Devil Emperor

Chapter 64 - Annoucement to make...

Nothing bad... don't worry. The novel is continuing with a stable release rate and nothing changes about this. Just a few adjustments and things to say...

1. Don't worry, this conquest Arc is ending after ten chapters... I made it a bit longer for my taste than I when I was writing this Arc, I wanted to know to what extent and details I could write planar conquest in preparations for Great War in this volume and, for the Astral Boundary in later volume A.K.A. when the real story truly stars at full.

2. 2-Dollar Tier was deleted from Pa-tr-eon

3. Primordial Divinity Stage God is now officially changed to the Mighty Divinity Stage God, or just Mighty Stage God. When I was working on my power ranking for various races, systems, and universes, I noticed it would later lead to confusion in later Volumes.

4. I will be releasing a new novel on ... with the release rate of when I want... meaning I will be writing chapters when I want to take a break from Crimson Devil... It is called Ruler of Blood and Iron, a crossover of several worlds... go to read it... try it... thanks...

Thank you for your attention and for reading this announcement till the end

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