
" "The weather is really cold, and I don't know how long it will take to reach the Narrow Fog Mountain, there seems to be a village in front, and I have to find someone to ask..."

Feng Yu had been walking for five days, and because he didn't have a map, he had to get here by asking for directions all the way.

"Hello old man, do you know how to get to the Narrow Foggy Mountain?" Feng

Yu came to a house and asked the old man who was smoking.

"There's it in front of you, see it, the mountain. He

pointed to the front as he spoke.

"But, young man, what are you doing in the Narrow Foggy Mountains?" asked

the old man, after all, it was already winter, and few people moved.

"Old man, I'm my relative over there in the Narrow Foggy Mountains, I'm here to join my relative, thank you, I'm going to hurry first, otherwise it will be dark. "

Well, lad, be careful on the road. Saying

goodbye to the old man, Feng Yu's heart was a little excited, after all, after a few days of driving, he was finally able to reach his destination, and in the past few days, he didn't even practice swinging a knife every day.

When you find the scales, it means that maybe the days ahead won't be idle...

Time passed little by little, leaving deep footprints on the snow as the wind feathers stepped on.

The snow in the sky is getting heavier, which also makes it more difficult for the wind feather to walk in the mountains.

"This ghost weather is really changing, and the foggy mountain is almost here... It should..."

Wind Feather muttered as he looked at the sky.

"Sit down and rest for a while, eat something, and wait for the snow to light up before leaving.

Feng Yu then found a hidden place and sat down, put down the package, took out the dry food, and nibbled on it.


, "Huh... "A

strange voice came from behind him to Feng Yu's ears.

"Hmm, what's it?" Feng

Yu turned to look, and it turned out to be a snow-white fox, but the fox seemed to be injured at this time.

Something was pinching his legs, and his snow-white hair was red.

"It looks like it's a trap set by people hunting nearby, this snow fox... Do you want to save it..."

"Forget it, God has the virtue of a good life, and I actually met it, which is our fate.

Wind Feather stood up and went to help Snow Fox unlock the trap, but Snow Fox probably didn't know that Wind Feather was rescuing it, so he roared vigilantly.

It's just that I don't know how long this snow fox has been trapped, and I don't have the strength to roar at all.

"Don't worry, I'm here to save you.

Feng Yu was afraid that the snow fox would attack him, so he took out the contents of his package, and then wrapped the snow fox's body in the package.

Then quickly untied the trap that was tied, and the snow fox struggled frantically at first, but slowly stopped moving, perhaps feeling that Wind Feather had no ill will towards it.

"Okay, you go, don't fall into such a trap in the future. After

unlocking the trap, Wind Feather also let go of the snow fox and spoke.

It's just that the snow fox at this time is very strange, tilting his head and staring at Feng Yu.

Feng Yu looked at the immobile snow fox and laughed softly: "You little guy, you still had so much strength to struggle just now, but now that you can help you unlock the trap, why don't you leave?"

"Since you don't go, then I'll go." With that, he

went to get the package wrapped in the snow fox.

But at this time, the snow fox bit the package and let out a "boom".

The body was still leaning on Feng Yu's hand.

Feeling the soft hair of the snow fox on his hands, Feng Yu recalled the feeling of petting the cat in his previous life.

"You don't want me to go?" Feng

Yu said helplessly as he touched the snow fox.

"I have to get out of here quickly, after all, I still have something very important..."

"Otherwise, you can follow me, if you don't have a family, and you have injuries on your body now, when the injuries are healed, you can go if you want, whatever, do you want to go with me, little one."

Snow Fox: "Huh?"

In the end, Feng Yu didn't care whether Snow Fox promised him or not, so he picked up Snow Fox, bandaged Snow Fox simply, and then packed up his things and let Snow Fox hide in the package.

Then he continued to hurry, although a snow fox was added to the package, but it did not bring a great burden to Wind Feather.

"I'll give you a name, I'll call you Xiaobai in the future..."Snow

Fox: "Huh?"

"Hahaha, just when you agree, Xiaobai." "


One man and one fox continued to embark on the journey.

The sun was going down, and the light was getting dimmer, but Feng Yu, who was hurrying on the road, saw a wooden house glowing with fire.

There seems to be a person standing in front of the wooden house....

"Could it be the Scales Left Near?" Wind

Feather Daiki

quickened his pace.

His vision became clearer and clearer, and sure enough, he saw an old man wearing a tengu mask looking at him.

"That's... Hello Mr. Scale... I'm Nakagawa Kazuha, and this guy asked me to come to you.

As he spoke, he took out the blue envelope that Tomioka had given him from his package.

"Well, I already know the specific experience, Nakagawa Kazeyu, a nice young man, are you sure you want to worship me as a teacher?"

said Scales Zuo.

"I'm sure!"

replied Wind Feather.

"Okay, but you have to pass my assessment, so you can rest well tonight. So

saying, he walked into the wooden house.

Then Feng Yu also came in, and as soon as he entered, warmth came to his face.

Scales picked up a bowl of warm soup and handed it to Feng Yu, and Feng Yu was not polite, after all, he had been eating dry food for the past few days, and it was rare to drink a hot sip now.

At this time, the snow fox also poked out his head and arched the body of the wind feather.

"I almost forgot about you, Mr. Scale, this is

Xiaobai..."Feng Yu told Scales about himself and Xiaobai in the near future.

Scales didn't say anything more recently, just turned around and took out some herbs and put them in another pot and boiled them.

In the end, Scales left to bandage the injured snow fox with herbs.

This night, Feng Yu hugged the snow fox and slept beautifully.

It's just that Feng Yu doesn't know, and he doesn't know what he's thinking when he looks at Feng Yu recently.

It seems that two figures appeared behind Feng Yu...

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