Defiance of the Fall

Continue reading on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible

Over two years have passed since the first chapters of Defiance of the Fall were released on Royal Road, and the support has been both exhilarating and humbling. The journey is just beginning, and I have a lot of ideas in store for Zac. But it is finally time for the story to take its next step as others have before me. DotF is heading to Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, And Audible.

As many of you know, this comes with the caveat that the chapters can't be made available anywhere else, including here on Royal Road. Only a small number of chapters will remain as a sample, with the rest being deleted as the Books are released over time over on Amazon.

If you are following the later parts of DotF either on Royal Road or Patreon, don't worry. Those releases will continue as before.

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