Defending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 36: The richest man in Aurora City

     Mo Tong’s expression is a bit complicated and a bit helpless. It doesn’t look like Wang Feng. If you have money, don’t you make money?

   Does this medicine have side effects?

   Lao Wang is calm on the surface, and his heart hurts. It's not that he doesn't want to make money, MD, now is a handicapped party, and there are too many orders at once.

   Besides, only appropriate purchase restrictions can stimulate consumption.

   To be honest, I should think of ways to improve production efficiency. As a truly cross-age talent, time is money, and a 10% success rate is really painful.

It's still money to blame. If you have enough capital and strength, let Fanci go to rent a potion shop and hire him ten or eight potionists. It doesn't need to be too strong, just a beginner. When the time comes, throw two formulas by yourself. Go in, you can make money in minutes!

   Fuck, maybe before I return to Earth, I can still be the richest man in this Aurora City and enjoy it. Although the structure is a little smaller, he is also the richest man!

   When I get up every day, a mermaid on the left is holding a mouthwash, and a catwoman on the right is kneeling and handing a towel. After getting out of bed, there is a Celestial girl helping to dress, a sweet master, that day, tusk tusk...

   The old Wang put his chin on, and he said with joy.

   "You have already understood the runes of the First Order, but both theory and copying are just the basis, and the actual drawing is the top priority of learning."

   Li Sitan is talking on the podium. The theory course is almost done. For novices, the more important thing is practice.

   "A master may be able to draw runes empty-handed, but for the average rune master, if you want to draw runes, you absolutely cannot do without the soul cutter."

There is a set of soul carving knives on the podium at this time. There are six soul carving knives in total. They are almost the same in appearance. They have no sharp blades. Both ends are hollow. The mouth is slightly closed inside. The whole looks like a chopstick. The tube has a hollow design resembling runes on the surface.

   The difference between the six soul carving knives is that some are made of wood, some are made of metal, some are like porcelain tubes, and some are crystal clear. They are all neatly packed in that big box.

   "The basic soul carving knives are usually a set of six, and they are classified into numbers 1 to 6 by different materials. They are designed to match the drawing of runes with different attributes."

   Li Sitan picked up one of them at will, only to see that it was a soul carving knife made of wood, with a green body.

"Take the wooden soul carving knife No. 3 as an example. In addition to the internal soul power transformation design, the surface of the tube body is also engraved with hollow tree world blessing runes, and the material is made of spirit wood, so it is used for engraving. Runes such as wood, wind, and thunder are the most appropriate, and they often have a multiplier effect."

"So, now who knows what kind of soul carving knife we ​​should choose if we want to engrave Li Qibao's witchcraft?" Li Sitan looked at the three juniors below, and saw Mo Tong flushed with excitement. Raise your hands desperately.


"Li Qibao's witchcraft, the rune effect is to increase the soul power, so when choosing the soul carving knife No. 6, it is made of α-level soul crystals. The soul crystals themselves are condensed by underground soul veins, and are most suitable for use. Come to engrave the rune for the increase of soul power, which is also the largest of the six soul carving knives."

   "Mr. Mo Tong said it is right." Li Sitan nodded: "Then today, let's try Li Qibao's witchcraft."

When    sat down, Mo Tong only felt his whole body floated. After a week of memorizing books, it finally came in handy today and received a compliment.

  Facts have proved that Mahuraga is Mahuraga. It is completely IQ. As long as I work a little bit, it will soon surpass Wang Feng's position in Li Sitan's mind!

   He couldn't help but glanced in Wang Feng's direction. He was expecting to see the shocked expression, but he did not expect to see a pair of dead fish eyes, and the guy was in a daze again.

   As expected, the mud can't support the wall!

After reading more books in the past few days, Mo Tong feels that he has even improved his ideological consciousness a lot, but he is a man who is about to rise, how can he always stare at such a degenerate guy to make small reports, and pull himself down for nothing. The grade.

   Let him go. With his own efforts, everyone will no longer be of the same level. Brothers and Yin Note will soon understand who is the real genius!

  "The use of the soul carving knife is very convenient. You can infuse your own soul power into the soul carving knife. After passing through the internal rune channel, it will automatically be converted into light quality, so that you can engrave runes on any object."

   The glittering spirit pen was in Li Sitan's hand and the dragon was engraved, and the object of the engraving was a Luluto, a spherical white little monster beast with curly light fluff.

   Luluto’s spirit power ripples are floating, and it is also a very rare beast that responds to runes. It has a gentle personality and is close to humans. It is the best creature to practice runes.

   It has a small belly, with meaty wings, and the biggest one is the size of a puppy. The one in Li Sitan's hand is about the size of a kitten. When he was caught, he screamed in his belly twice.


   It squinted and seemed to enjoy the feeling of Li Sitan painting on it.

The notes and Mo Tong beside     were both staring attentively, and this familiar cry pulled Lao Wang from the dream of the richest man back to class.


Lao Wang is happy. This is a bonus for a rune branch mission in the novice village of Defending the Nine Heavens. It is used for novices to practice runes. Many men who don’t plan to learn runes Players think the task is too difficult, and basically do not do this task, but for female players, this is a must-have for graduation from the novice village. They must be completed when they spend money to find power leveling. There is no other reason, that is, cute is cute. Face value means everything.

  Early Defending the Nine Heavens, just go to a big city, if you don’t bring a Luluto by your side, it’s definitely a ladyboy, no girly heart! The streets are full of Luluto’s ‘Lulululu’ cry, and it’s a wind that makes your ears callous.

   Lao Wang used to be very annoyed by this. He wanted to turn off the headphones when he entered the city, but now he heard it at first but felt that he was so cordial.

How do you say that? I'm going to be single for a long time, and I'm so pretty when I see a sow.

"The position of rune engraving is also particular. Runes related to speed are generally drawn on the legs, runes related to power are generally drawn on the hands, and runes related to soul power are generally drawn on the soul sea. Lulu Tuo is a rare monster with a soul sea like human beings, and its soul sea is in the center of its belly."

   "Soul power infusion should be slow, the engraving action should be fast, the composition should be in the brain, and the engraving can be done like wind."

Li Sitan’s engraving method is very delicate, and the composition is extremely delicate. He draws while explaining the details, and he sets it down, and finally activates it with soul power. The blue rune outlined shines on Luluto’s body, and the layer seems to be thin. The misty spirit power enveloped Luluto's body, making its body seem to be slightly larger.

   "Although Rich Castle's witchcraft is only a first-order rune, any rune that involves spirit power increase is of greater difficulty in the same level, and a slight difference is likely to cause damage to the body."

"Brother, can I try it?" The notes next to him were excited. The smooth technique of Senior Brother Li Sitan just now gave her a lot of inspiration, as if she had integrated the basic theories of these days, and naturally couldn't help it. itch.

   "Of course." Li Sitan smiled and handed the rune pen, put the Luluto back in the cage, and waited for the rune on it to dissipate automatically, and at the same time grabbed another one from the cage.

   At this time, the Luluto on the table is quite docile. As monsters close to humans, they have a very sensitive sense of smell for human souls. To put it simply, they recognize and pick people.

This little guy seems to like notes very much, he can feel the purity in the soul of the notes, so when the note reaches out and touches it lightly, the little guy only hesitates a little, and quickly put away the fleshy wings obediently and turned over. Body come.

   It squinted its eyes, with its belly facing upwards, and its four small furry paws curled up, motionless, like a proud concubine waiting to accept her luck.

   The girl has the least resistance to such stupid things. I can't help but touch the notes a few more times, only feeling that the fluff on the belly is warm, thin, and abnormally smooth.

   A light blue soul power was aroused from the soul cutter.

   Chiseling, potting, flat carving, carving...

Whether it’s action or soul power coordination, it can be seen that the technique of the notes is actually quite orthodox. Although the level of the runes of the eight tribes is not good, it is not enough to teach novices, but when faced with Li Sitan The gap will be reflected when the teacher is at the same level.

Too modest, too rigid to learn, lack of adaptability and lack of But she should have been extremely talented. This is a bad habit cultivated by a rigid teacher, which only teaches the surface but not Analyze the essence of runes for her.

   Sure enough, when the note completed the shape and activated with spirit power, the crystal rune array did not shine, but quickly dissipated.

"The whole is still very good, but it lacks some spirituality." Li Sitan smiled and said: "The graphics are too normal and formal, and the operations that seem to be textbooks lack basic spirituality. It is too deliberate. Runes are just an external. The form of expression, what really outlines the shaping effect is the soul perfused with hard work, this thing cannot be made quickly in a short time.

"My suggestion is to reduce some of the techniques of chiseling and potting, and only use the flat carving technique. With the simplest technique, the degree of completion will certainly not be so perfect, but while giving up the rigid technique, it can make you more energy. To be liberated and thrown into that kind of spiritual mood, for novices, to experience mood is far more important than to delve into rigid methods.

   Yin Fu had a sense of mind, nodded repeatedly, and tried again.

   listened to Li Sitan's opinion, gave up those gorgeous standard techniques, only used the simplest flat carving method, and poured more focus on the rune text body.

   This time her speed has obviously become faster, the runes are not so gorgeous, but there is an extra layer of smoothness.

   Slow work produces fine work, that does not apply to a rune. A truly outstanding rune master does not necessarily pursue fast, but it will definitely not be a slow repair.

   Li Sitan nodded secretly. This Nizi is indeed a plastic talent. With a little touch, he has already grasped the essence in a vague way. Although he is still very basic, he should be able to do it this time.

   A minute later, a light blue rune finally sparkled on Luluto's belly.

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