The headless corpse of the Zodiac began to slowly walk towards his skull, then gently grabbed it and rested on the incision.

I saw that the incision instantly began to squirm, and then sprouts grew and slowly healed.

Feng Yu wanted to mend the knife, but he stopped, because at this moment, a woman appeared in his eyes.


saw a blue-clothed love snow hugging the body of the bird, but the nest didn't feel it.

"No... Don't..."

Lianxue said to Feng Yu with a pained expression on her face.

Feng Yu felt very strange, so he planned to see what Lianxue was going to do.

"How can I... How could I die like this..."

"I haven't become the strongest yet

!" "I must not die!" shouted

Uzuma as the broken wound in his neck healed in an instant, returning to his previous state.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath, and it was obvious that the self-healing just now had consumed him very much.

"I broke through, I was beheaded and survived!"

"I'm really the strongest

!" "Nakagawa Kazeha, the knife in your hand won't work for me anymore!"

Feng Yu looked at him coldly from a distance and said, "I think you're quite pathetic, you forgot everything, you forgot the girl you once loved

!" "Koji!"

As soon as the words fell, Yuwoza's eyes suddenly widened, and a wave of memories poured out...

He covered his head in pain, and kept shouting, "Koji... Koji..."

"Who the hell is Koji!"

Konoza knelt on the ground and stretched out his hand to make a look at his face, only to find that he had already burst into tears.

"I'm a Zo Woza... I'm not a Komaji

!" "You give me death

!" "Destroy Kill Chaos Style!"

His figure instantly appeared in front of Wind Feather, and

the battle between the two of them broke out again, this time Uzoza attacked even more fiercely


"Destroy Kill Foot Style, Crown First Cut!".

The Nest Seat turned over and jumped, from the bottom up, and kicked directly at the ghost cut of Wind Feather.


Oni Kiri was not affected in the slightest, and it could even be said that he did not move at all.

Feng Yu looked at him quietly, or looked at the love snow on the back

of the sinister seat! I saw that the love snow was still clasping the neck of the sinister seat with both hands, trying to pull out the soul that belonged to the komaji hidden in the sinister body.

It's just that the slender arms make Feng Yu feel that she doesn't have any strength, let alone pull out the soul of the Nest.

"That's it, I'll help you

!" "All Concentrations: Water Breath, Pick-up, Sweeping Waves!" "

The absolute attack field belonging to Wind Feather instantly enveloped the Zodiac Seat

, and the Rainbow Seat was frightened

and wanted to flee quickly, but under the realm of the Wind Feather, the Rainbow Nest could only watch the blue-white waves lap against him again.


Woowoza's head was once again chopped off by Wind Feather.

"Damn, damn it! Why are you so strong as a human!"

Red blood flowed all over the ground, mixed with milky white brain flowers...

It's just that soon the body of the Zodiac has a head again.

It's just that the head has regrown and the seat seems to be flustered.

At this moment

, he was discovered by Feng Yu

, "Just now, there was a pause... In

order to verify his conjecture, Wind Feather cut off the head of the Zodiac with another blow, and then repeated the action just now.

He stood aside and quietly watched the recovery

of the Nest, "Sure enough, the memory of the Nest has deviated

!" "In the transparent world, he saw the changes in the Nest, so he recalled some words that could stimulate him in the introduction of

the Nest in his previous life!" "Nest, you are really weak, as the third of the string, you have been cut off by me again and again, you know that you are in my eyes at the moment, you are a weak!"

"Just as you don't bother to kill the weak, I don't bother to kill you

!" "Everyone has a time when they are weak, everyone must have been helped by others to some extent, the strong need to protect the weak, and then the weak become strong and then protect other weak people is the natural reason

!" "This is the way of the strong!" a

sneer appeared on Feng Yu's face.

"You're a coward, a coward who only dares to fight in the dark, just like last time, a coward who can only run away!"

The three words of coward stimulated the heart of the coward, and he froze in place,

"I... Coward?

" "The way of the strong...

"Is this the way of the strong? Am I always wrong?"

Feng Yu looked at the Zodiac like this, with a satisfied smile on his face, so he continued: "You really disappointed your master Qingzang!" Feng

Yu's figure instantly appeared in front of the Zodiac Seat, and then accumulated strength and punched the Zodiac in the head.


flew out in an instant, and the stars kept bubbling up in his eyes.

But when he flew upside down, he found that this scene seemed very familiar.

And the words of Feng Yu just now about the way of the strong are also extremely familiar, and the vague memories sealed in the depths of his mind began to emerge.

It seems that he sees a man with a serious face teaching him boxing, and he directly hits his head when he is slightly distracted.

That headache, that feeling is so familiar at the moment.

There was a feeling of joy in his heart, and it was clear that he was enjoying the memory.

He tried to reach out and grab it, but he couldn't catch anything, and he couldn't see the man's face or the man's punches.

The memory changed again, and this time there was indeed a blurred figure of a girl in front of him, and it was the same as the man just now, he couldn't see the appearance clearly, but the heart of the nest kept telling him that this girl was a very important person to him, so important that he even gave his life.


shouted as the memory in front of him disappeared, and his heart instantly felt like a piece was missing, and he was in pain!,

"Who the hell is she... Who the hell is it!"

Tsunoza shouted in pain, banging his head frantically!

"Keizang... That's right, Keizang!"

A crazy expression appeared on his face, and he shouted at Feng Yu.

"Do you know that girl, tell me quickly, who that girl is!" Looking

at the almost crazy demon Nest, Feng Yu's mouth slowly opened wide, and he spit out two words,

"Love Snow!"


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