Detective from The Future

Chapter 10: on site

In the kitchen.

Han Bin washes and cuts vegetables first, takes care of all the ingredients, removes the fishy line, and marinates the meat and fish in advance.

Afterwards, brush the pot on the fire, heat the pot with cool oil, and fry a piece of Mushu meat first.

Then came sweet and sour carp, roasted sea cucumber with green onion, and vinegar cabbage.

Han Weidong will taste every dish brought out of the kitchen.

At the beginning, he was skeptical, and the food came to his mouth with a look of surprise.

"Hey, this Mushu meat is not bad." Han Weidong was a little surprised.

"Really, the cooking skills are almost catching up with me." Wang Huifang praised.

"This kid is still hiding a hand, it took so long to reveal it, I don't even know about it as a father."

The sweet and sour carp was served, and just looking at the shape and smelling the taste, it felt very good.

"It's a bit like a restaurant chef." Han Weidong smiled, holding a piece of chopsticks: "Well, don't tell me, this juice is delicious."

"I'll try it." Wang Huifang also sandwiched a piece of fish.

"Well, does your son's cooking skills surpass you?" Han Weidong smiled.

The sweet and sour carp dish is more troublesome and oily. Wang Huifang rarely cooks it at home.

"Don't say it too early, let's take a look at the next dish, the sea cucumber is not handled well, and the smell is very big." Wang Huifang was not convinced.

She has cooked for a lifetime, but she doesn't want to be compared to her son who cooks for the first time.

Although Han Bin is cooking for the first time, his cooking skills seem to be carved in his head.

As seafood, the fishy smell of sea cucumbers is unavoidable. It is important to use green onions to remove the fishy smell. When frying the shallot oil, be sure to use warm fire to let the aroma of the green onions slowly penetrate into the oil. After the green onions turn yellow fish out.

Then add the scallions and stir-fry with the sea cucumber, thicken and collect the juice.

The sea cucumber with green onion was served in the pot, and Wang Huifang took a bite and stopped talking.

Han Weidong took a bite, showing a look of aftertaste, and squeezed his eyes: "How is it?"

"Ah, it's not bad."

"Haha..." Han Weidong smiled, and said in his heart, it's more than good, he can open a small restaurant.

Of course, Han Bin is cooking for the first time after all. The cooking speed and heat control are still somewhat different from the restaurant chef.

The last vinegar cabbage was served, and the family began to eat.

"Parents, how is the cooking done?" Han Bin did not know how to cook for the first time.

"Yes, especially this scallion roasted sea cucumber, which is very fresh." Han Weidong was full of praise.

"Son, or you can switch to being a chef. This talent for cooking is definitely inherited from Mom."

"Haha..." Han Bin laughed.

His cooking skills are still rewarded by solving crimes, so naturally he can't give up everything.

It’s rare for a family to have lunch together, and it’s fun to have a meal while chatting.

Having dinner with his parents, Han Bin has a good appetite. A family of three eats all the dishes on the table cleanly.

From an objective point of view, it proved Han Bin's cooking skills.

"Ding Dong."

In Han Bin's mind, the warning sound of the police badge sounded: "Police Officer 577533, the food has been approved by relatives, and the cooking proficiency is +3."

"I am a criminal police officer, what's the use of learning life skills?"

"Police are also human beings. They need a combination of work and rest in order to be physically and mentally healthy and serve the people better," the police badge reminded.

Han Bin thinks about it, and thinks that there is some truth. If you are poor, you will be alone. If you are rich, you will benefit the world. Only if you arrange your own life can you have an upright heart and better serve the people.

After the meal, Han Bin and his father made a pot of tea, ready to drink some tea and digest.

"Tingling bell..." A cell phone rang.

Han Bin saw that Zeng Ping was calling: "Team Zeng."

"Han Bin, you kid, you can only rest for half a day today."

"Is the case filed?"

"I'll send you an address and come to the scene quickly."


Hanging up the phone, Han Weidong couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"


"Go, pay attention to safety." Han Weidong exhorted.

"Son, didn't you rest today, why did you leave again?" Wang Huifang walked out of the kitchen.

"There is a case, I have to rush over now."

"Bang!" The door closed, and Wang Huifang sighed: "Look, I'm busier than your director."

"When I was young, it was not the same." Han Weidong smiled.


Huacui District.

This is an old community, low-rise small slab building, located near the city center, belonging to the school district, the price is not low.

The crime scene was in Room 201 of a unit.

Han Bin was a little surprised. There was no cordon at the door and no policeman on duty.

As soon as he reached the second floor, the door opened and Li Hui showed his head: "Binzi, come in."

"What is the case, so mysterious?"


Han Bin nodded. Generally speaking, kidnapping cases should be investigated at a low level, so as not to stimulate the kidnappers and tear up votes.

Han Bin put on the shoe covers and entered room 201.

There are a lot of people in the room, except for Zeng Ping, Tian Li, and Zhao Ming, there are also people from the technical team monitoring the phone.

A strange middle-aged man, sitting on the sofa with a cell phone on the coffee table in front of him, looked anxious, as if waiting for something.

Han Bin observed: "Team Zeng, what's the situation?"

"The victim is 13 years old and a middle school student." Li Hui pointed to the strange man:

"This is the victim's father, Cao Hua. He received a text message at noon today saying that his son had been kidnapped. He hurried home and found the door was open, the table in the living room was upside down, and the chair was upside down, so he called the police. ."

"Has the source of the phone been found?"

"It's the victim's cell phone."

"Any clues to the kidnappers?" Han Bin said.

Li Hui took the stubborn words: "According to our estimation, the kidnapper should be a male, about 1.8 meters tall."

"Have you found the surveillance?"

"No, this is an old community, not even a property company, and no monitoring installed." Li Hui shook his head.

"How do you know the height of the kidnapper?" Han Bin asked.

"Look, there are two sets of shoe prints beside the table." Tian Li pointed to the corner of the living room.

Han Bin turned his head and looked. Juice was spilled next to the table. Two sets of footprints of different shades were stamped on the ground. One set of footprints was clearer and the other set was a little fuzzy.

Li Hui walked over and pointed to the shoe print on the ground: "From the texture of the sole, it should be a pair of leather shoes, size 44. From the length of the feet, it can be inferred that his height is about 180."

After finishing talking, Li Hui spread his hands, as if saying, "Look, you are not the only one who can identify with the trail."

I can do it too!

Zeng Ping ignored Li Hui and turned to look at Han Bin who was aside: "What do you think?"

Han Bin walked over and carefully observed the two sets of shoe prints: "Have you found traces of the kidnappers?"


"Did you determine the physical characteristics of the kidnapper as a male with a height of about 180?"

"Women don't wear this style of leather shoes." Li Hui shrugged.

Han Bin got up and shook his head: "The direction of investigation is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"The height of the kidnapper is not about 1.8 meters, but about 1.6 meters."

"Impossible, you are taking a good look. Can a one-meter-sixth person wear size 44 leather shoes?" Li Hui questioned.

Han Bin smiled and explained: "This is a very clumsy disguise. Small feet wear big shoes."

"Little feet wear big shoes?" Li Hui muttered, "How do you tell?"

"First, heavy heels often appear on the heel of the shoe print; second, the big toe is pressed tightly against the front edge of the shoe print, and the other four toes are heavily pressed; third, the heel is heavily pressed on the shoe print. The lower edge of the arch is clearly reflected."

"So, our investigation direction is completely wrong?" Tian Li spread his hands.

Han Bin stretched out his hand and patted Li Hui on the shoulder: "Little young man, I still owe it to fire."

"If the kidnapper's height is only about 1.6 meters, not much taller than the victim, the possibility of kidnapping is unlikely, and it's more like kidnapping." Zhao Ming analyzed.

Zeng Ping frowned: "Recheck!"

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