Black Widow raised the BFG and fired a machine gun at the Extremis Thunder Beast. Every Destroyer Laser could open a blood hole the size of a bowl on the Extremis Thunder Beast. However, a wound of this magnitude is just like being stabbed by a needle compared to the huge body of the Desperate Thunder Beast, which is five or six stories high. What's more, the Desperate Thunder Beast also has the powerful self-healing power that all Desperate creatures have, and this wound will recover in a short time.

Even the black technology weapons of S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot kill the Desperate Thunder Beast, and the individual combat weapons carried by the ordinary U.S. military are even more useless. direction.

The war machine, which can only fly at low altitude, turned on its firepower and swept the desperate thunder beast. carapace.

When the war machine reluctantly landed on the ground to ask for help, it found that there was only a few hundred American infantry squadrons left to defend the surrounding residential buildings against the attack of zombies. As soon as he landed, a large group of zombies with ferocious bone spurs rushed up violently in the fog. The war machine hurriedly used the Gatling heavy machine gun on the mecha and the two short-barreled machine guns on the arm to revolve around the fire.

Hundreds of rounds of bullets were poured out in an instant, and the violent rain of bullets shredded all the zombies that rushed over. The 12.7mm caliber machine gun bullets hit any part of the naked body of ordinary zombies. Tears, broken hands and feet flying all over the sky for a while.

However, the follow-up zombies are still pouring in continuously, and a tenth of the millions of ordinary zombies in Queens cannot be solved by War Machine alone. The American colonel and superhero had no choice but to fight and retreat, jumping into the American troops guarding the building.

The U.S. military who are currently holding the position put two M249 light machine guns on the windows and blindly shot downstairs. Teams with flamethrowers and shotguns blocked all entrances and exits. As soon as zombies rushed in, they would rely on flames or shotguns. Top out, barely holding this place.

This is only a temporary situation, the ammunition they carry is not infinite, and it will be a matter of time before they collapse under the endless onslaught of zombies.

"Is it only you here? Where have the others gone?" War Machine looked around and found no sign of Black Widow, and asked the squadron captain anxiously.

The squad leader panted and replied: "We were all swept away by the big guy! The fog blocked our view and we couldn't see the other teammates! Oh, damn, the big monster is back! Call for air support!"

"Captain, we don't have air support anymore!" A signal soldier next to him shouted desperately. It was the first time for the U.S. military who advocated information warfare to fight in such a confused situation. Once the advantages of technological logistics support are gone,

These American soldiers don't even know how to fight.

The Desperate Thunder Beast appeared to have rushed back and forth, with dozens of scratches on the carapace on its body, but it still did not suffer any damage that would affect its movement. It waved its thick limbs and walked over here again. Once this team of U.S. troops is discovered, the consequences must be the collapse of the building and the death of the people.

"I'll solve it!" The war machine took off again to face the giant beast. Even if his firepower can't deal with the Desperate Thunder Beast, it's no problem to distract it and use air superiority to entangle it. It's just that the war machine didn't know that his departure did not save the lonely American army.

A 3-meter-high tracker quietly touched the top of the building guarded by the U.S. military, and was grabbed by its fleshy right hand was a 12-barrel heavy Vulcan, a ton-heavy giant cannon. Just smashing can kill people, but letting the pursuer hold it in his hand is free.

The pursuer smashed the ceiling of the building with his left hand, jumped down and continued to fire at the terrified American soldiers. In front of such a big killer, any bunker is meaningless, and dozens of people will turn into corpses in a few seconds. The pursuers swept down layer by layer like this. The U.S. military, without the cover of superheroes and armored units, was powerless to fight back, allowing the pursuers to invincibly kill the entire squadron.

Black Widow is also doing its best to prevent the US military around her from being slaughtered by the pursuers, relying on the BFG to continuously spit out orange and devastating lasers to drive back the pursuers in front of her. The constant hail of lasers even broke the pursuer's right arm holding the bazooka. But it didn't take long for the arm to break, and the wound glowed with orange-red light. The new arm seemed to be stretched out from the hot magma and slowly returned to its original state, and stretched out even more terrifying giant claws.

Fortunately, the black widow was quick-witted, and a laser shot exploded the pursuer's head, which was considered a successful end to this terrifying desperate zombie.

Even death still can't stop the pursuer from finishing its last job in life. After the head is destroyed, its remnant body glows with a more dazzling orange-red light, accumulating all the heat in its body like other desperate creatures. A heroic self-destruction, "Boom" flattened the surrounding buildings.

Black Widow crawled out of the rubble and called to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters: "Nick, can you see the current battlefield situation? Damn it, there are so many 'surprises' here!"

"Actually, I could only see a little more clearly when it exploded just now. Your position was blocked by the fog." Nick said truthfully, and most of the surveillance camera images in front of him were white and almost invisible. anything.

"Okay, listen to me!" Black Widow got rid of the harassment of several ordinary zombies, hid in a relatively safe corner and said: "All zombies have evolved, their movement speed has been greatly increased, and their body joints have grown. Infectious bone spurs, some of which also show the characteristics of desperate creatures. They used the fog and a huge monster to break up our formation, and now our troops can only fight on their own!"

"Evolution?" Nick's expression suddenly became solemn. As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he couldn't be more clear about the threat that zombies possessed the ability to evolve independently.

He hurriedly asked back: "All? In a short period of time?"

"Yes!" Black Widow firmly affirmed.

On the other hand, Hill also reported to Nick Hui: "The casualties of the ground forces are estimated to have exceeded 15%, and we must take action, sir." (To be continued.)

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