The next few days were as calm as if nothing had happened, and it seemed that everyone had forgotten about the woman in the red dress.

Kogoro didn't come to the museum again, but Hana-unaka, Dr. Asasa and others came a few times, but after a few turns, they didn't seem to find anything, and in the end they had to leave in a huff.

Originally, there were two security guards at the museum, but since Shigeo Murakami resigned, only Masao Yamashita was left, and although the matter was no longer over, Director Kaneda could not feel at ease, so the museum has not been opened.

But even if the door was not opened, he still ordered Yamashita to go to work as usual every day, after all, security guards are different from waitress. Without customers, the waiters don't need to work, but the security guards need to watch the museum 24 hours a day. It's rare to go down the mountain, and after experiencing a supernatural event, he still works diligently, so that Director Furukawa Naomi has recruited a good security guard.

However, this calm is nothing more than a scene deliberately created by Hanai and Conan, in order to bring someone with a ghost to the surface.


Night enveloped the Rice Flower Art Museum, and a truck slowly drove up and stopped at the door.

A moment later, the carriage opened, and a group of hooded gangsters jumped out of the car, ran to the entrance of the art museum, and reached out to buckle the iron door.

Soon, as if there had been an agreement, someone in the museum opened the door for them. They stepped into it in such a grand manner that it was as if they had entered no man's land, leaving only one man to guard the door.

This person didn't know if it was a big brain, and he didn't feel the slightest nervousness while holding the wind at the door, but also leisurely lit a cigarette.


In the exhibition hall, when the group of people in black saw the dazzling array of artworks, a greedy look suddenly appeared in their eyes.

At this time, all the lights of the museum are lit up, and in an instant, the night turns into day.

"What's the situation?" the thieves were suddenly confused, their eyes full of horror, and the sudden change made them feel terrified.

Immediately after a loud sound of footsteps, a group of criminal policemen armed with firearms rushed into the exhibition hall and subdued the group of thieves as quickly as possible. They couldn't figure out why it was like this until they were pushed to the ground? Why didn't the people who let the wind react when a note came?

Hua Ming's group also appeared in the exhibition hall, and seeing the stunned look on the faces of this group of thieves, the corners of Conan's mouth twitched, "Don't guess, the guy who smoked at the door has been put down by Sister Xiaolan." "

At this time, Baoan Yamashita was also escorted by the police and walked over, but he obviously didn't give up, and kept defending himself, "Mr. Criminal Police, I really don't know them, I opened the door because they threatened me, I'm not a thief." Trust me!"

Hua Ming couldn't help but yawn, "If you don't know them, then who helped them turn off the gravity alarm?" "

Officer Twilight took a few steps closer and looked at the mountain angrily, the most hated thing in his life was the person who guarded the thief, no matter what department, the thief was always the most dangerous moth.

"You don't have to quibble, you know everything, including how to disable the alarm and keep it from being caught by the camera. Officer Twilight's face sank, "If the alarm doesn't go off, it's not that you can't sense the weight, but that it doesn't turn on at all! As a security guard, you open the door for thieves, it's a shame in the security world!"

In fact, the so-called supernatural events are ridiculous.

The cameras in the tunnel are installed alternately on the left and right, and there is a small dead space directly below each camera, so that the field of view of the two adjacent cameras will be set to have a meeting point to compensate for the defect of the dead space.

But Masao Yamashita deliberately adjusted the direction of the camera so that the intersection of the monitored field of view disappeared, so that a fault appeared every ten meters. As long as the location is marked on the ground with luminous tape, anyone who walks against the wall and steps on the tape every 10 meters to move to the foot of the other side of the wall can easily enter the exhibition hall.

The gang of thieves wanted to act that night, but the sudden appearance of a female ghost disrupted the plan, and Yamashita hurriedly destroyed all the arrangements, but because he was in a hurry, he left offset marks on the ground, because the harder the tape was torn, the more obvious the offset marks would be.

"When did you doubt me?" asked Masao Yamashita as if relieved.

Conan began to pretend to be indifferent again: "Actually, we even suspected Murakami, but then we learned that Murakami had taken a whole day off, and we knew that you were the only one who had the opportunity to adjust the camera." "

"Huh...... I see......" Masao Yamashita swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and suddenly showed a relieved expression.

Hua Ming suddenly noticed that his expression was wrong, and subconsciously blurted out: "It's not good!

As soon as he finished speaking, Yamashita spat out black blood and convulsed all over his body, which frightened Officer Takagi to retreat, and he fell to the ground with a "poof".

Officer Twilight was stunned, and when his plan failed, he committed suicide by taking poison and committing suicide. Where is this a thief? This is simply a killer's method......

Maori Kogoro hurriedly shouted, "Check their mouths!"

The detectives reacted and took off the hoods of all the thieves and began to check, only to find that there was no poison in their mouths, and it seemed that only Masao Yamashita had prepared this method in advance.

"Who are you?" Hua asked the living thief in a sharp voice, and also asked everyone's doubts.

"Speak quickly!" Kogoro grabbed one of them by the collar and roared angrily, his attitude was gone, and all that was left was full of majesty.

The man trembled with fright, "I...... We're really just stealing, and I don't know why he killed himself, boss......"

"Nonsense! Will a thief commit suicide by taking poison because he failed to commit a crime?" Kogoro rebuked loudly.

"Ah, I remember. The man suddenly remembered something, "The boss once said that someone valued him and invited him to join some organization, provided that the amount of the crime reached one billion yuan. "

The organization?Hua Ming, Conan, and Xiao Ai all frowned, could it be them......

No, no, they wouldn't do that, it should be some other organization.

"What's the name of the person who invited the mountain?" Hua Ming asked, squinting her eyes.

"I don't know, the boss doesn't seem to know his real name, only that his pseudonym is an English alphabet......"

Kogoro was so anxious, "What letters? Can you finish all at once?"

“J...... It's the J of the English alphabet!"

Suddenly, Hua Ming remembered something that the silver fox had said to Pu Si Qinglan, there was a person who claimed to be J to call the White Castle, although the voice was a teenager, but the tone was very arrogant. Say that the country is about to be destroyed, and want to join forces with the White Castle to create a new world.

At first, Hua Ming regarded him as a secondary disease, but now that I think about it, I'm afraid something is really going to happen......

By the way, since it's an assessment of others, then you will send someone to observe nearby, right?

Thinking of this, Hua turned around and rushed out of the museum, but the streets were deserted, and there was no one left. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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