The woman looked at Jin Ze and said politely, "Sir, please excuse me."

Jin Ze stood still.

His dark deep eyes looked straight at Jerry, as if he wanted to see through Jerry, "why pretend not to know me?"

"You are Jerry!"

Jerry sneered at him.

His cold eyes looked at Jin Ze, "I don't know you, and I don't know who you said Jerry is? Now please get out of the way, you're blocking our way!"

Jin Ze still won't get out of the way.

He looked at Jerry so straight and told Jerry, "do you know? Qianqian has never given up looking for you since you left!"

"And in order to find you, she even risked herself and almost had an accident!"

Jerry's eyes shook.

He knows, he knows everything!

But with his current body, what can he do?

If he hadn't been like this, he would have appeared beside her! How could he be willing to let her find him so hard?

Jerry can only deny his identity at the moment.

I can only tell Jin Ze, "get out of the way. I don't know who you're talking about Jerry!"

What he said was so discretionary.

Let Jin Ze have a trace of doubt.

Then, taking advantage of Jin Ze's doubt and Jin Ze's no response, Jerry motioned to the woman behind him and asked her to push him away.

But just a few steps away.

He heard Jin Ze's affirmative voice ring out from behind him, "I'm sure I didn't recognize the wrong person. You're Jerry! I'll tell Qianqian about it."

Jin Ze said, "when Qianqian comes, we can be more sure!"

Jerry raised his hand.

The woman who pushed the wheelchair immediately stopped pushing the wheelchair.

Then Jerry didn't turn around to see Jin Ze, so he turned his back to Jin Ze and finally admitted his identity. "You'd better not tell her."

"I'm in poor health now. I'm afraid I'm going to die."

"Let her see me and know my situation will only make her sad. It's better not to see me!"

That's all.

Jerry let the woman continue to push him away.

In the hospital corridor, Jin Ze stood there quietly, watching Jerry disappear from his eyes. He was still standing in place.

Standing for a long time.

Then he reacted.

I want to catch up quickly and ask Jerry what's the matter? What the hell is wrong with you? And where does he live now? wait.

But he chased out too late.

Jerry could not be found among the people coming and going in the hospital.

The next day, Jin Ze came to the hospital again.

He wanted to find Jerry, but he didn't meet him!

Then he asked people to investigate. He believed that since he had met Jerry in this hospital, he would be able to find information about Jerry!

But let him down.

He looked up the news of all the patients, and there was no one named Jerry!

It seems that Jerry used other names, too. If not, maybe he and Wen Qian had already found Jerry.

A week.

Jin Ze always had people guarding the hospital.

Then in this week, he has been struggling and hesitating, whether to tell Wen Qian the news that he met Jerry?

Wait a week.

The man he sent to watch in the hospital gave him the news that Jerry appeared!

Jin Ze still hasn't figured out whether to tell Wen Qian about it or not? Or hide it from Wen Qian and don't let Wen Qian know about Jerry?

But he called Wen Qian.

At this time, Jin Ze had left for half a month.

When the phone was connected, Wen qinger's voice came from the receiver, "Daddy, are you calling at this time to say the news of your return?"

Jin Ze, "No."

Wen qinger was immediately disappointed, "Oh."

She said weakly and unhappily, "daddy said it was half a month away, but now it's half a month, and he doesn't plan to come back."

"Daddy, don't you want qinger?"

Jin Ze, "why?"

He told Wen qinger, "even if daddy doesn't want himself, he can't want qinger!"

That's it.

He was silent, then asked Wen qinger, "where's Mommy?"

"Mommy is right next to me."

So he answered.

Carefully peeked at Wen Qian sitting on the balcony lounge chair. Wen qinger whispered, "Mommy misses the other daddy again."

"She hasn't had a good rest these days. She cried last night."

"So I was just kidding Mommy, and now she's asleep on the balcony couch."

Say so.

Wen qinger asked, "Daddy, what are you looking for Mommy?"

Jin Ze, "..."

Listening to what Wen qinger just said, Wen Qian misses Jerry again. Because she misses Jerry crying, Jin Ze's heart is as painful as a knife.

Although I have long been used to such pain.

But every time it hurts, it still makes him very uncomfortable!

He remembered the two times that Wen Qian had been looking for Jerry! Once Wen Qian foolishly risked herself, and once she was easily cheated.

I thought of every time Wen Qian cried because of Jerry.

More reminded of his promise, he promised to help her find Jerry!


Jin Ze thought, no matter what the result is?

If Jerry really gets some terrible disease, he is really doomed to die! Before Jerry dies, Wen Qian should meet him.

Accompany Jerry on the last trip.

Otherwise, in this life, Wen Qian will be very sad and can't get out?

And if he tells Wen Qian about Jerry and Wen Qian comes to accompany Jerry, maybe a miracle will happen? Jerry won't die then?

Until then

Jin Ze was afraid to think about it.

If Jerry is well, Wen Qian will be with Jerry!

Even when Jerry hasn't recovered, Wen Qian accompanied Jerry. The picture of them together makes Jin Ze just think about it and can't accept it.

But what if I can't accept it again?

He can't be so selfish!

Jin Ze told Wen qinger before he would go back on his word, "honey, would you please call Mommy? I'll tell her something important."


Wen qinger answered.

She ran to the balcony with her cell phone.

Reach out and gently push Wen Qian to wake up. "Mommy, daddy called and said there was something very important for you."

Wen Qian answered the phone.

She sounded in a sleepy voice, "hello."

Jin Ze made a noise and told Wen Qian, "I saw Jerry. He is here in a hospital in country F. if you come right now, you should be able to see him!"

Wen Qian sat up at once.

She couldn't be so excited. "I'll go there now!"

Wen Qian really rushed to country f immediately.

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