Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 40: "Login"

Fanna woke up from a grotesque and chaotic dream and found that the night was still dark outside the window - the cold, pale light of the creation of the world shone on the window sill depicting the runes of the deep sea, and it seemed peaceful and quiet.

Yet the vision of the grotesque dream was still vividly reflected in her mind—

A ship, a big ship burning with green ghostly flames, sailed from the junction between the sea and the sky. It ran over the entire city-state of Perand like a rolling mountain. In the ghostly flames, there were countless Shouts and desolate songs roared in unison, as if to overturn the whole world.

And at the same time when the giant ship came, she saw a scorching sun rising from the depths of the city-state of Perand - not the sun that the world is familiar with, bound by ancient runes, but as described by those sun believers A flaming celestial body like the "Ancient Sun", it rose from the depths of the city-state, the flames melted the earth, and all the people flowed on the streets like molten wax.

The cathedral of the Deep Sea Church stood quietly in the center of the purgatory of this living fire city. She prayed to the church in her dream, hoping to be guided by the goddess of the storm. However, there was only a noisy and meaningless bell from the cathedral. No guidance came...

Fanna sat up from the bed and came to the window in her pajamas. She glanced at the still calm city outside and the "creation of the world" in the sky, but the irritability in her heart became more and more boiling.

After a while, the young judge withdrew her gaze towards the city. She came to the dresser near the bed and opened a drawer—

There is a dagger in the drawer of the dresser, a curved ritual dagger, and the rune symbolizing the deep sea church shimmers at the root of the blade of the dagger, as if it is being stimulated by an inexplicable force to produce a "resonance".

Fanna's eyes stayed on the flashing runes for several seconds before she cut a wound on the palm of her hand with the blade. name in an attempt to seek guidance from the gods.

However, for some unknown reason, she only heard the roar of some illusory waves, and the "psionic induction" state, which was very easy to enter in the past, has not moved today.

It was as if an invisible veil suddenly enveloped her, blocking the connection between her and the storm goddess Gormona.

Fana's brows furrowed slightly.

The connection between believers and gods is disturbed, which is very rare, but not unimaginable - the mapping relationship between the warp and the real world is difficult and complicated, and it is impossible to understand with the wisdom of mortals. Even the power of gods sometimes There will be temporary changes in strength due to the influence of the warp, the deep sea, and the spiritual world, coupled with the eternal turbulent disputes between the gods and the gods, between the gods and the ancient gods, some believers are It is also possible, in extremely rare cases, to suddenly not hear the voice of the gods.

But the storm goddess Gormona... it shouldn't be.

The boundless sea surrounds mortal civilization. The power of the storm goddess runs through all dimensions and affects the entire reality. All gods may lose contact with the real world. Even the **** of death will occasionally leave loopholes like "resuscitators", but only Storm Goddess... Impossible.

This is also one of the reasons why the Deep Sea Church can become the most powerful church in the boundless sea.

Is the problem with you?

Fanna naturally began to doubt her state, but when she looked at the palm of her hand, she saw that the wound she had just drawn had begun to heal quickly.

The blessing from the goddess is still there, and it takes effect without the slightest delay.

Fanna recalled again the noisy and grotesque nightmare and the ominous signs she had seen over the past many days.

There must be a connection between all this.

A ghost ship with green flames... ghost ship...

Fanna quickly recalled and compared the mysticism knowledge she had mastered in her mind, and then her eyes suddenly became serious.

She wasn't an expert in the field of sailing, and she seldom came into contact with the absurd stories that circulated among superstitious sailors, but even in the orthodox church books, there was a ghost ship that held a special place.

It was an ominous ship returning from the Warp, and its captain was Duncan, the terrifying captain who had caused the thirteen islands of Wetherland to be swallowed up by the frontier collapse a century earlier.

Fanna got up suddenly behind the dresser, but then she remembered that it was late at night, and the Cathedral's Archives, like any other library, was closed at night.

And from a safety point of view, she had better not talk to anyone about this dream within a few hours of the "Omen Dream" - if this dream really points to the "Captain Duncan", then he is very It is possible to reversely perceive what mortals talk about themselves through the connection established by this dream.

After all, it was a... "ghost" that could return from the warp.

The best way to comply with the safety rules now is to wait patiently, wait until the sun regains the dominant position in the world, and wait until the connection established by the dream gradually dissipates, then go to the archives to check the relevant information, or find the archbishop in the church to discuss these unknown omen.

In any case, if these omen dreams really point to the "Captain Duncan", and are really reminding her that the fabled Homeless is eyeing the Plant, then as the guardian of the city-state, she must Stop that terrifying ghost captain from docking at all costs...

A tall, thin, dark figure quickly walked through the deserted streets of the lower city, and the slender figure cast a flashing silhouette under the gas lamp.

A completely unfamiliar city, a completely unfamiliar building, a specious memory in my mind, a civilian neighborhood where the curfew time seems deserted and weird.

However, Duncan was in a particularly happy mood when he walked in such a mean alley.

He succeeded - not only successfully performed the second spiritual world walk, but also successfully controlled a body to come to the ground, to the surface of the Prand city-state.

He is in contact with the civilized society of this world, and he is observing the architecture and technology of this era with his own eyes.

And he still uses a complete body - neither open-minded nor open-minded, this looks normal from the outside, which can make his next movements very convenient.

Frankly speaking, the health of this body is actually not very good. Even if he is walking in the spiritual world, he can ignore most of the problems on the body. Duncan can clearly feel the sub-health state of this body, but he No complaints about it, even take it for granted.

After all, from the experience of these two times, the walking in the spirit world occupies a corpse within a certain period of time of death - but can anyone who is alive and kicking be a corpse?

A distant barking sounded from the end of the alley, and Duncan slowed cautiously, hiding himself in the shadows between the buildings.

He didn't know if it was a patrol dog led by the church guards on the night watch, but there was nothing wrong with being cautious.

Over the nearby buildings, there was a huge pipe structure spanning the low house, the light cast by the "pale scar" cast intermittent light and shadow among those pipes, and occasionally steam leaked from the valves of some pipes, in the A hazy mist formed in the night.

The barking is gone.

Duncan walked out of the hiding place, observed the movement on the street left and right, and comforted the pigeon Ai Yin, who was moving on his shoulders, and then walked across the street following his memory.

Between a row of low two- or three-story buildings, there is an outdated door with a dirty sign hanging above the door, and the walls on both sides can still be seen in gray and lack of maintenance. The window of the shop - this is a shop, it looks not small in size, but it is obviously lacking in maintenance and business is miserable.

That's where the fragments of memory in his head guide Duncan.

He came to the outdated door and glanced up at the sign on the door. A row of letters was faintly recognizable in the darkness:

"Ron Antiques," Duncan muttered in a low voice, "it's a short and concise name..."

After he finished speaking, he searched at the door. Since the memory in his mind was not very clear, he searched for a long time before finding the spare key from a hidden hook under the windowsill.

The original owner of the body did not carry the keys, nor any items that would identify or be used to find the antique shop, seemingly out of the caution of a seasoned cultist—but for a man who could seize As far as the ghost captain of memory is concerned, these superficial cautions are meaningless.

Duncan opened the door of Ron's antique shop, ducked in and quickly closed the door.

The wooden door slammed, but the sound did not travel too far in the night. The sign hanging above the gate was slightly crooked in the vibration, and the letters on the sign wriggled in the pale and cold night. In the blink of an eye, the new The words appear on the board—

"Duncan Antique Store".

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