Demon Huntress

Chapter 46 - half demon

"Something like that . . ."

"What will it do to me? Can you cure it?"

"I took blood samples at the hospital. I won't know the results for a couple of days. We can go from there." It would definitely be helpful to know her sire's species.

She relaxed, but her eyes shifted wildly in their sockets as her mind worked. "It started after an Alu demon bit me. They carry disease. I'll bet that's what happened." She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth and worried it in a way that stirred him in an extremely inappropriate manner considering the situation. "Do you think that's it?"

"Alus do carry disease," he hedged. The bite of the Alu had been known to trigger dormant illnesses and diseases in remission. Contact with the creature could have activated her demon genes.

She nodded as though relieved at having pinpointed the source of her malady. "The Berus has doctors. Good ones who used to be Hunter, so they understand this kind of thing." The pitch of her voice climbed a notch, and her words fell out in a tumble of excitement and hope that would have broken his heart if he'd cared about her on more than a professional level. Which he didn't. "They probably see stuff like this all the time."

Infections, curses, demon bites, yes. Half-breeds gone wrong? He doubted it. If a berus doctor learned the truth, she would probably wind up dead after a lot of torture or painful medical experiments.

"You can't see a human doctor, Shu lan."

"Why not?" The familiar wariness had crept back into her eyes, shadows that flickered in the green depths. She scrambled to sit up, and this time he let her, though when she jerked out of his grip, he felt a slight twinge of regret. "I can't trust a demon to help me."

"You're right." He hated it, but demons weren't the most trustworthy beings, though many, like his mother's species, did live by a code of honor that had influenced his upbringing and had instilled in him a sense of moral principles. Which was something his brothers lacked, and was why he didn't fully trust anyone. Not even his own siblings. yuan was too unstable, and Chen . . . he had a curse to deal with.

"You can't trust any demon," he said. "But that doesn't change the fact that you might have to rely on one to save your life."

She pushed to her feet, a little wobbly. Standing, he reached out to steady her. For a moment, she swayed toward him. Then, as though realizing what she was doing, she pivoted out of his reach, her movements fluid despite her weakness. Even when not in top form, she radiated deadly strength and determination. She was a fantastic specimen, a perfect female, and his body hardened in response.

Her gaze locked onto his, and this time he was the one who swayed. His world tilted as he pictured her beneath him, begging him to relieve her ache. But he hadn't. Couldn't. His inability to do so had him cracking his knuckles in frustration.

"You think I'm going to rely on you? Do I look like an idiot?"

"I could have killed you while you were helpless just now."

"I'm sure there's a reason you didn't," she said. "I just don't know what it is yet."

There was no point in denying her accusation; not only was it true, but he couldn't convince her otherwise. She was too smart, too street-savvy and well-trained to believe anything else.

"Your condition is more serious than you think." The panicked light in her eyes flared again, and he didn't wait for her to speak before blurting, "You are half-demon, Shu lan."

She stared. Blinked. Stumbled back a step. "What did you say?"

"One of your parents, likely your father, was a demon."

"You son of a bitch," she said softly. "How stupid do you think I am?"

"It's true, shu lan. Think back to when you were a kid. You were different in some way. Your nutritional requirements were probably odd. You craved certain things."

Hatred came off her in sizzling lashes that practically peeled away his skin. "Shut your lying, filthy mouth. My mother—"

"Slept with a demon."

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