
Xiao Hei's huge figure flashed from the sky, and Feng Yu couldn't help but feel a little excited when he stood on his back.

"I'm finally coming back to Sashimyama

...""I don't know what Tanjiro and the lovely Yudouko are like, I'm really looking forward to seeing Tanjiro and Scales' expressions on Zuo Jinji..."

"Xiao Hei's speed seems to have become faster..."

Feeling that the air flow became more violent than before, Feng Yu knew that Xiao Hei's strength was also constantly improving, and now that he had the ability to kill ghosts, then the battle after that, maybe he could come by surprise.

Let Xiao Hei be a sixth child, and make a move of Sunshine Flame when the ghost is not paying attention.

After all, who would have thought that an ordinary crow could fire an energy cannon.

The key is that this energy cannon is still fatal to ghosts.

The more Feng Yu thought about it, the more he felt that he could, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's indicators were not much weaker than the ordinary members of the Ghost Slayer Team, on the contrary, they were even stronger, not only physically flexible, but also good at being the sixth child.

Feng Yu's mind suddenly remembered a sentence that was very famous in a certain sound in his previous life: "I am the sixth child!" "

This sentence is poisonous..."

Thinking of this sentence, Feng Yu's mind kept playing, and he couldn't stop at all.

"No... No, I can't think about it anymore, I can't stop thinking about it.

Feng Yu hurriedly began to empty the murmur of his head and meditate.


Blackie's voice woke him up.

"Quack, master, master, the Narrow Misty Mountains are coming."

Feng Yu slowly opened his eyes, and what greeted him was a familiar mountain, and there was a wooden house on the mountainside in the distance, which was emitting faint green smoke at the moment.

"Huh? Someone seems to be coming..."Sitting

in the wooden house and boiling medicine, Tsutaki Zuo Jinji seemed to sense something approaching, picked up the Hinakura knife next to him, got up and walked outside the house.

At this moment, in order not to be frightened by the scales, Feng Yu landed on the ground not far from the foot of the mountain early.

Blackie also returned to his normal size, hovering above the sky.

"Huh? Is that?

Feng Yu saw the small temple at the foot of the mountain.

"Xiao Bai, look at this is the small temple dedicated to you..."

Xiao Bai heard Feng Yu call to himself, and also poked his head out of the box behind him and looked at Xiao Miao.

"Xiaobai, let's take a look."

Feng Yu said with a smile.

The small temple is very small, so small that it can only accommodate people half a meter high, and there is a stone statue that looks like Xiaobai, but it is not like Xiaobai.

Because there are nine tails behind this stone statue, the expression is more charming and oppressive.

There was still unburned incense in front of the statue, and it was clear that the worshippers had not gone far.

Xiaobai jumped out of the wooden box and looked at the statue that looked like himself but not like himself.

"The host... I have a special feeling...,"

Xiaobai said.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Yu asked.

"It's that I can feel that this idol has something to do with me, as long as I want to... I will be able to absorb special energy through this idol. In

Xiaobai's eyes, the idol in front of him is filled with a special energy, and there is always an attraction that makes it choose.

Whether or not to absorb this energy.

But there is another kind of thing that can happen if you absorb the energy inside the idol...

Xiao Bai hesitated, looking at his master Feng Yu as if asking for help, hoping that he could make a decision for himself.

"So, there is energy in this idol in front of me that can be absorbed, but I feel that something bad will happen if I absorb it..."

Wind Feather Zou eyebrows.

If according to what Xiaobai said, then the energy in this idol is the incense wish power in the previous life.

It is the power of incense contributed by these people who come here to worship.

A sentence sounded in Feng Yu's head, "Incense is poisonous", "

The world of ghost destruction does not describe the power of other systems too much, nor does it say whether there are gods in this world, it only tells about the existence of people and ghosts..."

"Xiaobai, you can absorb this energy."

Xiaobai nodded, after all, this energy was constantly tempting itself, and it was already ready to absorb energy.

I saw Xiao Bai lightly touch the idol, and a large amount of fluorescence emanated from the idol's body and poured into Xiao Bai's body.


Xiaobai began to fall to the ground in pain, as if he was enduring intense torture.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaobai!"

When Feng Yu saw Xiaobai like this, he couldn't help but worry.

"The host... Master, I'm fine, I may need to sleep for a while..."

After speaking, Xiaobai fell into a deep sleep.

But Feng Yu could feel that Xiaobai's breath was getting stronger and stronger, and every minute and every second was undergoing transformation.

Xiaobai, who fell into a deep sleep, came to a mysterious space...

Specks of fluorescent light constantly surround it, and countless voices ring in its ears...

"God-sama, save my child

...", "God-sama, please bless me with my wealth...", "God-sama,



Countless voices are constantly being played, and Xiaobai is struggling to accept all this.

"It turns out that this is the consequence ..."


In the real world,

Feng Yu gently picked up Xiaobai and put it in the wooden box.

He found that Xiaobai's idol was constantly decaying, as if it had been baptized by the years.

"It's strange..."Feng

Yu didn't study the idol too much, so he hurried up the mountain.

It was only when Wind Feather left, a plume of black smoke suddenly appeared on the idol, and then dissipated into the sky.

Familiar road, familiar mountain, Feng Yu seems to have a sense of belonging, think about it, since he came to this world, the place where he has stayed for the longest time is the Narrow Fog Mountain.

"Welcome back, Wind Feather."

Tsukashi Zuo, who had been standing outside the wooden house early, said while wearing a red tengu mask.

"It's been a long time, Master Scale."

The moment Feng Yu saw the scale of the left approach, he couldn't help but touch his heart, like the feeling of a wanderer returning to his hometown.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back,"

Scales muttered.

The two then returned to the hut together.

As soon as I entered, I saw your beans that had already woken up.

At this moment, she woke up a year earlier than the original, with big red eyes, a piece of bamboo in her mouth, and carefully looked at the wind feather in front of her.

The appearance of your beans is so soft and cute that it's not good.

"How can there be such a cute creature in this world..."Wind Feather

let out a sigh.


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