DC Knight

Vol 4 Chapter 7: I am not a man!

The metropolis, close to the neighborhood of Lex Corporation, is the hardest hit area after the explosion of the R&D department of Lex Corporation. As many people gathered at the press conference at that time, as many people were infected with the Amozo virus as soon as possible. The entire neighborhood showed signs of disorganization. Lost shoes, trampling clothing, and windows destroyed by shops on both sides of the street showed how panicked people were at that time. In this neighborhood, which was shrouded in fog and became a little dark, Superman and Fully armed Batman is fighting three citizens infected with the Amozo virus.

  , as the world's two best partners in the world, faced three severely infected people infected with the Amozo virus. The two cooperated with each other and suppressed the three. As mentioned earlier, AMOZO virus is a virus developed by Lex based on the advanced artificial intelligence robot AMOZO that Justice League has faced. AMOZO has the characteristics of learning all opponents, whether or not this opponent is superhuman And, as the world’s second-class smart man, Lex Luther, the Amozo virus, which was even developed in the DC universe, has developed this feature even more.

"Damn, they have entered the third stage, aren't your inhibitory serums ready yet?" As the main output Superman alone carried the attack of these three citizens of the Amozo virus infection, as the owner of steel The top combat power of the body, even if the three of them reach the third stage of infection, the AMO virus begins to transform the body according to the characteristics of each infected person, and some non-human characteristics appear, and at the same time as the super power shown Rose a stage.

"Control them, Clark!" A low voice sounded from behind the citizens of these three virus-infected people, wrapping themselves in a slim bat armor, only the face was a glass mask, just Batman's armored glass mask Now that a crack has appeared, Batman revealing his half-covered face also puts three prepared inhibitory serums on his hand armor and aimed at the three.

And Superman, who was ordered by Batman, also turned the offensive at this time, holding an infected person with his left and right hands, and thighs around the waist of the infected person in the middle. With his strength, he did not reach a level and no one could earn Unlock his shackles, and Batman's three inhibitory sera also aimed at the three arteries when they couldn't break free from Superman's shackles and fired past them. Needles made of special alloy easily pierce their skin, and the green inhibitory serum flows through them, so that the three struggling people begin to lose consciousness and can no longer resist.

  Superman only released the shackles, and Batman stepped forward to scan it with the scanner he carried.

   "How about, is there something we are looking for?"

"No, it's just three severely infected people, but at least gave us a direction. The closer to the center of the explosion, the stronger the infected person's performance on the Amozo virus, like an evolution, then as the first People infected with No.1, he may have completed the transformation, of course, it is also very likely to be controlled by power."

   "In this case, you should retreat, your mask..." Looking at the cracked glass mask on Batman's face, the worry in Superman's words is self-evident.

   "It's just a crack, and the sealing is still intact. I'm not here. Can you determine who is the number one infected?"

   "But if you are a human, you should know how aggressive the Amozo virus is to ordinary people. I am not a human being, nor even a pure superpower. The Amozo virus is not harmful to me."

"Well, before that, Ron was not a human being. He is an alien like you, but he is lying in a hospital bed waiting for us to save his life. Invalid? Don’t forget how troublesome we were when dealing with AMOZO, but that AMOZO is just a robot, and what we are facing is probably a brand new AMO that has the power and the power to exist. Zhuo."

Reasonable and well-founded words left Superman speechless. Batman could always find a reason why he could not refute, and sighed. Superman no longer continued to discuss with Batman who left and who left, but was just exploring with Batman. In the street below, the figure was intentionally or unintentionally blocked in front of him. Since Batman can't be said, then using his own body as his first barrier, the closer he gets to Lex Enterprises, the more Superman can understand the intractability of those infected with the Amozo virus.

   For him, at most it only feels a little pain, but if the damage is placed on Batman, it will not be so painful at any time, especially if Batman's isolation mask has a crack. With the deepening of the two people, the number of infected people they contacted has also decreased, but the degree of danger is relatively more difficult than before. The viruses that should have killed them have begun to feed back. The host they host, let them evolve to another life form.

   "Half a month has passed, how are the two little guys in your family?" Superman asked Batman while holding an infected person while he was about to inject him.

"Are you sure you want to ask me this question in this environment?" Ignore the bone claws extending from the infected person's hands in front of my eyes. The harsh sound and sparks were scratched in his armor. Batman also asked after he injected the inhibitory serum into it. .

"Don't you think that the encounter between us is very similar? You are your son and daughter who are about the age of being raised, and come to you to recognize you. I am the son and I skipped the multiverse and skipped it. How do I be a good father? As the only two fathers in the league, I can only ask you what you should do with experience."

Superman's face reveals helplessness. In his view, saving the world is easier than bringing up children at home, especially when his one-month-old son turned into a ten-year-old boy in the blink of an eye. The ups and downs don’t make you feel bad. On the one hand, he was happy that his son was back, and he was one of the goals given to him by his biological father, and the progress of extending the blood line of krypton was one percent. On the other hand, he also distressed those infants and young children he bought for his son. The product, you know, he is just a reporter of Planet Daily. According to income, it can only be said to be a wage earner who barely reaches the middle class level.

   Plus his wife who has won the Pulitzer Prize, the savings of the two are added together, and a loan can be used to buy a 150-200 square house in the best part of the metropolis. But the account is not so calculated. In addition to the monthly mortgage loan that he and Louise have to repay, he also has his own expenses. He spends it in a restaurant opened by a superman fan in the metropolis. Amazon, on eBay, digging for things I like. Although it was said that the antique typewriter that I spent 5,000 private money on last time was converted to a kryptonite keyboard by the guy Batman, it couldn’t stop my heart from buying and buying, boys. It's no worse than girls when you pick it up, especially on things you like.

Then the problem came. If there is one more son, Superman, who is the mainstay of the family, has to cut half of his small vault to set up an education fund for his son, and then cut half of the remaining half. Buying various baby products, he did not have the courage to dare to say AA to Louise, especially now that he has not given Louise a wedding, except in the case of the proposal ring. However, the most embarrassing thing happened. I spent so much money to buy things because Jonathan Jr. suddenly grew up. Looking at the baby products that I spent a lot of money, Superman has no guts. Tell Louise if we should regenerate this.

"So, you now feel that you are in a personal economic crisis, and at the same time you are in a crisis of father-son relationship with Jonathan Jr., want to know how I got along with Damian before?" Sampling these virus-infected people in a comatose past , Batman said without looking back.

"Yeah, otherwise you think why I let Louise take him to my parents' side, because I found that Jonathan Jr. didn't kiss me as much as he did before." Superman sighed and waved casually, taking a plan from The virus-infected person who attacked Batman in the sky flew, but he couldn't help it.

   "You should know that he was only a month old before he grew up, right, how do you know whether he kisses you or not."

  Batman and Superman walked on the streets of the metropolis like an outing, completely ignoring the severely infected people who gathered with their two words.

"Is this a feeling of blood connection? I feel it. When I held him before, he would grab the small curls on my head. Now he sees me and carries a kind of The skeptical look, as if I were not his father, always chanting Helena's name at home."

   ‘pop! 'Superman's voice has just fallen, and Batman, who is injecting a serum-suppressing agent to a severely virus-infected person, is overstretched, and the needle made of a special alloy is so broken on the body surface of the virus-infected person, and has not waited for the virus. The infected person fights back, and the expressionless Batman uses his armor bonus to face the acupoint on the virus infected person with a nerve massage to calm him down.

   "You said he kept nagging Helena's name at home? Give me a detailed explanation of how he said it!"

   "Well, your needle is still stuck on people's head." Looking at Batman who turned back suddenly, Superman pointed at the unlucky egg with the needle still stuck on his head, trying to change the subject.

A beautiful round kick, Batman kicked the unlucky egg directly, and the force on the unlucky egg knocked over the remaining virus-infected people, and then Batman directly pulled out of his belt A charged smoke bomb was thrown into the crowd, and a high concentration of anesthetic was added to directly let those who swarmed the virus down. The shadow of Batman also began to enlarge in Superman's vision.

"So, give me a detailed explanation of how he is talking about it!" Batman's re-emphasized tone made Superman realize that he seemed to be wrong, especially when Batman launched his staring eyes, Superman felt the world was away. Going by himself, under such pressure, he can only keep his heart.

"Ok, he just told Louise every day that Stray took care of him in other universes. He also said he wanted to go to Gotham to find Helena to go to school. These are all Louise called to tell me For the sake of God, can you stop staring at me again!"

   reported Jonathan Jr.'s latest situation to Batman in one breath, which made Batman stop staring at Superman. And Superman, who was relieved, was also helpless. He seemed to somehow sell his son, but it didn’t matter. The people of the Ayr family would have this kind of consciousness. Thinking about it, Superman glanced at those who were released by Batman. The infected person of the infected virus froze and froze it directly, so he asked Batman, "Tell me, did Bruce, Damian and Helena come back from other universes, did they appear like Jonathan Jr.? Case?"

"No, the two of them did not tell me exactly what happened, or that they were not ready, but they also had some changes compared to before." When talking about their children, Batman is gone. The previous oppressive spirit was talking about Damian and Helena's changes in a tone that did not know whether to say happiness or doubt.

   "For example?"

   "They no longer sing a contradiction with me, become obedient, and know that they come to my room every day to say good morning, good afternoon and good night."

   "what?! Are you sure it's Damian and Helena? How do I feel like I've been transferred!"

Some of Superman couldn’t believe their ears. Why did they all come back together to wander outside in the universe? Others Damian became a good boy, and his son almost didn’t recognize himself as a dad. To the point! Superman, who didn’t understand the reason at all, fell into self-doubt about himself, and Batman looked at Superman like this and inexplicably wanted to laugh. He was also curious why Damian and Helena had such a big change, but he He doesn't ask himself, because he knows his son and daughter will tell him.

   As for whether there will be a situation where Superman said to be transferred, he promised that if anyone dared to do so, waiting for him would be a dark knight's revenge day and night! Just when the two were in triumph and one was lost, a green figure flashing in the air flew towards them, attracting their attention.

   Gray, with a little rotten skin, this tall figure fell from the sky, and Batman and Superman also noticed that the criminal syndicate's power ring was also worn on him, and his face became serious.

   "I guess this guy is the number one infected person we are looking for." The light flashed in Superman's eyes, and the vision with perspective function gave a momentary insight into the situation of this gray silhouette body.

"You guessed it, the Amozo virus in him has begun to combine with his genes, and even began to consciously change his body structure. This is also the host that the right ring did so many things." Bat Xia took out his own scanner, which clearly showed the transformation of his body by the AMOZO virus.

The conversation between the two stopped the guy who was considered to be the first person infected with the AMOZO virus. Their struggling hands were put down, looking at Superman and Batman. The transformed vocal cords began to sound, "You found me No, I found you!" After all, with both hands clapping eleven, a powerful airflow blew towards both Superman and Batman.

   "Stand behind me!"

   pulled Batman behind him, Superman also launched his own hot eye, and the hot light condensed in his eyes, ignoring the strong airflow, and directed at the No. 1 infected person. Because Superman understands that the infected person who has been infected with the Amozo virus so far is very likely to be the first person who has been physically different from humans.

   "Superman, don't!" And Batman, who hadn't had time to tell Superman what to do, saw Superman launching a hot gaze, and couldn't stop it loudly.

   However, the hot sight that has been launched cannot be recovered, and Superman can only reduce the energy of the hot sight at the moment Batman shouted, flying it out. At this time, the super talent will come over and look at Batman, with a puzzled look on his face.

   "He is infected with the AMOZO virus, and the ability of AMOZO, you know better than me!"

Before waiting for Batman to say a few words, the figure who was beaten by Superman stood up again, and as Batman said, this guy whom they called the No. 1 infected person, the power ring in his hand glowed, his eyes Red mansions similar to Superman also appeared.

   "All I see is for me!"

With a roar, a hot sight stronger than Superman's power was launched towards Superman and Batman. The power ring in his hand also sent a shock wave at this time. Batman and Superman also flew under this double blow. Going out, the violent shock wave directly destroyed everything along the way, struck Superman and Batman directly, and hit several buildings before stopping.

   "Batman, how are you!" The shock wave caused Superman to do nothing but hit the knockback effect, but Batman couldn't do it, and the superman who stopped in a hurry flew to Batman and cared.

   "Superman, I am infected with a virus."

Before Superman lifted Batman who had fallen to the ground, Batman turned back to his completely broken glass mask, and the half-covered chin skin began to turn gray, and the corners of his mouth began to bleed. As Batman has been infected with the Amozo virus, Batman, who was infected as a direct contact with No. 1 virus infection, also showed different symptoms in the first time.

   Without waiting for Superman to move it out of the metropolis, Batman grabbed Superman's hand and signaled him not to do so.

"Superman, record what I am saying at this moment, the No. 1 infected person's Amozo virus has been mutated, able to mentally control other infected people who are below his evolutionary stage, and the ability to imitate is more like an organic evolution. He is adapting, he is evolving, and seizing him can solve this crisis!"

  As he said, Batman's consciousness also began to become awake, UU reading books www. uukanshu. The will of the No. 1 infected person of com is constantly affecting him. Before he can explain his words, Batman releases Superman's hand and stumbles towards the roadside, approaching the No. 1 infected person. Holding a signpost, kneeling on the ground, a voice not belonging to him spoke from his mouth.

"You know, human beings have limits. In my short life, I understand that human beings have limitations. The more I transform my body, the more I understand this truth, unless we transcend humans!" The road sign made a sour voice in Batman's hands, and the cloak behind Batman began to flutter, and a pair of protrusions began to break out of Batman's back.

   "What the **** are you talking about! Batman!" Superman looked at Batman like a dream, shouting anxiously.

   And the No. 1 infected person who released the shock wave also came to Superman at this time, the skin on his body began to continually transform, and his mouth also said the same words as Batman.

   "At this moment, I have been reborn, beyond human and mechanical, I am not a human being!"

The unanimous words were spoken from Batman and the mouth of the first infected person, and the controlled Batman also stood up at this moment, the pair of protrusions behind them also broke through the limitations of Batman’s armor, revealing Its true appearance, a pair of black bat wings. At the same time, the virus-infected people who were overthrown by Superman and Batman also stood up again with the words of Batman and the No. 1 infected person, showing a blank look and surrounding Superman from all sides.

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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