DC Knight

Vol 7 Chapter 149: Lucifer's visit

On Arlando, a planet with a prosperous magical civilization, due to its own special source of magic, the native Kamen Rider Wizard Joseph Johnson, who was regarded as a heretical by the aborigines of this planet, watched the scene that happened in front of him. , I don't know how to describe it.

Not long ago, he was just blocked on the altar of sacrifice to the gods by these aborigines, and he was about to be nourishment at any time. However, as the flow of magic power around the altar changed, Joseph, who was not injured, also noticed something was wrong. When he confirmed that he was okay and strange movements occurred in the outside world, he ignored his own situation. The phantom dragon that resided in his inner world was summoned and flew out of the altar.

Outside the altar, Joseph, a heretic, was supposed to be hunted and sacrificed to the gods. These planet aborigines were wailing and rolling on the ground at this time. Their magic power from the gods or demons did not help them. On the contrary, the magic power in them escaped and turned into a black mist that enveloped them. Under this black mist, their hair began to fall out and their skin changed. Green gray.

The original human appearance has also begun to change to human-like features. This strange sign is not only seen by Joseph, but is happening in every corner of this planet, which is famous for its prosperous magic!

"Hey! Cheer up! What's going on!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Joseph couldn't even think about how the aborigines had hunted him down before. He fell from the air and tried to slow the person in front of him with magic pain of.

"Pain! It hurts! Gods! Why punish us!"

For Joseph's treatment, the aborigines who were being attacked by magic power did not get better.

On the contrary, they felt the backlash of the magic power, and thought to themselves that it was the gods they believed in to bring down the divine punishment. Before Joseph could continue his treatment, he realized that something was wrong. The painful mourning disappeared, replaced by heavy breathing. Looking around, the aborigines who had just been eroded by magic power had now completed their transformation.

Blue-gray skin, red eyes, and human-like facial features, all of which reminded Joseph of the zombies in the movie "I Am Legend" he watched as a child. But it is clear that these aborigines who have undergone an unknown transformation are much stronger than those zombies in terms of combat effectiveness. While he is still wondering why they have undergone such transformation, Joseph has already fallen into a circle.

Looking at Joseph, the only one in the circle who was not transformed due to magical erosion, the aborigines who had transformed also followed the instructions in their minds and rushed towards Joseph.

"Oh shit!"

In the face of this surging crowd, Joseph only had time to utter a foul language, and was overwhelmed by the sudden transformation of the aborigines, and he was silent. Under such a strange transformation, the magic net that originally blocked the planet was lifted, and Garuda, a shikigami activated by holding a magic ring, also carried out the final order, waving his wings, and with the help of Joseph before being drowned Open the portal to leave this magical civilization planet.

Over the Arando star, Papetua's phantom appeared, looking at the entire planet's aborigines who had been transformed under the power of his own crisis, and smiled.

"This is the real perfect race, my top Predator Legion, go and erode more planets!"

The phantom of Papetua dissipated, and these races, named by Papetua as the top predators, also looked at the stars. Without any magical guidance, they were like Kryptonians living under the yellow sun, flying towards the stars, doing Papetua's orders.

View back to Earth.

A journey through the dark matter universe and the six-dimensional universe, let Cowen know the impact of his new origin carved into the DC universe. After completing the exclusive final of Ex-Aid (Ex-Aid) and Jiadou in the system space, he returned to Earth and returned to his office. Ke Wen also took a good sleep and breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if you want to fight the Supreme, you have to take a good rest, no.

It's just that he didn't know that, just three days after he left the earth, Papetua's erosion of reality had already begun, but compared to this planet in the universe, which is famous for its prosperous magic, the influence on the earth did not So big. With the end of the Laughing Bat, Batman's knot is unraveled, and the earth has entered a period of relative peace.

The Justice League was renamed the Justice League International and became an international organization equivalent to the United Nations, endorsed and managed by the five permanent members.

In addition to staying in his own city on weekdays, he is responsible for mediation in some local war areas according to the lottery. But it is only mediation. If you insist on fighting, a ceasefire area will be drawn for refugees to take refuge, and the responsible superheroes will also guide them, but they will not intervene in the war.

Because they all know that if the war can be stopped with words, there will not be so many tragedies. No matter how heroic you are, as long as you are still human, you will have a position. Instead of being a peacemaker who is not a human being, it is better to do what you can do, but thanks to the big environment and the threat from the universe, the current earth is still in a relatively peaceful state.

If there is no accident, the earth will slowly enter the next era in such a state.

What Ke Wen has to do is to ensure that this new era of spiraling forward will no longer be disturbed by the restart, until it moves towards a future that he is not aware of. It's just that the problem he has to face now is whether the Supreme who created the concept of the DC universe will not allow him to do so, just like now, when the four-dimensional universe and the three-dimensional universe are being eroded by Papetua.

A goshawk is circling over the city of Nassino, its target has been locked on the detective office by the sea, looking at Ke Wen who is waking up at this time. And in its induction, Papetua's every move could not escape its eyes.

Using the power of endless crisis and the penetration of magic into reality, Papetua is transforming life in the three-dimensional and four-dimensional universes into his own top predator army, a race comparable to, or even surpassing, Krypton. The army, this is not difficult for Papetua. And the highest income in the eyes, at this time is also considering whether to push Papetua, the manager who is trying to betray him.

Let this endless power of crisis spread in the DC universe, let Ke Wen fall into this endless cycle, and there is no way to complete his mission.

Because for the Supreme, what kind of crisis occurs on the earth and the DC universe is acceptable. Constantly reincarnated and restarted in endless crises, preserving the vitality of the DC universe to the greatest extent possible. It can be said that the power of crisis in Papetua’s hands is precisely what the Supreme let him master. Papetua’s approach is right, and the only thing wrong should not be negotiating with the Supreme, trying to escape from becoming a universe. The fate of nourishment.

But now, He needs Papetua to use the power of crisis to the maximum extent, spread it to the entire universe, and make the entire universe in an endless crisis, solve one, rest for a while, and then have to solve the next one . As the supreme incarnation of the goshawk hovering in the air, its waving wings play a role, and it will erode into the four-dimensional universe, and the power of crisis in the three-dimensional universe continues to spread to the earth.

It was only when the supreme darkness was fueling the flames that the sage Ke Wen, the savior Ke Wen, and the king Ke Wen, who were located in the third independent universe, combined with the opposing giant beasts of the supreme, and also noticed the small movements of the supreme.

"That guy is already attacking the original universe. If the time is not wrong, Papetua of the original universe is infiltrating and eroding reality. We have to let the guy's attention shift to our side, the beast, to If you want the Supreme to fail and admit your existence, just take it seriously!"

The endless black mist gathers on the wall of origin of the independent universe, Sage Kewen, as a collection of negative emotions that the Supreme had differentiated when he created the DC universe. The monstrous beast has only one concept, and that is to sing a show against Zhigao. Whatever the Supreme wants to do, he will not let him succeed, and what the Supreme creates, he must destroy!

But He is just a collection of emotions, an emotion that was born out of boredom and boredom during the long period of time when the Supreme Being created the DC universe. For the DC universe created by the Supreme, his existence is a dimensionality reduction blow, but what if he faces the Supreme? No matter how much he resists, or how he stirs up the storm in the DC universe, he is not even qualified to be taken seriously by the Supreme Being.

Most of the time, He will be suppressed by the supreme spokesperson, the ghost, or driven away.

Until the restart of the universe this time, because of Ke Wen's indiscriminate entry, a native DC universe was created that was half out of the control of the Supreme Being, and with the activity of Ke Wen, the three kings, saviors and sages were created completely out of the Supreme's expectations. in an independent universe. At this time, He must think that there is such an opportunity for the Supreme to suffer, and even to make himself a truly independent individual in front of him.

Will he catch it? Maybe this is the only chance in his life.

He wasn't trying to prove that he was stronger than the Supreme, He just wanted to tell the Supreme. You created me, but that doesn't mean you can control me, I have my own way of being!

This kind of obsession supported the beast, stimulated by the words of the sage Ke Wen. The endless black fog erodes the origin wall of the independent universe, Sage Kewen. Under the action of the beast and the sage Kewen, this wall is used to imprison the origin of the sage Kewen and Papetua. The wall began to crack, and the King Ke Wen and the savior Ke Wen could also get in touch with their own independent universe through the cracked wall of origin.

With the joining of the two new forces of King Ke Wen and Savior Ke Wen, the wall of origin of the independent universe, Sage Ke Wen, collapsed, and the collapse was also caused by the departure of King Ke Wen and Savior Ke Wen at this time. The two independent universes of , where the wall of origin is also collapsing, with the collapse of the wall of origin of the three independent universes, the three independent universes born because of each key node of the original universe Ke Wen are also linked.

And the mutation that happened in the independent universe of Ke Wen, the sage, was also passed on to the Supreme Being, who was guiding the power of crisis in the original universe at this time. He is very clear that he is in the universe where King Kewen is located, and although the crisis set by the universe where Savior Kewen is located is powerful, it is based on the absence of two prisoners, King Kewen and Savior Kewen.

The wall of origin between the three independent universes collapsed and connected to one piece. King Ke Wen and savior Ke Wen also noticed the secret hands that happened in their own independent universe, buried by the supreme guy. It was anger at first, but what followed was gratification, because King Ke Wen and Savior Ke Wen were sent to the offspring of Ke Wen in the original universe, and both Conan and Ke Xue grew up, even if they were not there, in the corresponding independent universe.

Dealing with the dark son buried by the supreme with others, there is absolutely no need for their two parents to take action.

"They have really grown up. By the way, haven't the two children you sent to the original universe come back?" Feeling the growth of his offspring, the king Ke Wen and the savior Ke Wen were relieved and looked at the sage. Curwen, I'm curious why the offspring he and Papetua sent to the original universe haven't come back.

"Because their mission hasn't been completed yet, count the time, and now Ke Wen of the original universe should be exposed to the big event that Papetua has put together. They still need to stay there for a while. And, instead of worrying about them , let's worry about ourselves, that guy has noticed the riots on our side."

Before I finished speaking, I could see that in the three independent universe nebulae that the three walls of origin collapsed and connected to one, there is the outline of an eagle formed. The eagle with the nebula as a component spans three independent universes. The scene made the universe of King Kewen and Savior Kewen also notice this scene that happened in the sky.

Behind the sage Ke Wen, Dr. Manhattan looked at Ke Wen and Papetua in three independent universes. The beast once again fought against the supreme who created himself. When he was about to do something, he was caught by the sage. Kevin stopped.

"Doctor, your battlefield is not here. This is the confrontation between our three prisoners and the Supreme. If you are, just be a witness. If everything goes well, we will meet again."

Saying that, the sage Ke Wen gently pushed on Dr. Manhattan's chest.

Dr. Manhattan, who did not know his mission, was sent back to the lonely earth behind him by the sage Ke Wen. At this time, Papetua, who was in the independent universe of Sage Kewen, also knew the seriousness of the matter. He had long since left the earth and turned into a huge figure behind the sage Ke Wen. Zatana's face said something else.

"You've been waiting for this day for a long time, haven't you, Ke Wen."

"It doesn't count. Anyway, the two of us are considered prisoners, and we still have two children. We can't let our two children stay with us in this lonely universe for the rest of our lives, that's not what we should do as parents. Yes, you want to be free, I want my Zatana to come back, and now there is only one chance left, or would you rather be locked up by Him again, or even erased?"

"There's a lot of nonsense, but you're right, wake up, my legion!"

Papetua, who controlled Zatana's body, was noncommittal. While responding to the sage Ke Wen, he also gave instructions to his top predator army. Those who were silent in the lonely universe of the sage Kewen, the top predator army created by Papetua revived again. Following Papetua's instructions, they flew towards the boundless eagle in the starry sky. , like a swarm of insects.

In the original universe, when the sage Ke Wen, the king Ke Wen and the savior Ke Wen joined forces with the giant beast to break the wall of the origin of their respective independent universes and connect the three independent universes together. In the sky above the city of Nassino, the supreme leader of the power of crisis in the original universe Papetua in the form of a goshawk also sensed the riots of the three independent universes.

After all, he is buried in the King Kewen Independent Universe, and the two dark sons of the Savior Kewen Independent Universe are now being beaten on the head. It's just that Zhi Gao didn't expect that the three Ke Wen, who had become prisoners, didn't give up, and they all had to fight with themselves when they got to this point.

Without the intervention of his creator, and the other party has a collection of his own negative emotions, a giant beast, even if he sends a ghost to the past, it will not help, feeling the power of crisis that has come to the earth, and Supreme also understands the three independent universes. If you don't suppress it, when the time comes to let Ke Wenzhen from the three independent universes escape from prison successfully, he will be even more troublesome at that time.

After confirming that the power of crisis will come to the earth at any time, the goshawk hovering in the sky disappears.

The next moment, the supreme figure appeared in the three independent universes that connected one piece, looking at the three Kewen who stumbled upon him again, the wandering giant beast, and Papetu who had been obliterated twice by himself. Ah, I can't help but have emotions.

"Hey, it's us again, um, it's the third round." For the appearance of the Supreme, Ke Wen from the three independent universes also waved to him, which was regarded as a greeting and at the same time provoking the Supreme.

Looking at this endless army of top predators, the giant beast charging towards him, the ghost representing the supreme anger also appeared in the starry sky, the huge figure enveloped the sky, and flew towards the giant beast like this. And Ke Wen of the three independent universes and Papetua of the sage Ke Wen's independent universe are facing the supreme, the creator of this DC universe.

Returning to the original universe where Ke Wen is located, when Supreme noticed that the three independent universes had rioted and left, the power of Papetua crisis, which belonged to the original universe, had already struck. After Zhigao left, a figure in a suit and leather shoes also appeared at the entrance of Ke Wen's office in an empty space in Nashino City, and looked at the office that was not moving.

Only then did the figure look up and look at the sky where the goshawk had been transformed by the supreme will, and there was no trace there.

"He's really a controlling father. If I didn't understand you a little bit, I wouldn't be able to come out now, but father, I don't want to give you any more control this time. Children will always grow up from their parents' wings. Well."

After talking to himself, the figure also walked towards the office.

In the office, Ke Wen was watching the news, after a round of exclusive final development of the main riding belt he owned. Ke Wen also knew what he was going to face next, but as one of the origins, he could not locate Zhigao for the time being, nor did he know what kind of events Zhigao would bring to trouble him.

'Ding dong! ’

Just when Ke Wen was thinking about how to find the Supreme, the doorbell rang.

"Here, you?!"

With an answer, Ke Wen walked to the door indifferently, because he did not perceive the danger of the visitor. But when he opened the door and saw Lucifer in a suit and leather shoes standing at the door, he was still stunned. How did this big guy appear?

"It's a surprise, isn't it? Kamen Rider Liqi, the creator of this universe's history?" To Ke Wen's surprise, Lucifer was also talking about Ke Wen's identity, and he ignored Ke Wen and walked in on his own. Office, sit down.

"You seem to know everything, Lucifer." Seeing Lucifer so indifferent, Ke Wen also retracted his surprise, took the coffee, and handed it to Lucifer.

"However, I have half of my father's authority. Although my father can take it back if he wants to, I still took some benefits before he takes it back. So, I'm here to explain your doubts."

For Ke Wen's temptation, Lucifer did not detour. After taking Ke Wen's coffee, he started talking to himself, but when Ke Wen heard Lucifer speak of supreme authority, he also looked at him with alert eyes. Because he can't guarantee whether he is talking to himself now is Lucifer or the Supreme, and even the Supreme Ability, it is very easy to possess his own son.

"Please, don't look at me like this, we are a team now, you need my help."

"But I can't think of a reason for you to help me, you are his son. For the DC universe he created, what he trapped is the life born in the concept of this DC universe, you don't count, you can leave at will , so you are on my side and have nothing to say."

Ke Wen expressed his concerns without any concealment, and Lucifer didn't think anything was wrong, and continued to speak there.

"Well, that's right. But you still think too highly of my father's parent-child relationship with my sons. My brothers and sisters may be very loyal to my father, except for me, I am the most The rebellious one. Otherwise, I would not have come to the world from hell. I like human beings, a race of life that was born in the hands of my father but is completely independent. Compared to us, I feel that they are the real life.

So, when you came to me and made yourself one of the origins, I thought my chance was here, an opportunity to really break free from my father's morbid desire for control. This is the basis of our cooperation, and you don't have to worry about me being controlled by my father. He has already taken back half of his authority in order to prevent me from helping you. Now I am just an ordinary person who can go in and out of **** and the world. "

"Ha, your definition of an ordinary person is really strange, so how can you help me now that you are an ordinary person?"

After complaining about Lucifer's Versailles speech, Ke Wen believed Lucifer's words temporarily, but he didn't understand that when he came to the door, he was not afraid that the Supreme would come to trouble him?

"Don't worry so much, my controlling and perverted father doesn't have time to take care of my sneaking away for the time being, but if you and I don't hurry up, it's hard to say."

"So how can you help me?"

"Oh, two very simple points, one is to speed up your acquisition of the power that belongs to you, and two, I know what the event my father is brewing is, it has already happened."

"Go on."

Looking at Lucifer, Ke Wen said bluntly.

"Then let's talk about the second thing first, you should watch TV."

Lucifer sold out and took the remote control directly from the table and pressed it. The TV hanging on the wall turned on, and under Lucifer's remote control, it switched to the news channel, which was broadcasting a news about an accident in the Pacific Ocean.

It was news of an offshore drilling rig crash, the cause of the crash is unclear, but luckily there were no casualties. The Atlantis patrol team is cooperating with the International Justice League team to control the spill area and ensure as much as possible Oil does not spread. If it was just this news, it would be hard for Ke Wen to see any clues. After all, accidents happen every day.

"Oh, why not use the memory of your connection to Earth? Maybe you'll see something different."

Under the prompt of Lucifer, Ke Wen subconsciously connected with the Earth Library. The scene of the accident that was being broadcast on TV at this time also appeared in his eyes, but he saw more comprehensively than the aerial photography. It was not only the oil floating on the sea that was burning, but also the sea water below. Seawater from the oil spill area is being turned into fuel, fueling fires burning on the sea surface.

Before Ke Wen could think about what caused this phenomenon, Lucifer changed channels again.

This time, it was a variety channel, and on the variety channel was a circus that was holding its sixteenth tour. At this time, an actor on the stage was performing his performance, and I saw him looking around, wearing a slightly bloated dress. After putting his head in his hands and putting on a more comical fitness posture, he said "abs energy" with him!

An incredible change occurred, the bloated dress shattered and turned into a flock of white doves flying in the venue. This scene caused the audience on the screen to scream again and again, but it seemed so strange to Ke Wen, who was watching all this in front of the TV at this time. It's not a simple trick to explain, at least he can see that it's all magic.

No matter the organization or technology, he can't explain the scene that happened in front of his eyes at this time, because he used the plug-in of the Earth Library, it can be said to be immersed in the scene, watching this scene from an all-round perspective on the scene. performance.

But this is not the end, because the next magic show will directly treat the audience as fools, and the magician on the field will suspend the elephant directly in the air. But as the crowd was amazed, the elephant also began to run wild as if it was stimulated, the body surface began to change, the performer was dumbfounded, and the audience took it as another surprise.

Just when Cowen was preparing to remotely prevent the disaster, Lucifer interrupted Cowen.

"The attention is back here, there are professionals there already."

Lucifer's voice interrupted Ke Wen's movements, and he looked back at Lucifer, who was indifferent. The sight of the feedback from the Earth Library was indeed a professional person rushing to the scene, preventing the continuation of the performance. Looking back at the bizarre sight he had just seen, Ke Wen also had a guess.

"Your father is interfering with the mysterious side?"

"No, he's just a pusher, you know, this guy always likes to be particular, and feels that it would be disgraceful if he ended up doing such a thing himself. You, you've already had a real fight with him now."

Lucifer, who turned into a master of the fire, was fooling Ke Wen there. It seemed that the next second he would become the younger brother of Ke Wen's royal predecessor. Instead, Ke Wen watched Lucifer's move, pointed to the performance scene that had been interrupted by the intervention of professionals, and continued to speak there.

"If this is the so-called incident of your father being the pusher, how can you help me speed up the progress of acquiring the power that belongs to me?"

"Oh, don't be in such a hurry. Before that, I want to invite you to travel far away with me. Don't worry, I'll be back soon. You'll know what to do then."

Getting up, Lucifer walked to the door of the office, twisted the handle lightly, and the door opened. A different dimension is displayed in front of Ke Wen, and for the dimensional breath connected by this gate, Ke Wen also understands where this dimension is at the first time, but he does not understand why Lucifer invited himself to go here.

"Don't be like this, in order to avoid problems with our chat, this is the best place, even my father can't really grasp it."

As soon as he heard that Supreme couldn't control it, Ke Wen also became interested. He got up and stepped in, and Lucifer also carefully closed the door, everything in the office seemed to be nothing happened. And Ke Wen, who had entered the dimension of **** at the invitation of Lucifer, also looked at the dimension in the myth, and was really curious.

Because the dimension of **** in front of him is not like the one shown in the film and television, the sky is always red, the earth smells of sulphur, the surface is red, demons are flying all over the sky, and the undead are wandering around. All he saw was the night and silence, which was very strange. Logically speaking, Lucifer is only the ruler of the **** dimension, and does not represent absolute authority. An existence who can sing against him in the **** dimension has a hand. It shouldn't be so quiet.

"Ah, I know what you're wondering, but that's why I invited you. In your opinion, is **** a part of this DC universe my father created?"

"Isn't it?"

As soon as the words came out, Ke Wen understood what Lucifer wanted to express.

It is true that there is **** in the DC universe, but in the Marvel universe, in other universes, there is the concept of hell. So if **** is part of the DC universe, is it also **** in other universes? Obviously impossible, there is only one explanation. No matter which universe the concept of **** is in, it is not exclusive. Even if it is supreme, when creating the concept of DC universe, it must also bring in the dimension of **** that does not belong to its own scope.

Only in this way can the universe He created be considered complete. In exchange, the **** dimension will also be managed by the agent designated by the supreme, but it is only management, and cannot dictate how the **** dimension operates.

"Ah, got it right? I remember you, Lex Luthor, said something like this, if God is omnipotent, he doesn't have an alignment, and if he has alignment, he isn't omnipotent. Didn't the father who created me also verify this, but from the moment he began to choose to be a pusher ready to subvert everything you created, his failure was doomed.

And I, just here, provide you with a place to overthrow Him. After all, there is nothing wrong with my son being a son, do you think so? "

Standing in front of Ke Wen, Lucifer pointed to this dimension of eternal night and silent hell, and teased himself there.

"Then you are so filial, so does this have anything to do with how I speed up my power acquisition?"

"Ah, don't you understand? This is the only dimension that cannot be controlled by my father. Although it is not a complete dimension of hell, I think it will be a little helpful for your knight development. In addition, **** is forever. It is related to the mystery, and I have just told you with facts, this incident is related to the mystery side, and my father is the pusher. But he forgot, how can the **** dimension not be controlled by him, this time it is so troublesome Big, the **** linked to the mysterious side can't be unresponsive, so if you want to know what's going on, look for it here."

"I thought you would help me."

"I'm already helping you, but I've said it all, my father took back half of the authority that he put on me. I'm just a manager now, I only know what happened, but only the parties know what happened, this is the The deal between us, so, good luck."

Regarding Ke Wen's doubts, Lucifer was just talking on the side, while twisting a door out of nowhere, and once it was opened, there was no trace. Ke Wen was the only one left. Looking at the lonely night above his head, there was only one person around him. For a time, a sense of depression came in like a tide, causing Ke Wen to shudder.

But as Lucifer said, this is the only dimension that the Supreme cannot control. If you can get the local power that can resist the Supreme Hell dimension here, and combine it with one of your main drivers, it will bring The gain is absolutely beyond my imagination. Not to mention that there is still an incident waiting for him to deal with. Looking around, Ke Wen had to look up and connect with the six-dimensional universe and the system space in his body again.

He needs to find out which main drive is best for the **** dimension, as well as information about this mysterious side event. And now the only thing that can help him is the six-dimensional universe, the general control room of the DC universe, and the system space.

Consciousness With the help of the master control room of the six-dimensional universe, Cowen began to swim in the entire DC universe dimension. This omnipresent feeling is indeed like a god, but it did not make Cowen lost. He's just doing his best to find the area that the Supreme Being is secretly fueling.

But I have to admit Papetua's prudence. As a former supreme spokesperson, he created the existence of the DC universe under the supreme command. He is too aware of the function of the six-dimensional universe, including the three sons he created, the world casting The three brothers, what their tasks are, are all arranged by Papetua.

So when Papetua noticed that the six-dimensional universe was searching for its own existence in the entire dimension, he did not appear directly, but used his understanding of the six-dimensional universe, and with the help of the Supreme Being, he eroded the earth bit by bit. The surrounding space is slowly surrounding it. And the impact of the part brought by the siege on reality is also harmless, and you can't find yourself at all.

The six-dimensional universe, which is unfavorable, did not give Ke Wen feedback in the first time, and the three brothers who were the creators of the world in the six-dimensional universe had no intention of making a move. They know better than anyone else that in this contest between Kewen and the Supreme, all creations are chess pieces, and chess pieces must have the consciousness of chess pieces.

Now both Ke Wen and Zhi Gao want to flip the chessboard and start over, so they, as chess pieces, just stay.

"The movement is really big," in the six-dimensional universe, in the city of Naxinuo created by Ke Wenyi Nian, the world maker felt the flow of the six-dimensional universe, and also complained there.

"You can only talk about it here, brother." The monitors and anti-monitors on the side didn't show any mercy to the World Forge, but directly pierced their hearts.

"It's not the same for you. Look, you just don't know whether the three of us will be white or black."

With a sigh of relief, with the six-dimensional universe as the base plate, the invisible confrontation between Kewen and Papetua continues.

But Ke Wen is not the only battlefield in Papetua, as Lucifer said before. The **** dimension is the only dimension that is not under the control of the supreme. If the supreme does not directly pay attention to it, it is difficult to detect Ke Wen's small actions in the **** dimension. Due to the unique conditions, Ke Wen must also be here, combining the power of the **** dimension with one of the main riders of the system space in his body, so that he can fight against the highest capital.

The main driver that has not yet obtained the exclusive final swipes in front of Ke Wen, but Ke Wen has not been able to find the right one. And his thinking, with the blessing of the six-dimensional universe, continues to extend in the **** dimension, not only the main universe where he is, but the entire light 52 multiverse, the dark 52 multiverse that is constantly being born and destroyed, and the people in these universes. The **** dimension also unfolds in front of Cowen.

Feeling the changes in these same, yet unique dimensions of hell, and feeling the most basic instincts of life living here, Ke Wen seems to have found some inspiration.

With the continuous extension of his thinking, without his knowledge, the six-dimensional universe is also following Ke Wen's thinking and is connecting the **** dimensions of the light 52 multiverse and the dark 52 multiverse together, connecting the **** dimensions of each **** dimension. The frequency is adjusted to the same.

An inexplicable sound suddenly resounded in the hearts of the beings in the light 52 multiverse and the dark 52 multiverse. When these beings were puzzled, Lucifer, who was sitting firmly on Diaoyutai, also noticed Ke Wen's movements on his throne.

"Hey, you're a little more powerful, young man."

Unable to keep his calm, he got up, and when he arrived at Ke Wen's position, he saw a bat flying away from Ke Wen's hand, submerging into the endless night above his head, and then turned to look at Lucifer.

"Thanks to you, I seem to have found the best solution."

"That's really gratifying, but do you have the confidence to let my father compromise?" As for Ke Wen, who seemed to have changed his personality, Lucifer, while surprised, was also shocked by Ke Wen's words, and asked curiously.

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And Ke Wen just made a gesture, "For now, it's 30%, but what's going on later, it's hard to say, I still have something to do, I'm leaving."

After all, the door behind him opened, and the **** dimension that originally required the consent of the manager of Lucifer to enter and exit freely has now become Ke Wen's back garden, and he can leave as soon as he wants to.

"It's really not polite at all, but, look at you, the man who made history."

Looking at the position where Ke Wen disappeared, Lucifer didn't say much, turned around, and returned to the throne that belonged to him for countless hours, watching the changes in the dimension of hell. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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