Demon Sage

Chapter 137: 1 chance

When Donald woke up, there was a pile of rubble in front of him, and half of his face was on the ground. He suddenly thought of the current situation and suddenly sat up.

There was no Rastolle in sight. There was only a skeleton on the ground and there were blood and flesh fragments all over the ground. Donald, who was still in the spiritual world before, didn't know what happened, but judging from the clothes on the corpse, it was undoubtedly Rasta. Stoller.

"What's the matter... After the demon appeared, he helped me deal with Rastole, and then went back?"

This seems to be the only explanation, but Donald doesn't believe that the devil would be so kind. Most of the occupation in the spiritual world has been completed, and he should have a chance to take his body just now.

"Um~ puff!"

There was a strange feeling of nausea in his throat. Donald fell to his knees and covered his mouth with his hands, but he couldn't hold on, and a pool of black blood poured out of his mouth.

The restlessness in his body caused him to be in a trance, and the right eye was once again invaded by darkness.

"Soul of another world, you have lost, give me this body, and I can promise not to devour your soul, so that you can return to the underworld."

The erosion that was about to be completed was delayed because of another demon. It is natural to say how Minato is in his current mood. He manipulated Donald's other half and put forward conditions.

"Hey, wouldn't that just let me die?"

Wiping the black blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at Finger who was running from the side, covered in dust and stone chips, Donald wanted to raise his hand to touch it, but found that he seemed dirtier than it.

"You think you won't die? Do you think you still have time? Didn't you see it in the spiritual world just now? This body, it belongs to me now, you are just a soul that is about to be destroyed, I will give you a chance to escape , is kind enough, I know what you want to do, rule the magic tome, that book is indeed effective against demons, let's not say whether you can activate it, do you think you are still able to mobilize your spiritual power?"

The erosion of the spiritual world is constantly going on. At this point, Donald... No, it should be Xu Qiyun, he has lost the qualification to continue to use this body.

This is the same as renting a house. Before, Xu Qiyun's soul suddenly broke in and interrupted the contract between Mineato and Donald. He signed it first, and this body was naturally used by him.

But now Xu Qiyun can't pay the rent, the new tenant has signed a new rental contract, he can use the house now just because there is a deadline to move his things out, the things in this house belong to the original owner , he is no longer available.

"He's right, boy, before long, your body will be completely occupied by demons, don't listen to what he says and let you go, he will only swallow you after you surrender control of your body, Listen to me, go to the church, tell them what's going on, and let yourself die with the devil, that's the best way."

The skeleton lying on the ground suddenly raised his skull, and his mouth hung with flesh and blood opened and closed up and down, instigating Donald to destroy Mineato.


The right half of his face is abnormally ferocious, while the left half of his face is stiff and sluggish.

After the skeleton finished speaking, he fell down again, even with his entire body shattered, and Donald didn't get up. He was thinking about how to deal with the demon and regain his body.

To die together is the most helpless move.

Looking for Infinita to threaten with a relic?

No, she had clearly said before that as long as Donald had a relationship with the devil, even if he didn't want an inheritance, he would kill Donald as soon as possible. It doesn't seem like a lie...

Find Antoine and his son from the bookstore and ask them to help?

No, in the first two trials, Donald had been able to determine that these two were demon contractors, the same existence as Rastole, so he ran to find them. Rather than saving himself, he was afraid that these two would choose to be with his body. Mineato made a deal, and in turn cheated on himself, and then he would lose his qualifications to perish.

After all, Donald doesn't believe in either.

There is only one last choice... give it a go!

"Finger, follow me."

Donald stood up, ignoring Rastole on the ground, and staggered out of the house. Finger had followed behind Donald, ran out for a while and then ran back, wiggling his nose around Rastoller's body, sniffing. After smelling it for a while, he rushed up, ripped apart the flesh and blood on the ground, found the bone ring, put it in his mouth, and returned again.

Only a plum blossom bloodstain was left in one place.


"Sherlock! Sherlock!"

Donald's voice rang in her ears, Xia Tiya twisted her body on the bed, her shoulder-length burgundy hair covered half of her face, and she actually made a shy expression.

dong dong dong~


This time, there was a heavy knock on the door, and Xia Tiya, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes, it was not a dream!

"Sherlock, I need your help, I'm dying, I need your help..."

Donald leaned against the door, sweating profusely. From the moment he refused Mineato's request, the demon rampaged in his body, frantically attacking his spiritual world, trying to speed up the progress of the erosion, and he put all his spiritual power on him. Throwing in and resisting was of no avail. He could feel that his soul was turning cold.

The sound of the door unlocking made Donald's face more distracted. Sherlock didn't fall asleep, which is good news.


"Sherlock, I..."

It wasn't until the beginning of the sentence that Donald noticed that the door in front of him was not Sherlock at all, but a girl in pajamas, thinking that it might be Sherlock's girlfriend or some other person, and barely opened the door. Refreshed, he continued:

"Excuse me, can you call Sherlock for me? I have something very important to find him!"

"What's wrong with you, how could you be hurt like this?"

Xia Tiya looked at Donald, who still had a lot of black blood on the corners of his mouth and was in a mess, and his heart sank.

"It's alright, it's alright...hh~ I just fell, isn't Sherlock at home? Then...then it's alright, I'll go to the hospital by myself."

Can't let ordinary people know about his situation, Donald lamented how bad his luck was, and prepared to turn around with a wry smile.

"Donald, my name is Shatiya Swift!"

Xia Tiya had no choice. Originally, she really planned to pretend to be Sherlock's sister to help, but in this situation, she couldn't tolerate her hiding her identity.

Saving people is more important.

"How do you know my name... Sherlock? Cough! I haven't seen you for a few days, how did you become like this, drinking medicine? I didn't expect you to have such a hobby, amazing ."

What Donald said about drinking medicine meant some special alchemy potions that turned men into women. There were no such potions, but comparing her with Sherlock's vicissitudes and unshaven appearance before, the wounds were also involved. , a violent cough.

"You still have the mind to care about this now. You can fall like this after a fall, but you teach me, and I want to try it too!"

Rolling his eyes angrily, he stepped forward to carry half of Donald's body, preparing to bring him into the house first.

"Xia...what's your name?"

"You just need to be Sherlock."

At this time, there is no need to worry about names.

"Sherlock, what you hear next may be a little weird, but I hope you can believe me, only you can help me... I am now parasitized by demons, which want to take my body and erode I have most of my spiritual world, can you help me find someone from the Church of Justice, help me perform an exorcism ritual, and drive the demons out of my body."

This was Donald's last solution, and it was also the solution he first thought of to solve the devil's soul. He thought that after finally getting the Dark Book, there would be a new way, but he still went back to the old way.

Of course, at this time and not at that time, the people who were contacted by Sherlock were definitely several levels higher than the church personnel he hired for 50 gold pounds.

"What? There is a demon in your body, and it wants to occupy your body? How did it get into your body? Why did it choose you?"

Xia Tiya was also frightened by Donald's series of words, wiped the blood from the corner of Donald's mouth with a cloth in the living room, and kept asking I don't think now is the time to answer these questions, I don't have time Now, once the demon finishes eroding, my soul will be devoured by it. It doesn't matter if I die, it will definitely be a huge disaster for a demon to appear in Preston City! "

"You wait a moment, I will contact my sister immediately, she is the judge, and I will ask her to prepare the exorcism ceremony."

As a detective, Xia Tiya's mind was still spinning very fast. Aside from the initial panic, after she calmed down, she began to help Donald think about countermeasures.

Having a smart person as a friend can be very beneficial in some cases.

Especially when there are people on top of this smart guy.

Xia Tiya rushed upstairs, took out a special communication device from her bedside table, and ran downstairs while controlling the machine to connect with Frona.

"Frona, I need an exorcism, my friend... don't worry, listen to me! It's my assistant, the wizard who saved my life, got entangled by demons, He hopes the church can help...Sister, when I beg you, save him first, I'll listen to you in the future...Okay, I'll bring him here right away!"

Donald listened to Sherlock talking next to him, trying to keep himself as stable as possible, Finger jumped on his legs, which is what he was used to.

When Donald reached out and scratched its chin, he opened his mouth and spat out the siphon bone ring into his hand.

"Hey, it's still just a treasure hunt cat, I didn't feed you in vain... I just left in a hurry, I forgot."

Putting the siphon bone ring on the **** of his right hand, he forced a smile on his face. At this time, putting on a melancholy appearance is not helpful. It is better to relax your mind, and it will be easier to accept when the final result appears.

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