Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 125 Lost of reason

At this time, the people on the bridge were stunned and silent.

Everyone's mouths were desperately opened, and their eyeballs seemed to be protruding from fright.

Song Keqing covered his mouth with his small hands, and looked at Tang Tianyou standing on the sand in surprise, his eyes showed a hint of obsession.

The gangster Song Peng got up from the ground in embarrassment, his face was ashamed, and he was sweating profusely. He didn't understand why he just followed that boy around in circles and became like this.

He didn't understand, he didn't understand that he was thrown out like garbage by the thin-looking young man in front of him. This fact, which no one could accept, actually happened in front of him.  Urban Devil Fruit 125

Song Peng's eyes became even redder. It was the first time he had such a strong urge to kill someone. The young man in front of him, the bustling crowd on the bridge in the distance, and the police rushing over seemed to be Laugh at yourself, laugh at yourself for being incompetent, laugh at yourself for not even being able to kill a child!

No! impossible! The situation just now was a coincidence, it must be a coincidence, but now, as long as he is serious, that little bastard who dared to humiliate him will definitely die without a place to die.

Song Peng picked up the steel knife from the ground, walked towards Tang Tianyou step by step with a smirk, he wanted Tang Tianyou to clearly feel how life was disappearing bit by bit.

He wants to cut off the flesh and blood of the boy who dared to humiliate him one by one, he wants to look at his desperate eyes before the moment, and he longs to hear the scream of the boy before he died.

Angry, the arrest is nothing, he no longer cares about the police approaching here, he only has one thought in his mind at this moment: kill that little bastard!

at all costs!

Tang Tianyou raised his hands horizontally and made a Tai Chi gesture. The attack just now made his mind immerse in a state as clear as a mirror.

The photographic memory began to play a role in his mind, and the boxing manual of Tai Chi Chuan Beginner's Guide was quickly flipped through his mind page by page, in detail. In just one second, he had already read the entire book. The book is familiar with the chest.

Gradually, he seemed to feel that a transparent circle had been erected on his body, within this circle, no matter how fierce the enemy's attack was, he could not break through it.

Within a radius, everything is invincible!

Tang Tianyou seemed to have this feeling of self-confidence and invincibility.

An unknown crisis rose in Song Peng's heart. It was a sense of crisis that was born after years of hard work. He intuitively felt that the young man in front of him seemed dangerous, but he couldn't explain why.

However, he is really too angry now. He completely hates the young man in front of him who has completely humiliated him. He will not give up until he chops Tang Tianyou into meat paste.

What's more, if he didn't see some blood on this kid today, he would be called "Quick Dao Song" in vain!

He changed from holding the knife in the forehand to the backhand, and the backhand holding the knife was faster than the forehand holding the knife, no matter the power or speed of the chiseling.

And he, a gangster with some knowledge in using knives, is best at using a backhanded knife. In the past, all the people who were stabbed by him with a backhanded knife were seriously injured and hospitalized on the verge of death, but now he also used a backhanded knife against Tang Tianyou This shows how much he hates Tang Tianyou!

Although the backhand knife is faster than the forehand knife, the distance of the blade is not as far as the forehand knife, so Song Peng tried to get as close as possible to Tang Tianyou, trying to knock him over with one blow, and then before the police arrived, immediately run away.

Unexpectedly, Tang Tianyou had no intention of running away, and stood motionless on the spot, which made Song Peng somewhat surprised and pleasantly surprised.

At this time, the distance between the two is less than one meter, which is the best distance for backhand swords, and Song Peng is also standing in the best position for swords.  Urban Devil Fruit 125

Song Peng swung out the sharp knife in his hand, and the light and shadow of the white blade still remained in the air. At a speed imperceptible to the naked eye, the sharp blade quickly cut straight towards Tang Tianyou's shoulder blade.

The knife was very fast, but after Song Peng swung it, he realized that something was wrong. He was obviously standing one meter to the right of Tang Tianyou's center.

In this way, it is convenient for his right knife to gain the maximum space to gather momentum, and Tang Tianyou has just been at the edge of the radius of one meter when he swings the knife, so he can bear his knife injury to the maximum extent.

However, after he went out, he realized that Tang Tianyou had moved to the elbow of his right hand, which was the dead corner of his backhand knife. How did this kid in front of him do it? !

Song Peng was startled suddenly, and wanted to take back the knife he swung, but it was too late, and Tang Tianyou's palms supported the elbow of his right hand that swung the knife one inch above.

With the strength of his waving arms, he turned to the back of Song Peng's body, but Song Peng felt that his body deviated from the center of gravity, couldn't stop the momentum, staggered forward a few steps and fell to the ground.

The whole process looked as if he was waving his hand to block Tang Tianyou behind him while he tripped and fell to the ground. It was so ridiculous that the people watching the excitement on the bridge burst into laughter.

Song Peng got up from the ground again, the anger in his heart seemed to burn all his rationality, and the aggrieved and jealousy in his heart rose to another level.

I have never been so useless before, never before, even if he was injured in a fight and stabbed someone, it never made him so angry like this now.

Because although he usually did it with real knives and real guns, he didn't suffer a loss when he was hit by a knife and then hacked back, but now he was knocked down as soon as he came into contact with this kid. 』Never touched, just like a Spanish bullfight, damn, is he that bull that people play with?

More importantly, seeing the police rushing towards him from a distance, he panicked, he didn't care about that much anymore, he made up his mind to go all out, and now he only needs to hack the kid in front of him to death just fine.

Tang Tianyou frowned, the current Song Peng was full of overwhelming aura, it was the aura exuded by a mafia gangster who knew he would be sentenced, but gave up his escape and wanted to hack him to death.

At this time, people can no longer be called human beings.

His narrow mind has caused his mind to be burned by anger, and his mind is not controlled by the brain, like a ferocious beast purely for hurting people!

"Huh? Have you lost your mind? It seems a bit bad from the situation."

However, he didn't want to continue playing any longer. If this irrational beast was desperate to die, he would still hurt Song Keqing, although he was capable of keeping Song Keqing safe.

However, he is not afraid of the eventuality, he is afraid of 10,000, he will kill all dangers in the cradle, not even a single dangerous bud will emerge!

"Forget it, it's not interesting to continue playing with him, let's stop here for the experiment."

Tang Tianyou stared at Song Peng who was charging towards him with a knife.

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