Detective Training Manual

Chapter 90: Established!

   Zhou Yan really did not expect that naming the detective agency would fall on his own head.

   He hesitated: "Um, what this detective agency says is yours, let me name it, it's not very good."

"Don't mind, I don't listen to you completely. I will definitely participate." Lin Xi waved his hand: "In fact, this afternoon, I have been thinking about the name of the detective agency, and I have also figured out a few things. Nice name, you can listen to it."

   "Okay." Zhou Yan nodded.

   "Cough cough..." Lin Xi cleared his throat: "How about "Seriously Responsible Detective Agency" It's simple and straightforward, easy to understand."

   "..." Zhou Yan was silent for a while: " are not serious, right?"

"Oh?" Lin Xi frowned slightly: "Is this a bad name? Forget it, I still have a few candidates... how about this... it's called "Perseverance Detective Agency". It is in line with my style of doing things."

   Zhou Yan swallowed. The way he looked at Lin Xi didn't seem to be joking. Therefore, he couldn't help feeling a very bad feeling.

   Lin Xi looked a little silly at Zhou Yan, and the worry between her brows became deeper.

"Why, isn't this okay?" She wondered: "Well, maybe we two have different perceptions of names, but it doesn't matter. I have an alternative name. You must like it. Let's call... ... "Yi Xiang Wu Qian Detective Agency", you will never like this, right?"

   Lin Xi said, and then looked at Zhou Yan very much.

   Zhou Yan was panicked. This is the first time he still doubts whether he joined Linxi's detective agency a bit hastily.

   The name of this woman is simply a waste!

"That...or else, how many names should I give you?" Zhou Yan asked tentatively, trying to quietly divert Lin Xi's attention from those names that she started with. .

   This Nima is simply a disaster.

   Lin Xi also nodded: "Well, I wanted to ask for your opinion."

   Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly took out the notebook in his pocket and looked through it. ,

   Anyway, the people in the book should be better at naming than Lin Xi.

   [Gao 呱Pang Duan: This is the detective agency that the house thief has expanded]

"Hiss..." Zhou Yan's breath was so cold that his lungs were exploding. This Nima, now human beings, "named and discarded" are already considered a universal genetic problem. Is it?

   [Fu Poison_Work: The Detective Agency of Heaven and Earth]

   "No, right? Why is that bad premonition getting stronger and stronger?"

  【Xia Zhilan Lan: Hell Frontier】

  【Xia Zhilan Lan: The Reincarnation of the Other Shore】

  【Hailin Lin Lin Mu: Yan Ling Detective Agency】

"This Nima is **** and the other side. In the end, even the spirit of the word came out. Can you make the name of the sun and put up this sign, it seems to be the same as directly doing the funeral of the deceased, who Will come!"

   [Big Big Wall: The Detective Agency Opposite The Truth]

  【Mikoto’s Guardian Angel: Just call the Weird Detective Agency! 】

   [The terrible me: Order Fund... Well, Order Detective Agency? 】

   [Hammer who loves to eat rice with rice: Far East Magic Day Sleep Association]

  The people in the book are still very active in naming, and you can see these names popping out one after another.

   But... the more names that popped out, the colder Zhou Yan's heart became.

   This Nima! I feel that the people in the book are named at this level... and they are basically the same as Lin Xi!

  【一丨Old Bookworm: No commissioned detective agency】

   "This Nima is here to do something! Believe it or not, if I have a pen in my hand, it will be dark for you now!"

   Just when Zhou Yan felt that the guys in the book seemed to be useless...


   It seems that he finally saw a name that looked like a little talk.

   [A child who loves to read: Why not call Yanxi Detective Agency]

   "emmmm..." Zhou Yan looked at the name and hesitated for a while.

   At this time, Lin Xi's voice remembered: "How is it, do you have any good ideas? If not, I think "Powerful Detective Agency" is good."

"and many more!"

   Zhou Yan immediately drank: "I thought about it, [Yanxi Detective Agency], what do you think?"

   "Yanxi?" Lin Xi also squeezed his chin and hesitated: "Is it just a word for each of us? It feels very ordinary. Do you really think this name is better than [Qianli]?"

Seeing Lin Xi's hesitation, how can Zhou Yan hesitate anymore, in case this lady really gets hot and decides to call [Strong Power], then when I declare my family in the future, I don’t have to be as uncomfortable as suffocating myself. .

   So he quickly interrupted Lin Xi's thoughts.

   "The name Yanxi is really good, you see, this detective agency was established by the two of us, right, one word for each, how appropriate. And it also represents the unity of this detective agency."

   "Unity?" Lin Xi questioned.

   "Yes, even the names are put together, can we not unite? Also, this name also represents the importance the boss of the detective agency attaches to its employees.

   Otherwise, how can even the name of the detective agency mention the employees. With this point alone, our detective agency will certainly not be worse off accepting new members in the future. "

   "emmm..." Lin Xi said in deep thought.

"Also, the meaning of the word Yanxi is also very far-reaching. Detectives, every word of ours must have the ability and responsibility to determine the course of the case, so it must be like a stream, clear, continuous and powerful. Be unassuming and never stop."

   Zhou Yan's ability to run a train with his mouth full, he doesn't know what he's talking about now, anyway, it's just a mess.

   No matter what, as long as Lin Xi is not allowed to name the detective agency, he can do any nonsense.

   Lin Xi looked at Zhou Yan suspiciously. He felt that this guy was talking nonsense.


   "It seems to be pretty good," she murmured.

   "Hoo~" Zhou Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it's okay to give a name, just like Dujie.

   Lin Xi smiled, she looked at Zhou Yan: "Okay, don't be so nervous, I know my name is bad."

   "Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "You...know?"

"Of course I know. After so many years, someone must have questioned my ability in this area, otherwise I won't call you over so late." She said, "Anyway, if you call Xiyan, just call Xiyan. No matter what, it should be better than me."

   "But...I'm talking about [Yanxi]."

   "What do you think? This is my detective agency, no matter what, my name must be put in front."

   "Uh...okay." Zhou Yan looked at each other a little embarrassed.

   Anyway, I decided on the name first.

at this time......

   "Wait a minute..." Zhou Yan suddenly remembered something: "That...have you heard of [Detective Club]?"

   Zhou Yan asked.

   As soon as this question came out, Lin Xi was stunned.

   She looked at Zhou Yan with a strange look...

   "Detective club? How do did you know this kind of thing?" she asked suspiciously.

   Zhou Yan was overjoyed, thinking that, as expected, detectives should know this kind of place.

   "Just leave it alone, tell me first, what is that place? How can I go?"

   "Huh?~" Lin Xi smiled suddenly: "Are you stupid? The Detective Club is just a story to lie to children, it doesn't exist at all, okay."

   "What? Doesn't exist?"

   "That's right." Lin Xi said, "The detective club is just a legend passed down among the detectives, uh... In fact, in recent years, detectives have not mentioned this word much.

   Only when the parents are detectives and their children want to hear the story, and the parents don’t know what to tell, will the ‘Detective Club’ be moved out. "

   Zhou Yan scratched his head: "Is this... just a place that only appears in the story? But please tell me, it is very important to me,"

"Okay." Lin Xi continued to look at Zhou Yan in confusion, and said: "Actually, there is nothing to say. In the legend, there is a [Detective Club]. No one knows where it is, but it is everywhere. .

   As long as there are cases in the world that no one can solve, this detective club will suddenly come.

   There are all detectives who can stand shoulder to shoulder with God. They know everything and know everything.

   As long as they appear, all the problems will be solved.

   As for how to find this [Detective Club], there are different opinions in different versions of the story.

   Some say, as long as you have been obedient since childhood, go to bed on Then when you have something that cannot be solved, the detective club will automatically come to you.

   Of course, this sound was adapted by parents to coax their children at will.

   A more normal way of saying that have to die. "

   Zhou Yan was taken aback: "Death? What do you mean?"

"It means that when you are alive, there is no way to find the detective club. You can only enter when you die, and the premise is that you have become a quilt like'Sherlock Poirot' before you die. Only a famous detective that the whole world admires.

   The detective club is equivalent to the "Hall of Valor" in the detective world. You will be accepted by it, and then your soul will continue to guard the world. "

   "emmm..." After listening to Lin Xi's words, Zhou Yan was not only lost in thought.

   This fucking, it sounds like a myth, it's just a detective version.

   So looking at it this way, if you want to find [Detective Club], you have to jump off the floor or something?

   No, you have to become a well-known big detective all over the world, with countless honors, adoration, and when you are about to show your ambitions, you can jump off the building.

   Isn't that a joke?

   Zhou Yan was very depressed thinking...

   "Well, no matter what, it seems that it is possible to become a famous detective first..."

   At this point of thought, Zhou Yan can only comfort himself in this way.

   "That... there's another thing..."

   he said again.

   Then he reached into his pocket and took out his mobile phone.

   Zhou Yan turned on the screen and turned to Linxi.

   "Do you know this woman?"


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