainly not weak.

He just didn't think that Namor's respect for Steve was more due to Steve's noble personality.

"Okay, that's all my questions.

Do you need me to take you up there?

Although you have an oxygen tank, it is not difficult to swim up by yourself.

But I want to give you a ride. "

Arthur shook his head.

The wet hair is very textured and shakes together.

"No, I have an easier way to leave.

It's some kind of magic. "

After Wayne finished speaking, he directly opened a portal here.

On the other side of the portal is the sacred mountain of Harrogath.

And Arthur was stunned the moment he saw the opposite side.

He wasn't stunned because he saw the strength of those barbarian ancestors.

Instead, opposite the portal is the face of a giant demon.

To be honest, Wayne also froze in place.

He never expected to see the demon on the other side of the portal leading to Harrogath.

And that face was strange and unfamiliar, but Wayne was able to say the guy's name directly!


Wayne instinctively called out the name.

Barr on the other side of the portal slowly rolled his eyes.

Put your eyes on Wayne.

"A barbarian, although I don't know why your portal opened in front of me.

But don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to choose to use the portal to escape from Bulkasso's sight.

Although this Bulkhasso is not as powerful as the one you are familiar with.

But enough to hold me back.

As for the ants next to it, it seems a bit interesting. "

Barr said directly to Wayne.

Even Barr has no emotional inclinations.

But the malice inherent in the three demon gods made Wayne feel stiff.

And Arthur on the other side directly mobilized the water flow and planned to attack directly!

It was just Barr's unconscious malice that put Arthur into a state of stress!

But the next moment the water flowed, it was broken up directly.

Namor appeared here with a cold face, and then stared at Baal on the opposite side of the portal.

"close the door!"

Namor said in a commanding tone.

Wayne also came back to his senses and closed the portal!

"Now you should have a lot of things to tell us, people on the ground!"

Namor looked at Wayne coldly.

It is not easy to face something like Barr's.

The impact on Namor and the others was minimal, and to a large extent it was Barr's intentional restraint.

After all, that place is Mount Harrogath.

On the holy mountain, there is also a barbarian's first ancestor and a large group of ancestor spirits watching him.

As for Bulkelso, he should be negotiating with Yserial at this time.

It's just that this negotiation may not end too easily.

"That's the biggest trouble that exists in Burning Hell.

One of the Three Demon Gods, the God of Destruction Baal.

As for that place, it is the sacred mountain of the barbarians.

You didn't ask about barbarians and nephalem earlier.

So I didn't say anything. "

Wayne said helplessly.

Baal's appearance on the other side of the portal completely messed up his plans.

"So you just want to show off the power you have?

Through this demon god of destruction, you have achieved your goal.

Speak now!

What the hell is going on with those guys! "

Namor became a little irritable.

Although most of the time he only becomes more irritable when he is out of the water.

But leaving the water is not the immediate factor.

Namor's irascibility is innate.

He was just more able to restrain his emotions in the water.

Wayne shook his head.

The matter of why Baal appeared on the holy mountain of Harrogath was temporarily left behind.

Though he misses when Bul-Kelso starts to act.

But this does not prevent him from being full of confidence in the barbarians.

Before, in a quick glance, he saw the figure of Imprius behind Baal.

Since there are even archangels on the holy mountain, there is no danger.

In particular, he had already collected information about Bulkhasso from many places.

All the news pointed out one thing, that is, Bulkelso's strength was far superior to that of Hell Demon King and Archangel.

The reason why Bulkelso didn't push those guys directly was more because he had other plans.

At this time, the first thing Wayne has to do is to answer Namor's question first.

Although this happened a bit too unexpectedly.

But it's not all bad.

At least for now, it seems that the people of Atlantis are determined to cooperate.

"Namo, when did you come back?

I remember that your speed is faster than mine, but not so much faster, right?

Judging from the time, you should have only completed half of the patrol range at this time. "

Arthur took a few breaths before asking curiously.

The previous meeting with Barr made him feel a little uneasy.

"I sped up on patrol today.

It's that simple.

I came back earlier than you can see.

I heard about working with humans and about Steve.

This time I may also go to activities above the sea.

It's just that Atlantis cannot be unmanned.

Our current situation is not optimistic, it can even be said to be terrible! "

Namor said this to Wayne.

Just by glancing at Baal, Namor had figured out the location of Atlantis.

Just the breath leaked out unconsciously can make him feel like he has been shocked by electricity.

This kind of guy is not something he can easily face!

Cooperation is the only option at this time.

"I can't represent human beings."

Wayne couldn't help reminding.

"The two of us can represent Atlantis.

As for the object of cooperation, it is not the whole human being, but you.

Barbarian is it? Cooperation requires equality on both sides.

So the only partner of Atlantis is you. "

Namor's decision was straightforward.

He knew that there was no comparison between his side and the savage race.

So it was only Wayne who was selected as the partner.

As for cooperation with ordinary humans, that's not something Wayne should worry about.

The two Neptunes have established cooperation with Wayne for different purposes.

That should count as a good thing.

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