Chapter 0115 – Showdown!!

Hear this.

The master of the Ye family also stood up and reprimanded: “As an official of the imperial court, you don’t count as trespassing on people’s houses, and you dare to rob people’s daughters?” Where is the law of the Langlang Heavenly Kingdom? ”

Changsun Chong gasped for air, today Ye Mou was hit by evil or ate leopard gall, and dared to confront Lord Ben.

After slowing down a little, he looked around, but did not find anything abnormal, except for a young man in the hall, there was no one to condense.

So it returned to the self, and the thought of arrogance was strung through the brain again.

Changsun Chong took a few steps back, waved his right hand three times in a row, and lined up in a row of snatching relatives, waiting for the master’s order.

Especially the three wolves and four dogs, it is more like beating chicken blood, and they are about to move.

The owner of the Ye family also felt that the mountain rain was about to come to the situation of 963 winds all over the building, but with King Wuling sitting in formation, there was no fear and panic in his heart.

It’s just a slight warning that is not humble and unassuming: “The Great Tang is prosperous, but don’t force the people to rebel, and if it is spread, it will become a laughing stock in the world.” ”

Changsun Chong only had a kind of Peng Yu’s desire at this time, so he could listen to these truths, let alone care about the laws and regulations of the country.

He issued an ultimatum: “If you continue to be stubborn, this official will first treat you and disobey the crime of insulting the court officials.” Then seal your family property and destroy your nine tribes. ”

The extreme of arrogance reaches the unprecedented, and there is no one to come.

This is precisely what makes people crazy in order to perish.

The owner of the Ye family still smiled and said nothing, as if he was watching a clown’s performance on the street, making Changsun Chong ugly.

Suddenly, Ye Elegy and Princess Xiangcheng’s jade bell-like laughter floated out of the room, and this sweet laughter aroused Changsun Chong’s possessiveness even more.

In an instant, his demonic outburst, according to the sign language agreed in advance, gave three high-fives, and greeted the team into the hall, wanting to forcibly take Ye Elegy away.

Changsun Chong also shouted at the Ye family master: “The person is mine, and the Ye family Niu Yi will also be mine in the future.” ”

Before the words fell, I saw King Wuling hurriedly throw out the teacup, and with the rapid rotation of the teacup, the qi wave directly stunned the approaching of the greeting team.

Abruptly forced the three wolves and four dogs who rushed to the front to take a step back.

Just as they were stunned, a group of stiff people in the back room suddenly appeared, and the speed of the wind subdued the greeting team one by one.

This face, the owner of the Ye family has never seen it, Changsun Chong has never seen it, and the three wolves and four dogs have not reacted and are captured.

Master, top master is to solve everything you want to do in an instant.

Changsun Chong was once again numb in the hall, like a dream, but it really happened in front of him.

The sudden change surprised Changsun Chong, and his arrogant arrogance was also extinguished by half, and he looked at King Luo Yuan of Wuling stupidly.

King Luo Yuan of Wuling also slowly got up.

With sharp eyes and a kingly demeanor between his words, he asked in an almost interrogative tone: “But is the Suzhou assassin Changsun Chong?” When the king asks you, be sure to answer it. ”

Ben King? Changsun Chong was puzzled.

In addition to being frightened, he suddenly remembered that he had heard in Chang’an City that King Wuling had gone south to Suzhou, and this young man in front of him was.

The age is in line, the temperament is in line, and the shot just now is more correct. This prince was Luo Yuan, the famous king of Wuling.

Stupid, this time Changsun Chong is really stupid…

Luo Yuan scolded sharply: “King Ben asked you, why did Nei delay replying.” ”

Changsun Chong’s face was like ashes at this time, and his tongue did not listen to the command, and he stammered and agreed: “Yes, the villain is.” ”

As he spoke, his feet trembled involuntarily, and he knelt in front of Luo Yuan.

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