Just as Hanami and Conan were thinking about the case, Ayumi suddenly pointed to the sea and shouted, "Ahhh "

Hua Ming raised his head and took a look, and found that this small boat was the one that the little ghosts pushed into the water during the day, and remembered that it was pulled to the shore by the patrol officer later, why did it appear in the sea again at this time?

Officer Yokozo naturally noticed the boat when he heard Ayumi's shouting, and it was strange to think that there was a small boat floating near the murder scene, so he immediately ordered his subordinates to go to the sea and pull the boat up.

Hua didn't know how to see Officer Henggou standing on the shore to command, but he didn't go into the water by himself, so he couldn't help but look at him curiously, "Officer Sango, could it be that you can't swim?"

Officer Henggou was shocked, "Hahaha...... How is this possible, as a police officer, I naturally can't deign to do such a thing...... Aha......"

The tone in which he spoke was not confident at all, and Ayumi stared at him suspiciously, so much so that his face turned red.

"Really, my head looks like coral, but it's a landlubber......"

"Shan...... Coral?" Officer Henggou touched his hair, where does Lao Tzu's handsome hairstyle look like coral?

Soon the boat was pulled ashore, and Hua Ming was the first to run over to look, and found that there were about dozens of catties of standing water in the boat, and at the same time, there was an empty wine bottle and a slipper floating on the water. By the light of the flashlight, it was possible to see a button under the water, identical to the one on the deceased.

"No wonder the deceased's clothes are missing a button, and a slipper is missing on his feet, it turned out to be on a boat......" Hua Ming couldn't help but wonder, the body of the deceased was on the beach, why were the items on his body in the boat?

Officer Henggou grabbed the wine bottle with gloves on his gloves and muttered to himself, "I see, the murderer first drunk the deceased and then attacked him, but the deceased resisted desperately, and the murderer took a lot of effort to drown him, so the deceased was scarred." "

Hua Ming put forward a different opinion, "Isn't this too careless? If I were a murderer, I would definitely throw these items into the sea in order not to leave a trace." "

At the same time, an empty bottle floated from the sea, and Ayumi, who cares for the environment, immediately ran over when she saw it, "Really, how can you throw garbage into the ocean!" She was going to put the bottle away and take it to the hotel and throw it in the trash can later. However, before he could run a few steps, he fell and his palm was scratched by a shell.

Mitsuhiko immediately ran to help her up and asked intimately, "Are you okay?"

"Well, it's fine, but the palm of my hand was scratched by a shell. Ayumi said with her hands outstretched.

Conan, who was pondering, suddenly had an idea, and the bottle still had a shell...... Don't......

He immediately ran to the forensic officer, "Uncle, has the deceased's mobile phone been scratched?"

Hearing Conan's question, the forensic officer took out the phone, "Yes, you see, the whole phone is scratched and scarred by shells. "

After being confirmed, the corners of Conan's mouth raised a victory look, so it was, the prisoner was that guy......

Conan felt that he had mastered it, so he instructed the little ghosts to go to the case and use the props, and the little ghosts naturally happily agreed, and then ran happily.

Seeing Conan's face winning

"Conan, he's gone astray......" Hana said with regret.


"Hey, Mr. Policeman, how long are you going to keep us? It's almost twelve. Arden complained dissatisfiedly: "I called at eight o'clock and he answered, so I can't kill him!"

"Me too, I didn't come out of the temple until eight o'clock, and if I went around here first to kill Aramaki and then go to the hotel, it would take twenty minutes to run. Shinji added, "And the nearby terrain doesn't make it possible to use a vehicle unless you think I can fly a helicopter." "

Officer Henggou was very helpless, it seemed that it was impossible to continue to keep people, so he could only make a suggestion, "You must at least wait until the judicial autopsy confirms the time of death before leaving...... Otherwise, things will be very troublesome. "

Arden couldn't help but ask: "If you suspect that I am the murderer, then you can tell me how I used to get the deceased to pick up the phone." "

Just when Officer Yokogou was speechless, Dr. Asa suddenly spoke, "Just use the power of the sea." "

The power of the sea, everyone turned their heads and looked at him inexplicably, did this old man watch too many movies?

Hua Ming patted his forehead helplessly, and sure enough, Conan's reasoning was like this, it seems that he also made mistakes sometimes.

"Don't you understand?" said Dr. Asasa as he pointed to the empty jar in the distance, "Just look at the empty jar there." "

When everyone looked around, they saw the empty jars being pushed by the sea and rolling on the beach. Officer Henggou immediately clapped his hands and shouted: "I see! The corpse was rolled by the waves, and the mobile phone was in the same network with the corpse, so the call button of the mobile phone pressed against the shell, and then the corpse pressed the phone again, so that the phone was answered! In the same way, as long as the corpse rolled again, the call was hung up. "

He looked at Arden solemnly, "The scratches on the phone are the best evidence! You guessed that this would happen, that's why you called the deceased, trying to make people think that the deceased was still alive at that time." "

"Please, roll around and overwhelm the phone, and it just happens to be a call button, why don't you buy a lottery ticket?"

Indeed, this is very unlikely. Officer Henggou smiled faintly, "But then your alibi is not 100 percent." "

Arden glanced at him, "That's why I told you to hurry up and find out the time of death!"

Just then, a subordinate shouted, "Officer, the presumption of death has come out." "

So Officer Henggou whispered to his subordinates, as if it was a secret that could not be heard by others.

When Arden saw them sneaking around, he asked, "What are you doing? What time did you die?"

Officer Henggou turned around, and although he did not say the time of death, he said something else: "Unfortunately, judging from the time of death presumed by the medical examiner, the alibi of the three of you is all invalid!"

The three of them were stunned for a moment, didn't Aramaki die at eight o'clock?

Hua Ming heard the police officer's whisper, as he expected, because the body was beaten by the waves, the temperature and corpse spots were abnormal, and the exact time of death could not be deduced, and the answer was only an uncertain number - between six and half past nine in the afternoon.

"And what time did he die? Tell me quickly, we wouldn't have been able to kill him if we weren't here. Arden asked.

"Actually, even if you don't have a person here, you can kill him. Hanami suddenly walked over to the prop that Conan had prepared, "Just use this method." "

In fact, the method that Conan thought of was completely correct, and the reason why Hua Ming said that Conan went astray was because there was an accident in the process of implementing this set of techniques, and even the murderer did not expect an accident. So the original correct method has now lost its value, but Conan is unaware of it......

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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